Forging an Empire - The Portuguese Empire - Part 1 Exploration

Forging an Empire - The Portuguese Empire - Part 1 Exploration

Flash Point History

9 месяцев назад

1,020,377 Просмотров

Portugal forged a massive trading empire. It was an incredible achievement for a small country that had a very modest population. In this first part, we review the initial stages where Portuguese sailors and explorers launched themselves into the unknown and took the first steps at exploring. Men like Prince Henry the Navigator who set the ball in motion, Bartholomeu Dias who was the first to round the tip of Africa, and Vasco da Gama who was the first European to find a sea passage to India.


Huge Thanks to Explorer's Podcast!! Check it out at the following link:

Farya Faraji - for letting me use his music
Check out his channel for some amazing songs!

Help out the show!







#age #discovery #vascodagama


#Age_of_discovery #age #discovery #age_of_exploration #exploration #portugal #portuguese #Henry_the_navigator #Bartholomeu_dias #vasco_da_gama #africa #gold_trade #trade_empire #empire #forging #documentary #biography #history #civilization #tip_of_africa #rounding #sea_passage #India #calicut #zamorin #king #muslim #christian
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@FlashPointHx - 06.09.2023 02:18

Well lovely people - I'm gonna try my best to get Cabral out before I leave for Normandy. I'm about half way done dictating it and will have it out in Audio Podcast form by the end of the week. In the meantime enjoy this compilation!! Viva Portugal !

@luisalves9714 - 07.01.2024 22:41

Proud of my Ancestors. Disapointed with the actual politicians. They're a shame|||

@Sin4Me - 07.01.2024 08:01

What would King Manuel say about Portugal today, swarmed with Muslims. The European Union was created to destroy the European Civilization.

@grantaddison8604 - 07.01.2024 03:58

Simply magnificent content 🎊

@Parentejv - 06.01.2024 02:33


@samsg2987 - 05.01.2024 11:30

What work ! It's really good, well doneI will send this video over to people as far as Canada, Brazil, Europe, Russia , and the US.

@Peach-bf8ro - 04.01.2024 15:53

Queridos irmãos e irmãs em Yeshua, saúdo-os em nome de Yeshua.

Meu nome é Seon Ha.

2004 Palavra de Yahweh Deus,

Você deve ir até lá. É hora de fechar o mundo, mas meus filhos e filhas ainda não me conhecem.

A menos que vocês sejam pessoas cegas que não conseguem ver, se levantarem os olhos e olharem para o céu, poderão ver os sinais do céu.

Você conhece esses fatos?

1. Nuvens no céu em todo o mundo estão gradualmente descendo ao solo dia após dia.

2. O sol e a lua no céu são super sol e super lua todos os dias.

3. Se você observar atentamente o nascer e o pôr do sol, poderá ver um céu rosa.

4. A composição química do chemtrail está sendo pulverizada como louca nos céus ao redor do mundo.

5. Se você observar a lua de perto agora, a lua está girando e girando.

Nibiru e os planetas estão vindo de trás do sol. Se você pegar o telefone e tirar uma foto do sol em um dia claro, sem nuvens e sem trilhas químicas, poderá ver Nibiru e os planetas atrás do sol.

As nuvens estão descendo gradualmente para a terra em todo o mundo, e Deus me mostrou através de uma visão que o momento em que as nuvens se aproximam do solo é o momento do parousía(Rapture).

As pessoas verão dois sóis flutuando aqui e ali, e verão grandes planetas brancos flutuando no céu aqui e ali, e ficarão maravilhadas com os planetas brancos. Os planetas brancos serão visíveis a olho nu.

Quando você vir essas coisas, saiba que Yeshua Deus virá muito em breve, prepare-se.

A posição de Nibiru agora é atrás do sol, vindo, vindo, vindo. Porque Nibiru é como o sol, tem luz e calor, e está se aproximando cada vez mais da parte de trás do sol, então o sol é um super sol todos os dias, e a lua que parece brilhante no céu com a luz do a lua também é vista como uma superlua.

A lua parece girar e girar, mas a lua não gira e gira. A razão pela qual a lua parece girar é porque existem dois seres de luz neste universo, o sol e Nibiru. A posição de Nibiru não é constante, ele ainda se aproxima em altíssima velocidade.

O movimento de Nibiru e dos planetas é muito rápido. Então, alguns observam Nibiru ao redor do Sol, outros não, porque o movimento de Nibiru é muito rápido.

O importante é que Nibiru e os planetas estão se aproximando agora, e se você pegar seu celular e apontar uma câmera para o sol, ele será capturado, e está se aproximando.

Não há uma, mas muitas luas muito estranhas. E as localizações de luas muito suspeitas mudam frequentemente, mesmo dentro de cerca de duas horas.

