Sexual orientation and gender identity

Sexual orientation and gender identity

Osmosis from Elsevier

4 года назад

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@WannyGamingGOAT - 24.01.2024 13:55

In my opinion , sex assigned at birth is your gender and the gender u will always be .

Like me, I was born with “girl bits” and I will always be female and I love men ❤️

@drk7016 - 22.01.2024 16:41

Racial identity, I identify as black even though I have white features

@Ozzie-to6sc - 14.01.2024 00:42


@Ejjejejekrkek - 20.12.2023 02:02

This is the first time I stop a video from osmosis and get out because it's stupid and propagandistic

@lndhmsh1608 - 29.11.2023 08:27

Sex is not assigned at birth, it is determined at conception!

@russtytan8080 - 28.11.2023 17:48

Very informative. But my stand as a gay person is that enforced speech is not a human right. If someone wants to behave stereotypically with their birth sex or opposite sex or both and that's what makes their gender identity then it's totally fine. And "birth sex is a spectrum" is practically false statement. Because number of intersex people are very very low. Truth is "sex is a binary(male, female) and exception to the rule is intersex". In logistics we never say probability is on spectrum when outcome is literally 98.3 and 1.7 percent. It's just an exception to the rule.

@DaRyteJuan - 24.11.2023 04:19

Also, if you encounter a patient who completes the intake form as “heterosexual,” don’t start asking them questions like “Been engaging in same sex contact?” You will instantaneously blow up the relationship.


@dragonamgd14 - 13.10.2023 22:42

I think multiple genders, neither, and fluid need more explanation because when trying to explain them they sound the same

@oliverrojas3185 - 08.10.2023 15:00

thanks. very good

@Vic2point0 - 12.08.2023 17:47

Transgenderism remains a wholly incoherent worldview. One in which people confuse gender itself with gender roles and norms (or appeal to circular reasoning). One in which they insist others are incorrect in using terms like "man" or "woman" while being unable to provide objective, workable definitions for these terms themselves. And one in which they often equate disagreement with hate, which is not only illogical but dangerous.

@desmond3828 - 10.08.2023 23:16

Transgender is not a kind of nonbinary and is not discordant, Transgender is when one is uncomfortable in their current gender and they change

@tech45 - 17.07.2023 23:25

Transgenderism=some sex parts sold separately

@algummarcosvinicius - 30.06.2023 18:24

I hope that in 20 years all this bs has already been scientifically debunked and that no one else needs to see this crappy pronoun they/them/yellow/carrot in places that intend to pass real biological health content. 90% of the articles and research published on this topic have been overthrown and retracted by PROVEN manipulation! ALL HANDLING DROPPED showed the opposite of the results found in studies that followed the standard and were unbiased. And me, very naive, after reading several articles I was believing that the data were correct, that all this shit existed and I should always update myself on the subject... never again!

@KeyMan94 - 23.06.2023 16:01

What a great video! I work as a psycho-social counselor for queer people in Germany. It's such a good overlook at the gender topic which is often so emotionally charged that it needs scientific reasoning.

@randovidupload9422 - 01.06.2023 04:38

How do we determine what the B in LGBTQ2s+ means? As someone who is multi spirited but sometimes trigender I get confused because we have Bi but I thought there are more than just two genders? How is being Bi possible as this is a micro aggression to use trigender peoples. Is it okay to be trigendered? How do I remain more inclusive?

@dorcelmarcs2772 - 23.05.2023 17:47

Sex and the End of Time Sexual Orientations and Practices and Asexuals -

@angelrojas269 - 03.05.2023 23:58

You are born a Male or Female that's It. There shouldn't be a video explaining "gender identity" It's disgusting

@jj1322 - 25.04.2023 17:21

I'm surprised they haven't turned off the comments. Then again, the comments speak for themselves. Smh.

@ray-hj1do - 14.04.2023 10:07

Thank 🥰

@gairoonishabrown5371 - 13.04.2023 15:12

Wish I could print this

@javiervillacorta3442 - 04.04.2023 16:33

Sexual orientation and Gender Identity are complicated because everything is based on a person’s feelings and desires, which change all the time.what you decide to do or be is personal and we should not try to impose in a society that has different opinions and views. What we should do is respect each other because we are human beings regardless of our color, sex, gender, religion, feelings, desires ,etc .
The truth is we all are made of God image, our identity is in Jesus Christ our Lord, once we receive this truth in our heart we are not defined anymore for our feelings or desires. I pray that May God open our eyes and hearts to see his truth.

