Looks cool, the rear-loading looks fun, but the lack of a stock gives me major doubts. I like my primaries to have stocks.
ОтветитьMan dartzone is such a good company
ОтветитьAre the other pros still available?
ОтветитьNot super sure how I feel about the foregrip being curved back, and I want a stock. I'll need to feel it to have an opinion on it, but assuming these are either not issues or the rest is good, I'm hype.
Gimme my Adventure Force Pro Strifen't
Are you in the gorsh darnned wizards of the coast headquarters?
ОтветитьGreat video. I can dig it man, it would be sweet with a folding stock, I’m ... pumped ... 🤓. Dart Zone always gives us what we want... even if we don’t ask for it. Keep up the great work.
ОтветитьHey man I hope you get one early so we can see it because your reviews are very accurate an true full about the product
ОтветитьWhen I saw the thumbnail, and the mag sticking out above the beaver tail, I immediately thought of that one 3D printed blaster that you insert the mags like in the Atlas or Hyponos, P90 style. Forgive me for forgetting the name of that blaster, the Conquest Pro looks sick!! Can't wait for it to hit the shelves!
ОтветитьOh my god I think I saw you at Disney springs I was the kid with the lego shirt and red mask and you got a lego set
ОтветитьWon’t lie, hopefully it comes to Canada first for once. Still waiting for half lengths to hit Walmart here.
Ответить"I can't explain where I'm at." Says Drac in the room with monsters.
ОтветитьNgl, that rear reload looks like a load of fun. My favorite part of nerf blasters has always been the reload, I never buy nerf guns that have the exact same reload, it's just not fun to reload the same way in multiple guns. So I'm pretty hyped for this one
ОтветитьThe only thing I can come close to complaining on any of the tactical strike series (I say come close to because etsy and similar shops exist selling parts for this) is that there is no sling mounts!
ОтветитьI'm disturbed, confused and intrigued by the background monster. Almost more than the nerf news
ОтветитьInteresting, but not for me. Happy to see a half-length only blaster. I would like a half-length Nexus Pro ideally.
ОтветитьIs that Joe Manganola's man cave?
ОтветитьMy bank account fears every Dart Zone release.
ОтветитьCan’t talk about where you’re at my ass, that’s Xanathar behind you and I fear for your life
Ответитьthis is my new favorite blaster
you know why?
dart zone should make modded stryfe level flywheelers imo
ОтветитьAnyone know if these are coming to the U.K.?
ОтветитьI thought you were in a dragon's lair at first and then saw it was more of a D&D beholder behind you - thanks for the video on this unexpected Bulwark-esque new AF blaster in the future. Get some rest buddy!
I love the faux candle light flickering in the background. I'd want my table a couple of inches shorter. ThankQ.TkEZ>UK
ОтветитьThis is great, I always get excited when I see new Pro stuff. Is that a stock attachment above the magazine?
ОтветитьI still can’t believe that no one has said that the halo smg looks like the conquest pro
ОтветитьWhen you have Picatinny style attachments: pog
When you realize this blaster can take Picatinny style attachments: pog pog
When you realize it’s only $40: POG
When you realize that it feeds from the back: POG POG
When you realize it’s at Walmart: POGGERS
What's up with the camera quality? hype for the new blaster and cant wait to hear what jinx thinks about it lol.
ОтветитьThe nubbin above the magazine looks like if it doesn't take stock attachments it can be easily made to.
ОтветитьPray in Canadian it's to be released here 🙏
ОтветитьLooks awesome. Bravo for continuing to get new blasters out that we all want.
This style of magazine/loading could lend itself to a side loader like the Zeus in the Rival line. That would elevate the stock issue. Speaking of stocks, that does look somewhat like a stock lug on the top rear of the blaster. They could go the route of allowing the upside down attachment of regular stocks to allow the mags to still be inserted. I dunno, the blaster is cool.
the loading mechanic remind me of US new assualt rifle orMG
ОтветитьNo, Thats ok. Thats fine. Drac plays D&D with Joe Manganiello, and this is how we all find out. Thats cool. Coolcoolcool.
ОтветитьHuh. I really like the rear mag loading. Hope they end up shipping that.
ОтветитьThank god you cut your hair. That crap was ridiculous and looked horrid.
ОтветитьCan comissions be delivered to finland
ОтветитьDrac: new blasters
Me: hey bud, theres a beholder behind you
So it’s basically know they’ve made a raider adventure force blaster intresting
ОтветитьDarts zone Pro make a sniper rifle
ОтветитьHonestly, I would love a flywheeler in the pro series. The only injection molded short dart flywheeler I know is the worker phoenix, and that only takes angled talons
Ответитьnew dart zone Max Stryker ultimate
ОтветитьWhy save the stock away, to can NOT use different darts anymore? :/
ОтветитьDefinitely not one to use as hammer pump style.
ОтветитьThis action looks identical to the Scattercannon on Thingiverse, the pump action 3d printed blaster that fires three half darts per shot, but is magazine fed. It's awesome
Ответитьi lub how dartzone when we leak stuff 'clever fans uncovered early photos' nerf: f u
ОтветитьIt looks like you can still attach a stock to it, if you look at the internal side view, there is a "nob" above the mag which looks like it might be the attachment point for the stock
ОтветитьI love the beholder