► Brown Noise Sounds for 10 hours WITH VIDEO ~ Tinnitus Relief/Masking, Studying, or Sleeping

► Brown Noise Sounds for 10 hours WITH VIDEO ~ Tinnitus Relief/Masking, Studying, or Sleeping

SleepDroid Studios Sleep Sounds

4 года назад

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Re-combobulate - 19.08.2023 03:17

love it! thank you!

Menacia Jones
Menacia Jones - 08.08.2023 05:26

Saw a commercial on tv with examples of brown, pink and white noise, don’t think I’ve ever paid as much attention to a commercial previously. Love this for my tinnitus, anxiety, and insomnia.

MoCoyotes - 31.07.2023 08:55

This is my every night sound. Thank you!

Tiffany Lee
Tiffany Lee "T" Brown - 07.07.2023 08:48

This is basically like the ocean, without the breaks. I dig it!

Ms. Courtney P
Ms. Courtney P - 26.06.2023 13:41

Just wanted to say my family and i listen to this every single night and have for almost two years. The insomnia before discovering this would make me cry. This has forever changed my life. And for the record, my daughter loves the intro. For her it's like the signal to sleep 😊

Mya Lyk
Mya Lyk - 06.06.2023 15:41

Never pray you have Tinnitus condition because it is a great torment, I can’t sleep at night. I am very happy and grateful to Dr Madida whom gave me a herbal remedy that help me cure my Tinnitus condition, now I can sleep comfortably and live my normal life without any disturbance inside ears👂👂👂.

Metal_Gear_Matt - 18.05.2023 11:17

2 years on and still clicking every day to sleep then drown out noise the other half of the day. Helps me with my misophonia. Again many thanks! 🙏 You saved my mental health and made it easier for others at home and work.

B L - 30.04.2023 03:17

I cannot begin to express my gratitude for this video. I have some children living on one side of me who love to shoot hoops about 15 feet from my window, and on the other side I have (very sweet) dog who barks at EVERYTHING. Can't be helped, just the normal sounds of living in a neighborhood, but I am easily bothered by noise. This video is the only thing keeping me sane some days, as it blocks noise on both sides of my home. Will try to donate what I can when I can as often as I can because I am truly grateful! Thank you!

JackassalopeFilms - 09.04.2023 15:04

I think I have misophonia because I can't stand any noise while I try to sleep or it just drives me insane. Now I'm sleep deprived 😭

Peace Be Still Gaming
Peace Be Still Gaming - 09.04.2023 07:58


Dane Jones
Dane Jones - 05.04.2023 11:05

Definitely a sure fire way to open demonic portals to your subconscious while you”re asleep 😳

Aboriginese Deschapparrillio
Aboriginese Deschapparrillio - 27.03.2023 12:15

It’s great until 5 am when two ads play, waking you up and then you can’t get back to sleep!

Patty Rogala
Patty Rogala - 21.03.2023 03:51

My tinnitus is at all time highs so this does not mask it. My chiropractor told me about this today. I will keep praying for healing and that someday this brown noise masks the sirens in my head. I have had tinnitus for years and learned to live with it, but since October I cannot even think!

Justin Kayal
Justin Kayal - 14.03.2023 19:11

I remember mom paid good money for us NOT to hear this..... But I digress.... My woman said I love this and I'd never sleep without it. She also says the kids love it too....

Alex Oliveira
Alex Oliveira - 07.03.2023 03:57

Has been like a light switch for my pulsatile tinnitus

Chris Cunningham
Chris Cunningham - 02.03.2023 23:00

I am on a spaceship where there are no trailer park managers.

dualmass - 23.02.2023 05:35

It’s like sleeping with your balcony door open on a cruise ship, nothing better

Cynthia Roberts
Cynthia Roberts - 17.02.2023 12:42

Nope not for me, IT sounds like tv static and its annoying.

Silvi Copper
Silvi Copper - 08.02.2023 23:05

PLEASE make a green noise :) I love your sounds, they are the clearest ones on yt and with no loop!

Maxteel2u - 08.02.2023 09:37

Thanks for this gift. going to share this with many stressed friends for rest. my friend just introduced brown noise to me. instantly loving it

Joshua Taylor
Joshua Taylor - 28.01.2023 07:57

I've been suffering from insomnia for years. I've been listening to this every night for almost a week. Since then I've been getting 2-3 more hours of sleep every night. I'm less tired during the day. The sound makes me feel like I'm back in Switzerland listening to the steady roar of a glacier fed waterfall cutting through a mountain.

Gayle Tel
Gayle Tel - 22.01.2023 01:25

I don't have issues falling asleep, I have issues staying asleep. I have been listening to 'brown noise' for 4 nights now. For the most part, I have been staying asleep longer than my usual 3-4 hours. I am hoping if I keep listening to it, I will stay asleep longer. I do not know how I have never heard of it before. I find it very soothing and relaxing.

