VW Bus - Split Window - 1964 13 Window Deluxe  - Overview

VW Bus - Split Window - 1964 13 Window Deluxe - Overview

Garage Time

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@derricksheppard7295 - 30.07.2018 21:27

Do you plan on selling it?

@GarageTime - 30.07.2018 21:56

As hard as it would be, I have a new project in mind, so if timing works out, yes it is available.

@jamessommers6608 - 05.01.2019 18:40

Is it for sale yet?

@timwhite8878 - 14.02.2019 05:20

Very nice beautiful looking vw.

@loudawgs - 03.03.2019 14:17

Whats the name (primer color code) of that primer on your bus Garage Mike? Thank you

@edinburghtumuran916 - 27.05.2020 07:52

Cool VW Bus. I have one too! Is that a set of 17 wheels! Awesome Bus Buddy. I am planning of installing a set of 17' Porsche Turbo Twist on my 1967 Split bus, which has a set of 15 Fucsh now. Will there be rubbing issues and will I need to install spacer too? Thanks in advance to your reply. Wonderful ride!

@IAm1InTheIAm - 17.02.2021 09:53

Very nice full rack. Where'd ya get it?

@TateReggie - 28.01.2022 19:27

Gorgeous bus. Thanks for sharing.

@juliog.5433 - 18.11.2023 06:16

Beautiful 13 window.. where did you get your side pop out windows from.. were they a kit?