@TOMOSHI_CAN_EDIT - 02.04.2023 14:08

There is much debate over sexual orientation. Some people believe that there is no real difference between the ways that people of different sexual orientations interact with each other. Others believe that there is a great difference between sexual orientation and personal preference. Finally, there are those who believe that there is no real difference between sexual orientation and physical preference. All of these beliefs are without any factual basis.

The belief that there is no real difference between sexual orientation and personal preference is based on what people believe about the difference between these two groups. People who believe that there is no real difference between sexual orientation and personal preference believe that people who identify as gay or gay are not really sexual orientation. They believe that people who identify as straight are really sexual orientation. People who believe that there is a great difference between sexual orientation and personal preference believe that people who identify as gay or gay are not really sexual orientation. They believe that people who identify as straight are really sexual orientation. Finally, people who believe that there is a great difference between sexual orientation and personal preference believe that people who identify as gay or gay are not really sexual orientation. They believe that people who identify as straight are really sexual orientation. These beliefs are without any factual basis.

The belief that there is no real difference between sexual orientation and personal preference is based on what people believe about the difference between these two groups. People who believe that there is a great difference between sexual orientation and personal preference believe that people who identify as gay or gay are not really sexual orientation. They believe that people who identify as straight are really sexual orientation. People who identify as gay or gay are not really sexual orientation. These beliefs are without any factual basis.

The belief that there is no real difference between sexual orientation and personal preference is based on what people believe about the difference between these two groups. People who believe

@flipsvaldes8325 - 22.03.2023 12:35

Does biological age exist on a spectrum?
I am 43 years old, i present physically around 10 years younger than i am, in my late 20's i was constantly checked for i.d when i went out with my ex wife and friends who all looked their ages- and they weren't carded, i was- i get told i look too young to have a 22 year old son, i am fitter than i was in my 20's and more athletic than many 20yr olds.
So can I identity as 10 years younger?
More to the point- what if someone like myself who presented younger in nearly every way presented young enough to look under 18 like i looked when i was 25- and this person began a relationship with an underage person- can they say that its a spectrum?
Biologically im sure there would be arguments to say that for instance myself, that my organs etc present younger or i have more or less of some chemical etc in my body that indicates youthfulness or i age slower than other people, its my genes, which are not indicative of my actual age.
The reasoning would be the same would it not if it met those criteria?
Im not saying in any way that being trans or having gender dysphoria is wrong, far from it, but it certainly has real implications, specifically legal implications, and can see that they have happened- like men claiming different gender to enter a woman's prison and rape women, etc.
There are 2 genders, biologically, whatever is going on inside of you to make you feel otherwise should not be misconstrued with biology when referring to biological gender.
I hope its understood that if this argument reaches a legislative and legal level, this could set precedence for other deceptive and nefarious agendas.
Please do not misconstrue physical biology on gender presentation for internal biology and psychology which would be a fairer explanation of what is going on with gender dysphoria.
The judicial system has a way of been circumvented via loopholes, false precedences and abused, do not make it easier for people with nefarious intentions to be less worried about legal consequences when it comes to child grooming and molestation.
IN NO WAY am i stating that being trans is akin or leads to being a pedo- what i am saying is do not allow yourself to be confused with the complexities of gender dysphoria by trying to weaken BIOLOGY by discarding or weakening outward presentation with the complexities of internal biological mechanisms and processes that happen to people who suffer gender dysphoria or weaken the fact that BIOLOGY does matter-those of you who are parents should be terrified of this notion- because if we go down the spectrum route as this video began with- then someone like i gave the example of in regards to youthful appearance could get away with terrible things against your children- all they need is a notion like Outward BIOLOGY is a spectrum- no- understand- internal biology and psychology is the spectrum-you should help your children to figure out who they are if they indeed suffer from gender dysphoria, play the other game and you will end up loosing- i think its already well established that in the higher eschelons of society pedophelia is a problem- and they are the ones who bend the rules the most with little to no consequences.
Trans people have the right to exist freely, however, don't treat basic biological truths as something that requires redefining , being born male or female is a biological fact- what is not fact or set in stone is the internal biology of a person with gender dysphoria- its not a joke, and neither is it a choice- you can obviously see its a struggle for them, its painful mentally and physically, its damaging to their self esteem until they accept who they are, its not a game and it's certainly not a spectrum that you can choose everyday, what that specifically is, for those of you who find it hard to see the bigger picture of things, is an agenda for something else entirely, and since society is kept stable around the judicial system, that is exactly where the abuse of gender dysphoria will lead to, a stepping stone with the victims being those who championed it but were in reality puppets, to a darker outcome, the morality of our world is changing fast, and I'm not speaking in religious terms- just in general.
Just like this new feminism who condem the patriarchy but are the ones who uphold the system without realizing it, this system is built on capitalism, and the biggest consumers are women making up 70-80% of consumers- or advocating for male promiscuity or the using of women by adopting extreme opinions views on sexual partners- playing right into the extreme masculine sexual fantasy- women who are not bothered by being treated as sex objects- thinking its the other way around- that same group of elite males who dictate how women move in society THEY( women- specifically 5th wave feminists) give them this power FREELY-REALISE THE BIGGER PICTURE!
Child disappearances are up, child sexual human trafficking is up, the disappearance of women is up- slavery is still a HUGE issue- but these kinds of things blurr the lines - see it for what it is.

