QOTD: I don't know how she didn't come up but Kai'sa is just the worst Champ to play against, she has just everything a Champion could want. A Kit so busted with synergy staffing in every Team. Also most of her Players have a way to big of an ego considering they are playing a busted Champ
ОтветитьThe only reason i like katarina and kassadin is because pantheon exists
ОтветитьSurprised Teemo is still on the list with the new items and champs.
ОтветитьShaco for sure 😭
ОтветитьImagine fighting against Teemo AND Shaco. xd only sweepers and SUCH A PAIN
ОтветитьIt's funny that they think that most people hate yasuo because he is "DiFfIcUlt To DeAl wItH" .... Not because everyone is inting with this champion....
Ответитьimagine not putting lulu here
ОтветитьSee no one hates Pyke support with hob !
ОтветитьQOTD: urgot. Nothing is more frustrating than getting sniped by him and watching the chains fly across your screen as you slowly get pulled in to die.
ОтветитьSurprisingly Yasuo and Zed ain't here at all
Ответитьare you joking sett should be number 1
ОтветитьQOTD: Fizz.
ОтветитьPoke champs. Xerath, lux, velkoz. Just a super pain in lane with barrier
Ответитьwhere is fizz, shaco, zoe and rammus
ОтветитьQOTD: i will say it simply. I HATE YUMMI
ОтветитьQOTD: Zed. Just Zed. Also, YASUO IS GARA!?!?
ОтветитьQotd: as a tank main I hate vayne… a lot. Idc if she is top or adc her existence in the enemy team makes me wonder why I didn’t ban her.
ОтветитьDid they forgot sylas exists?
ОтветитьProGuides: MOST HATED CHAMPIONS nobody wants to play against
Also ProGuides: Here is how to play them
Cheers for that..
QotD: Every time I have to face off against Pyke, I lose my shit. Every damn ult cast is at least a free triple kill. I seriously hate that kill stealing bastard with every single bloodcell in my body.
His Q has the dumbest hitbox and it makes Thresh's hook look accurate. His invisibility is a pain in the butt because you have no idea where he's going, and his dash always grants him a free escape tool when finally gets within kill range
Why is Zac jungle not on this list🧐
ОтветитьQOTD: Fiora & Vayne. %max health true dmg is one of dumbest mechanics I've seen in any game ever.
ОтветитьQOTD:What if I say none?
ОтветитьQOTD: every time when i play Draven everybody camp bot side :D and shit talking and saying he is a no skill AA champ and DrAvEn iS BrOkEn.........but when he/she try to play him always crying its too hard for him/her.... :D
Ответитьforgot to mention seraphines shit lore, and shitty design. Look at the fucking "walk" animation, its so cringe. Also a huge insult to Sona and making her mostly obsolete. Seraphine doesnt belong in League
ОтветитьWhere are:
I think top 10 fell short on how many champions are very annoying to deal with this season... and there are even more that I personally despise, although they're not as bad as all those globally hated champs (Braindead autokite jinx, Queen of denying Janna, The most OP champ in the game when mastered Lee, Most ridiculous ulti in the game that should have a range limit Shen, Made the game a 4v4 because I won't let this guy specifically move at all Leona, Hook as wide as my personality Nautilus)
qotd: where the hell is shaco? he should be atleast in top 5
ОтветитьQOTD Blitzcrank: He has the only hook in the game with no counterplay. Hooked by Thresh, Nautilus, Pyke, Leona, etc? Run Cleanse or buy QSS and you're good. Not Blitzcrank. I permaban since I mainly play long-range siege champs he counters.
ОтветитьQOTD: Darius. I was going 9 - 3 - 0 in my first ever mid lane game, and ended 11 - 8 - 3 because the Teemo spoon fed him about 7 kills in the first 15 minutes
ОтветитьQOTD: Lucian and Vayne, especially when Lulu are with them...
ОтветитьQotd: Yorick. Don’t ignore him.
ОтветитьQOTD: Lux. Just Lux. A support should NOT be able to put out so much damage.
ОтветитьQotd: Samira bot, eben after all the nerfs she got to much utility. Since her release in never Ban anything else.....
ОтветитьVayne i Hate her, fizz as well, gwen and zed
ОтветитьI tend to like the ones everyone hates and hate the ones everyone likes lol
ОтветитьQOTD: let's just say that there's a reason I on sight Seraphines
ОтветитьWhere shaco?
Ответитьso like where's zed?
ОтветитьYuumi us probly worst playing against her is vero annoying and when u get her inyour team player that plays her mostly a guy that got boosted by not having do to anything as this champ meaning that her vision score will never be as good as enemy supp
ОтветитьThis guy clearly hasn’t played against Leona
ОтветитьWhere tf is garen
ОтветитьQOTD: Brand, Brand, and Brand.
Edit: forgot about Brand
+ Blitzcrank
QOTD: I fucking hate Galio with a fiery passion.
ОтветитьQOTD: Any Noxian Champion, They are just scary as hell
ОтветитьAll japanese release/reworks are cancer. Yasuo Yone Gwen and Akali
ОтветитьQOTD: Pyke and Sett, no champion should have the ability to stun/one-shot kill you or have shielded burst damage
Ответить1. Trynda