Estas luas muito estranhas não são nem a lua nem as estrelas da Terra. As luas mais suspeitas são aquelas entre os planetas brancos.

Não há ninguém nesta terra que possa explicar a existência de Nibiru e dos planetas, mesmo que sejam cientistas, exceto o Criador Yahweh, o Espírito Santo e Yeshua.

As pessoas verão um planeta supergrande, de cor metálica, que se parece com um DISCO flutuando branco no céu.

As pessoas verão que o céu está roxo. Você verá uma luz dourada 24K descendo do céu.

Você verá o céu completamente coberto de rosa escuro. Deus me mostrou que os eixos dos Pólos Norte e Sul mudarão naquela época. Naquela época, um grande cataclismo ocorrerá nesta Terra.

Quando um grande cataclismo ocorrer na Terra, esse cataclismo ocorrerá ao nível do oceano. O mar se moverá, navios enormes e grandes entrarão, navios grandes serão arrastados e um grande cataclismo começará.

Ao olharmos para a realidade que está actualmente diante dos nossos olhos, encorajo-vos a olhar bem para os factos e a prepararem-se para o regresso de Yeshua.

Yeshua virá muito em breve.

Esteja sempre espiritualmente desperto.

Somente Yeshua!

@S-series1977 - 01.01.2024 08:36

Nice video 😮😮😮😅😅

@ante1982 - 30.12.2023 17:05

Amazing documentary, love the storytelling! When is part 2 coming?

@inira7418 - 30.12.2023 02:56

This is also called organized crime

@Rob-mr4hg - 29.12.2023 02:17

They ran a slave trade I think you forgot to mention. Thats where Columbus was on few of those trips. Coast of Ghana back to Portugal over and over again

@MiguelSanchez-oz3kz - 29.12.2023 01:30

Unbelievable, simply unbelievable. America was a country founded on the unscrupulous hope of freedom, democracy and equality that transformed into an almost narcissistic nation that drew attention to its grandeur but forgot who made its development possible... Portugal.

@danielleme1950 - 27.12.2023 22:29

Thank you, very interesting!

@ayyodele - 27.12.2023 01:47

How does it sound like a discovery route, when the Arabs were already stationed in east Africa, and other sailors of different ethnicity especially the Arabs were already trading spices accross the Indian ocean towards Arabia and Europe????

@imw2902 - 27.12.2023 00:49

It saddens me that british people are still so arrogant! You know how to pronounce the Arabic names WITHOUT changing them. But, the Portuguese names you turn into english names? Pathetic

@PauloFerreira-nz3ml - 26.12.2023 17:51

We are the descendants of the most fascinating 90, 000 square kilometers worldwide.

No country in the world achieved what Portugal achieved, the USA nowadays is the only world superpower. But the USA is extremely rich in natural resources and is 9 million square KM, and access to two oceans.

What we did was amazing, but more amazing is what we left behind in africa and Brasil.

We were invaded by France and Spain because Portugal had a small population and Portugal was a heaven for jews and judaism. JEWS have had a very important contribution to the history of Portugal. England at the time and as always helped Portugal, we had the oldest friendship treaty with our English friends.

That's why we are welcoming with open arms the jews that have portuguese roots to come to Portugal. We need them and they should come to Portugal, many of them pass the keys of their old homes to the next generation.

This is one form of strong love for Portugal.

Welcome to Portugal, and when you come to Portugal, please set in Beira Baixa and Beira Alta.
ARISTIDES DE SOUSA MENDES had to be portuguese,.

You are welcome.

@XY-uc1tw - 26.12.2023 15:19

Plundering the cost cities was never a conquest and it never will be...

@terrorbellidecuspacis - 24.12.2023 22:29

This video is very good but could have been perfect. Unfortunately it’s strangely biased towards the East people, specially if we consider how many times the narrative says about the Portuguese “paranoia”, etc. but it never mentions the fact that unfairness and betrayal were king specially in the “muslim world”. But don’t worry I understand, your Europeans ancestors had courage, as the moderns are just a bunch of cowards and vassals.

@joaoespecial4168 - 24.12.2023 15:41

And by the way, probaly the victory of the wing of D.Joao at Toro ( the other wing commanded by his father D.Afonso V) was due by the use of massed handguns, a novelty at the time in Europe

@joaoespecial4168 - 24.12.2023 15:35

Great Documentary.
You fell on the trap (placed by old portuguese historiography) of given D. Henrique a much larger role that he actually had in the Descoveries. His focus was on North Africa, and the School of Sagres never existed.
But the methodical register of winds, currents, peoples and his use for the next voyage, existed.

@alex3f - 24.12.2023 03:32

The 3D ship model shown at the beginning of the video is not a "Caravela" model but a "Nau"" model.