@Vic2point0 - 18.12.2022 18:19

Just because biological sex isn't as simple as genitalia or even chromosomes doesn't mean it's a spectrum. Sex is binary. Males are those whose bodies developed primarily toward the purpose of producing small gametes (sperm) and females are those whose bodies developed primarily toward the purpose of large gametes (ova). There is no third pathway of development, and certainly no third gamete. Even intersex people develop largely toward one reproductive function or the other.

The problem with "gender identity" as "a person's own sense of their gender", is that no one can actually know what it is they're sensing. We've no basis for that comparison. We've all only been just the one gender, so we'd have no way of knowing the difference between "feeling like" a man vs. "feeling like" a woman, or indeed if there is such a difference at all.

Also, to establish that gender itself is different from sex, you'll need to give some sort of objective definition for "gender". And so far no one's been able to do that, including the so-called "gender experts" we're supposed to be deferring to here.

Likewise, in order to establish that anyone is referring to someone else with the wrong pronoun ("misgendering"), you will need to provide objective definitions for terms like "man" and "woman". Since those who subscribe to your worldview consistently fail to do this, it follows that you can't ever actually be correct or incorrect in using these terms. Ironically, it's only those of us who reject modern gender theory, that could accuse others of misgendering us in a coherent way.

@numnum8357 - 14.12.2022 15:02

Why gay not homosexual?

@Earth098 - 10.12.2022 21:44

It's not true to say preferred name is gay not homosexual. The term gay initially used as an insult, and the term straight is used to give a positive connotation. So many gay men, like myself, prefer the term homosexual over the term gay.

@Angelum_Band - 06.12.2022 02:13

If you put a trans group (male and female) in an isolated island with food and water so they can survive for a year, no hormones no medicine and you leave them. Come in one year and see what you find.

@user-eg2uc6fg6k - 30.11.2022 07:00

this accumulates all of the years of research I have done, from multiple sources, into one video. I can't express how appreciative I am of this video, it is extremely helpful and I will absolutely be using it in the future for reference. in addition, as a healthcare professional I am extremely grateful for this video on your platform because it is so important to be culturally competent in healthcare and that includes the LGBTQ+ community! especially considering the fact that lgbtq+ people are more likely to not seek healthcare due to lack of understanding/empathy and discrimination. it is so important to spread awareness and correct information in the healthcare professional and in general, so I thank you again for creating this video.

@hassanal-yousif2094 - 30.11.2022 05:24

This whole thing is subjective not objective so it only it depends in how someone feels about their self not something that we can see it nor major it 😑

@sidra3770 - 22.11.2022 22:33

What brainwashing shit, and mentally ill freaks believe all what they're being told and whatever they feel about themselves, sick society.
What has humanity become to? Where are we even heading?

@Shadow_kitsune613 - 21.11.2022 15:26

I am a girl with a girlfriend

@kadinellis1439 - 16.11.2022 06:47

2 genders are much simpler. Everyone has to make everything so complicated these days.

@joshuadycus6752 - 12.11.2022 23:20

I don't think I"ve ever been in a healthcare setting where someone referred to a patient by pronouns instead of just saying their full name.

