The ancient golden treasure rewriting Danish history – BBC REEL

The ancient golden treasure rewriting Danish history – BBC REEL

BBC Global

2 года назад

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@streampapi - 27.12.2023 09:04

That was just the coin Kassandra paid Eivor as a token of appreciation chill no worries !
hehe AC fans whats up !!

@ClaudiusAD43 - 20.10.2023 18:55

Denmark looks flat and boring

@SideWalkAstronomyNetherlands - 09.09.2023 04:03


@flavius22 - 14.06.2023 18:59

Amazing to be able to have a look into the past

@rubenverheij4770 - 10.04.2023 09:18

"NO SIGN" on
coin of Odin?

@TheWizardOfTheFens - 09.04.2023 18:18

For those who are interested, the runes are written backwards, and in the Elder Futhark. If we reverse them the inscription says: IZ WO D NAS WE RAZ. A modern English translation would be “He [IS] Wodnas’s man. This is in old Danish or old norse and is a representation of an earlier stage of the language, which can be shown by the retention of the initial “W” in the name Wodnas, which is the genitive case. Around the 8th centur, North GERMANIC language dropped the initial “W” on many words, including “Woden” to “Oden” or “Odin”.

@cjryan88 - 25.01.2023 11:53

i thought the BBC said these guys were black

@milanjares987 - 14.10.2022 19:26

Best finds

@Tawadeb - 01.09.2022 19:17

536AD was a massive volcano eruption that caused several Dark Summers with no sun and crop failure.

@markgarin6355 - 31.08.2022 00:00

Pretty sure the signal from the metal detector would have shown the metal type

@giulia3970 - 20.08.2022 23:55

The Viking so..worked for romans as well payed warriors, and they where payed, or they producyed something for romans economical exchange

@CinntSaile - 14.08.2022 01:38

This is curious. The Romans recorded the names of kings of the "tribe" occupying Jutland at the time, the Cimbri, as being Celtic. The bog body sacrifices found all over Denmark appear to be the same as those in Celtic Ireland, while many of the artefacts, like the Gundestrup Vessel, depict Celtic gods and scenes, not Viking ones. It is possible that Jutland was a Celtic outlier of a wider Celtic Europe before the Gallic Wars.

@Game_Hero - 07.08.2022 02:41

Imagine that one amulet you lost being the sole left thing testifying of your existence, that it was there at this place because of you, the last trace of your life and everything in it...

@talchapoton2402 - 29.07.2022 03:12

The people that had gold were in on trade.commodoties and likely people.

@roybixby6135 - 27.07.2022 06:53

I've always thought that the Vikings were only interested in silver...🦘

@Omni-Man - 26.07.2022 22:05

I hate when the so called "experts" claim they stumbled across something amazing. You literally did nothing.

@maltrho - 26.07.2022 19:51

People talk about a sudden great change in language(from protogermanic or ingveaonic to old nordic), but it is most likely a change in the people, or the leadning group. Our dialect is older than they claim, but the ruling over the territory is less old. This treasure is probably some ingveanonic dudes, in lack of better word.

@maltrho - 26.07.2022 19:26

so what in danish history was rewritten?

@classiclife7204 - 26.07.2022 16:06

Less talking heads, more descriptions of the actual items. What do the runes say? Which Roman emperors?

@seitanbeatsyourmeat666 - 26.07.2022 12:15

I don’t understand the wonder over the Odin/Roman mixing. Surely people realize that the Roman’s drew in foreigners (willing or unwilling) by mixing in their beliefs with theirs? What, y’all also think Santa (who is based off a saint) worshipped Christ? 😂
Y’all think Christ (if you are a believer) was actually born on December 25th?? 😂 😂

These pagan beliefs were mixed into Christianity for a reason, and this is no different

@chrismalcomson7640 - 26.07.2022 09:44

Yesterday I was driving through Berja in Spain which has Roman, Moorish connections. They'd demolished a house in the town and these two guys were manhandling a very large storage vessel that looked very ancient into the back of a car. In Spain everything under the ground is owned by the Spanish government so there's nothing to be gained by handing anything in. I'm tempted to report it to the town museum..

@YamiKisara - 24.07.2022 15:30

The BBC is extremely good at rewriting history, that part of your title is very true.

@krimke881 - 22.07.2022 11:10

it's a great docu to be embarrassed of your fellow countrymen English. omg.

@StekliCujo - 21.07.2022 23:13

You just don`t rape chieftains and demand maps in return. That`s...just wrong.

@Calligraphybooster - 21.07.2022 00:14

Is it justified to interpret this find in terms of early Frisian culture and would that be of help? Frisians occupied the coastal regions from roughly the Scheldt estuary in the south to I don’t know where exactly in Denmark. They were sea faring and traded with the Romans from whom they fiercely protected their independence.

@ansfridaeyowulfsdottir8095 - 20.07.2022 15:33

What does a gold coin showing a Roman emperor have to do with the Vikings?