Josh Black
Josh Black - 21.01.2023 11:06

Sounds like the ocean or a waterfall

KlikkGang - 13.01.2023 15:14

My tinnitus increases by hearing this...

Alyssa Benson
Alyssa Benson - 10.01.2023 04:15

I've been listening to this every night for almost 2 years ❤

S. ridell
S. ridell - 08.01.2023 14:46

Was great until an ad woke up the baby 😢😢😢

patty jackson
patty jackson - 04.01.2023 10:50

All good EXCEPT the speaking at beginning. Nearly wakes the grandkids up each time. Ya it's a real thing,

Ron H
Ron H - 03.01.2023 20:27

Great to sleep by. I also use to drown out my noisy neighbor. He has every power tool known to man and uses them 24 7 365. Right now it's Jan 3 in Michigan, before noon and he is using something that sounds like a dentist's drill right next to our fence. SOB!

5 - 19.12.2022 03:26

Mmmmm plop!!

Fugly Tard
Fugly Tard - 16.12.2022 08:41

Helps with constipation.

Mary Aigler
Mary Aigler - 06.12.2022 19:00

Just discovered brown noise— sooo restful. I have a sleep mask with Bluetooth patches for my ears— works beautifully.

LoAd Cartoons
LoAd Cartoons - 05.12.2022 09:53

I dont get it, sounds when you put your hands over your ears because the TV static was too loud.

Vanilla Violet
Vanilla Violet - 26.11.2022 07:43

I tried all the different brown noise videos but this one has the perfect mixture of sounds for sleeping. Thank you!!!

kawaii_ Pandagirl
kawaii_ Pandagirl - 22.11.2022 22:49

Suddenly I can breathe clear

Antilazuli - 21.11.2022 11:57

Its like your brain finally stops thinking for a while

Daniel Guzman
Daniel Guzman - 19.11.2022 12:54

I read some of the comments on this video. They are quite helpful, so I thought I should share my experience.

I am a musician, so I get exposed to really loud music for prolonged periods of time. Even though I wear ear protection, my ears have been killing me for the past few weeks. I have tinnitus and hyperacusis. Tinnitus is the constant ringing in your ear(s), while hyperacusis is the perception that sounds are louder than they are, and even painful. I got both of these conditions from performing loud music.

My hyperacusis is worse than my tinnitus. I mostly hear a ringing on my left ear, but sometimes on my right. Hyperacusis, on the other hand, is painful almost all the time. Almost any sound irritates my ears, and they hurt. I also have a baby who sometimes cries, or screams, and this makes my pain to come back, or get worse.

Today, I spoke with my nurse about it, and she advised me to stop drinking alcohol, coffee, or aspirin because any of these make the condition worse. She also advised me to listen to brown noise to soothe my ears, so here I am. My appointment to see the audiologist was scheduled in a few weeks.

So far, the brown noise is soothing my ears. I don’t hear my tinnitus on my left ear anymore, but it took me a while. I still feel some pain in both ears, but I think it is working. I also noticed that I am very relaxed. My heart rate went down, and my breath is slower, almost as it is time to fall asleep. So, this also helps with anxiety, and insomnia.

I hope my comment was helpful for those of you struggling from the same or something similar.

Sarah Carlin
Sarah Carlin - 18.11.2022 01:42

Before I put this on and try to sleep, do adverts come through ? Thanks :)

Inkog Nito
Inkog Nito - 16.11.2022 00:13

Is this realy Brown Noise? Soundslike Red Noise ....

Miss Meta
Miss Meta - 12.11.2022 16:58

One year later and I'm still using this, still loving it. Thanks.

Sir Loins
Sir Loins - 11.11.2022 03:13

I have horrendous tinnitus in one ear which I've struggled for years not to focus on at night. This has really balanced things out and for the first time in my life Ive found something that actually helps me sleep. Than you so much

Sarah Fitzpatrick
Sarah Fitzpatrick - 04.11.2022 02:53

I've just found this for the first time in my life... every night I can hear my ears ringing.. this is just mind blowing. I can't even describe how I feel right how 5 mins into the video.. I just don't want it to ever end. I feel like I can concentrate and totally relax with this noise. I can't hear ringing in my ears and I can actually catch a thought in my mind. The peace is unnatural to the point I feel like crying. Thank you so much. My breathing has calmed and so has my heart. It's amazing.

Kay F
Kay F - 24.10.2022 00:12

I like to listen to this dressed as a turnip😴😴

Tanner Neth
Tanner Neth - 23.10.2022 07:37

Expected 10 hours of the N word my bad see yall tomorrow

Homelander - 19.10.2022 07:38

Good night

Some Scottish Guy
Some Scottish Guy - 24.09.2022 00:00

Suffer severely from tinnitus and heard this blocks it out...it does but for whatever reason, this makes me feel incredibly uneasy and anxious.

Phil Gray
Phil Gray - 19.09.2022 02:39

This one almost works at 50% volume.