@alex3f - 24.12.2023 03:21

Congratulations on the excellent video. As a portuguese native I cannot stand without saying that it is not easy to describe and narrate parts of our history to such detail, specially since many navigation scientific breaktroughs as well as charting knowledge was lost in the mainstream records due to state secret restrictions, lisbon earthquake and a few other factors. The portuguese could only achieve such feats mainly because of our inate grit to lack of a better word. Portugal has always been a small nation from inception, this fact simple as it may seem, has moulded our mindset into discovery and respect to other cultures (the portuguese had had invaluable help from other tribes with which the explorers were able to collaborate and trade), this is easily seen in several language and gastronomic similiarities with remote african and asian cultures.

@NathanDayspring-re4ok - 23.12.2023 01:41

The tiny titan of countries: Portugal.

@SuperADUSE - 22.12.2023 21:22

nice new words for my ear thanks

@mrstratau6513 - 22.12.2023 14:13


@raffaelecitro125 - 20.12.2023 17:35

Impero portoghese ??????

@damagecontroller8637 - 20.12.2023 10:09

I believe this is were satan dwells

@joaolima3059 - 19.12.2023 03:49

Your work is simply magnificent. All the research and format, the graphics and the richness of the narrative deserved an award.
Thank you for doing justice to this small, but huge nation. Portugal was the smallest country that gave the world the greatest legacy.
I don't know how Hollywood hasn't yet made a film about Portugal's heroes and history.
We only know about the English, Spanish and Dutch, who actually took advantage of the nautical science and maritime discoveries of the Portuguese.
My homeland, my pride.
Thank you from the bottom of my heart for this video...❤

@russellbrown7248 - 18.12.2023 21:31

They treat us blacks as slaves. I Know some like that

@henny1974 - 18.12.2023 12:24

European people would likely still be impoverished if not for their enslavement of the so called African and the lands they inhabited. Similarly to the Arabs and their Golden Age..they had the use of enslaved African people. What makes me laugh is how so many European people always suggest that African people sold their own or their so called enemies. Or they say..what about the SLAVS...they were slaves too! Always trying to soften the truth that the enslavement of African people is truly the one that makes the world what it is today! Also no mention of the 1000s of Black Jews that lived in Portugal some being who King Jao expelled to St Thomas.

@filiperebelogrupomoveremax - 17.12.2023 04:49

Azores wheren´t colonized. Was estabilished a settlement. Colonize means that was people before in Azores. But The Portuguese where the first who arrived, like Madeira.

@poriflof752 - 17.12.2023 01:56

What civilisation was Prestor John thought to be from? Georgia, Kievan Rus, something else?

@carloslemes2261 - 14.12.2023 02:51

Prince Henry died 1580, he was the last King of Portugal, like also the laste membet of "Avis Dinasty, after the disaster of "Alcacer kee-beer" in Marroco.. He was oncle of the Young King Sebastian dead in Marroco in the batle against arabs .. then you have done a mistske... he doesnt die um 1560...

@aljaberty8044 - 13.12.2023 02:59

Portuguese scared to land in the Horn due to Somali peoples seasonal infighting, battle of wofla one of da Gama's sons gets captured and executed for refusing to convert to Islam, rifles cannons pole arms daggers swords spears scimitars all the weapons devised by man were and are still present to extend the eternal Somali depravity of murder and pillage

@hpomeroy686 - 13.12.2023 00:35

The crusades really did shape European attitudes towards foreigners, and the privations of the Dark Ages made them ruthless capitalists.

@rafaelametz - 12.12.2023 23:44

lateen sails ? Latin sails!

@Delacroix0402 - 11.12.2023 19:51


@DanielWhelan - 11.12.2023 19:31

I put this video on thinking it would be very boring and help me sleep at 3am. 1 hour later I had to turn it off, way too entertaining. I'm hooked!

@youtubeuserxix - 10.12.2023 21:50

Much love to the Portuguese from Panjim, Goa ❤

@gl2023_ - 10.12.2023 15:23

They loose everything and now they are poor and irrelevant for the world! It’s a shame!

@filipeneves8340 - 10.12.2023 06:23

Thank you for all this work!! It’s amazing 👏👏👏

@benefactis2481 - 10.12.2023 04:54

Anybody here in these comments finding ways to justify slavery please 🙏 just stop it..

@Adventures_with_nick - 10.12.2023 04:37

Amazing video! The pronunciation was Spanish but Portuguese is a difficult language phonetically so that’s ok. Thank you!

@H3LLS3NT4SS4SS1N - 09.12.2023 00:32

Your videos are amazing! Please, keep up this excellent work! It is truly a gift to all of humanity.

@LucLev - 06.12.2023 22:08

I've recently moved to Portugal, thank you very much for creating this rich documentary, it's a great way to learn the history of this nation.