@pnwprospecting - 19.07.2022 17:40

That’s a nice gift! That metal detector is US$800

@Lychee76 - 19.07.2022 13:15


@olelarsen7688 - 18.07.2022 18:35

Lots and lots of archaeological gold has been found in Denmark. Even from the stoneage. So called Lunulae necklases. This rewrites nothing. These archaeologists are just crapping themselves from self-importance. And you know brakteats has nothing to do with vikings, right?

@MTG776 - 18.07.2022 14:27

My father in-law found a Viking sword in Long-fort Ireland when digging near a bog besides the road. The best I ever found was an old coke can...

@steffenb.jrgensen2014 - 18.07.2022 12:43

It doesn't rewrite Danish history, but it ads some chapters that so far have been missing

@hansandresen4392 - 17.07.2022 23:30

7 minutes that could better have been 30 seconds

@jimgordon6629 - 17.07.2022 23:24

Besides, burying it wouldn’t have been a sacrifice—you can always dig it up again. A real sacrifice would be throwing it in a sacred lake

@jimgordon6629 - 17.07.2022 23:08

The apparent randomness of this find is amazing. The objects are very unusual. It shouldn’t be hard to identify the Roman emperor pictured, it likely has his name on it. I wonder if these guys got any reward for finding these things, which might not have shown up for centuries if not for their metal detector. The part about the volcano is really a stretch. The treasure was likely buried to save it from someone else. Then the burier likely pass d from the scene. We’ll never know who or why. The Danish are amazingly low key. That they are descended from adventurers and plunderers is very mysterious.

@lynnwood7205 - 17.07.2022 19:19

The viewer may wish to refer to the book by David Keys "Catastrophe: An Investigation into the Origins of Modern Civilization"

The book delves into the collapse of the existing civilizations all across the world at the same time as the Danish gold was buried.

There is strong evidence of a volcanic or celestial impact event which caused extreme weather, years of crop failure, altered temperatures which allowed spread of disease and changed forage for domesticated animals.

There are excerpts from written accounts across the world of conditions.

The concept that the gods were, or God was, angered, would not be an unreasonable thought to hold for anyone living in that time.

@SatumainenOlento - 17.07.2022 19:11

This ruined his future metal detector searches hahhaa 😁 trying to find something better...Everything else will feel like rusty nails after this find 😁

(In reality, it is probably super nice hobby still, but no need to find anything specifically any longer.)

@freekayn2 - 17.07.2022 13:08

the stupid sound track makes it impossible to listen

@garryferrington811 - 17.07.2022 07:51

Amazing that some guy with a metal detector changed history.

@BobbyBruce03 - 17.07.2022 05:56

Viking dont get enough hype for how much of the world they actually explored. They have most of the answers to our questions

@kariannecrysler640 - 17.07.2022 05:29

Very interesting. Rome did hire mercenaries, maybe payment for soldiers? Love when the finds shake up the narrative💚💙🍀💙💚

@CaliforniaCarpenter7 - 16.07.2022 18:19

A kilo of gold is worth about $55,000 today, but these artifacts could easily fetch ten times that each due to the impossibility of them. I hope the Danish government made the two school friends very wealthy for their trouble.

@yetanotherjohn - 16.07.2022 02:37

WOW! I've never seen Runes on gold, it looks magnificent.

@celinajason8594 - 15.07.2022 22:13

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@IMAS7X - 15.07.2022 20:24

I wonder who could have stolen those exquisite and elegant gold artifacts and buried them in the ground 1,500 years ago.

@julesgosnell9791 - 15.07.2022 02:01

Great find - poor program - it didn't explain anything. It went on about Vikings although this predates the Viking age by 200 years. It mentions a hugely important inscription about Odin and then fails to show it. It gives you tantalising glimpses of a Roman Emperor but fails to name him. Was this an Emperor of the Western or Eastern Roman Empire. They imply that the gold was a gift to the Norse tribe that buried it rather than spoils of war but give no evidence to back up this hypothesis or to explain why the Romans would need an alliance with a Danish tribe at this time etc. I could have learnt more by just going to the museum and reading the inscriptions for myself. Not to mention what looked like interesting pagan art. There was so much to tell and so little told - very frustrating...

@kaloarepo288 - 15.07.2022 00:58

I wonder where the gold came from originally as I should imagine that the Roman empire itself did not contain a lot of gold deposits -it probably came from southern Egypt or Nubia or even the west coast of Africa(Ghana etc).Roman empire had a problem with too much of its silver and gold ending up in India or China because of a trade deficit -the Romans loved the Chinese silk and Indian spices!

@layaswara - 14.07.2022 18:46

Great find. Explained well. 👏👏

@deejayk5939 - 14.07.2022 15:12


@PalleRasmussen - 14.07.2022 14:50

Misleading header. This is about 250 years before The Early Middle Ages.