@fadi225 - 09.11.2022 00:32

Thats what happened when human not believe in God or have high ethics values and follow his disres no limit for this non sense all what this dooshbag said not proven and thousands of seientist against it , gender is only man and women , stay away from our kids , if all world agree with nonsebse i will be the only one against it

@ero9981 - 04.11.2022 11:49

thinks yu

@viejolincanada - 03.11.2022 15:47

I have a question. Why do we assume gender is fluid, but not sexual orientation? Furthermore, "sexual orientation conversion therapies" are illegal in some countries yet gender conversion therapies, which may involve hormones and surgery are seen as a progressive step. Keep in mind that there are no biological markers for sexual orientation and strong biological markers determining gender. So strong that they require hormones or surgery.

@viejolincanada - 03.11.2022 15:42

According to the DSM-5, among individuals who are assigned male at birth, approximately 0.005 percent to 0.014 percent are later diagnosed with gender dysphoria. There are people who are born with one kidney that doesn't develop or some other organ, but when we talk about kidneys its say that people have two. Why discuss as something so important and confuse everyone, when the facts are clear: biological sex implies gender in more than 99% of the cases.

@abisshekraj7150 - 24.10.2022 01:56


@yourhappyuncle6055 - 20.10.2022 10:53

Snowflakes are a joke to society

@johngraves6410 - 16.10.2022 07:55

very cool, basic information that everyone should know.

@redaelmorkadi5626 - 08.10.2022 17:38

Thank you . much needed ❣️

@ctaukus9146 - 08.10.2022 03:56

So let me just make sure I understand this. If I identify as whatever gender I feel like, then it’s true because I said that’s what it is right? Therefore when I applied to Harvard, and check off the box it says on black, it’s true because that’s how I identify, even though I am super white, right? Because that’s the logic here

@stmrs222 - 05.10.2022 18:26

I was watching to understand more as a liberal American trying to defend this sort of ideas. However, its a crazy notion that u can change how people use pronouns. Lets get real, the other side of political spectrum couldnt understand how a mask works. This is too complicated. They only see biological sex at birth. Identity and how u express it are things society isnt going to differentiate legally on a drivers license. If society is eventually going to differentiate it ll take time for language to evolve. Opponents use this as ammo to say u are extreme. Personally i get that we dont always follow society's stereotypes...sexuality is fluid for some people. How u see yourself....However, u cant assume language and society are going to accomodate for it. It is unrealistic to legally mandate it too. Freedom od speach trumps how u feel. Big picture, u are really attempting to create extra categories that many people deny, or just dont want to address. How u identify or present yourself isnt something that should not be mandated to others. How are others suppose to know your pronoun..the one u like? Society norms dont work that way. you are referred to by the pronoun assigned by your physical appearance. This really comes accross as crazy knittpicking. It took a long time for public to recognize sexuality differences. The fluidity of gender identity and expession is 1000 times harder to sell when its an accomdation for tiny % of population.

@apieceofschmitt - 28.09.2022 18:44

If sexual orientation is defined by gender (a personal identity), does that mean those who are agender do not have a sexual orientation? Also, if genders are personally identified toward, what does it mean to be sexually attracted to the "same" or "different" gender when it's not a group characteristic, but an individual creation? One's identity to "man" would be different from someone else's identity to man. So how can we conclude anything about our sexual orientation (what/who we are sexually attracted to) on such personally defined aspects?

And as a note, pansexuality is not a sexual attraction to any gender. It's a sexual attraction not based on gender. It means that gender doesn't influence a sexual attraction, not that all genders are found to be sexually attractive. It's the ABSENCE of a sexual orientation.

Personally, I use to believe I was a heterosexual man, using sex as a foundation for both descriptors. And the pronouns of "he/him" attempted to convey I was male. Now I'm told that is all incorrect. That gender defines all. And now I'm an agender that can't have a sexual orientation and can't have pronouns. Haven't quite understood why that's more preferable for society.

@jack8831 - 26.09.2022 12:59

I agree, and disagree with 1 part: homosexual is an ok ✔term

@sontoniocollins5398 - 21.09.2022 15:54

But genetics are behavior based, make that make sense. You act like a girl so your heir inherits feminine traits which in turn makes them act like a girl. So what i see is a lack of discipline that lead to a lack of responsibility, and that bled into other areas of life so now people adopt privilege as a lifestyle instead of facing realities like same sex cant procreate so apparently the lifestyle itself goes against the most basic instinct of survival.

@GuzziHeroV50 - 18.09.2022 01:01

Oh my word, where has this video been all the times I needed to explain gender identity to someone? A super clear, concise explanation of intersex conditions and gender identity / dysphoria. Thank you!

@snamorta - 14.09.2022 19:19

Literally beautiful as can be thank you
