Degoo 100 GB Free Cloud Drive (Or Up To 50 TB Lifetime) Good or Scam? Quick Review 2022

Degoo 100 GB Free Cloud Drive (Or Up To 50 TB Lifetime) Good or Scam? Quick Review 2022


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Degoo 100 GB Free Cloud Drive (Or Up To 50 TB Lifetime) Good or Scam? Quick Review 2022

Degoo ( is providing a free 100GB cloud storage with free phone apps and a quite nice and comfortable web based user-interface and they have even some lifetime options for a whopping 50TB for only $300. It it worth it or not? Watch and see!

Use this referral link to get an extra 5GB free cloud storage on top of the 100GB (just let me know if it's not working).

Disclosure: some of the links provided might include affiliate links and if you use them, it will show your appreciation to my channel and my work and pays for my equipment and help my channel grow - which will again help you. There is absolutely NO disadvantage for you and you will pay absolutely same price as without this link. Thank you for supporting my channel!

Disclaimer: The information provided on this video is for general purposes only based on my personal experience and are my very personal opinion, trying to help other people and should not be considered as professional advice in any kind. I am not a licensed professional so make sure to consult with your professional consultant in case you need to. All the links I provide in my videos, the description or in my feedback I provide in an effort to help you as good as I can, but I cannot give any warranty on them and hence you are using them on your own risk as I use them on my own risk.

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Josip Kova
Josip Kova - 01.09.2023 15:39

Yeah, I'm pissed out...they deleted my account when I had some files with nude photos, not of course of me...but...they look into your files...I rude. You can't even complain about that. That's the sad thing. Don't know what to say. Absolutely unprofessional, but at the other hand cheap service...

Rric - 03.08.2023 02:03

Don t use Degoo. I paid and after they deleted all my pictures.
Many people are like my.
You don t must be confidence with this application.

Rric - 03.08.2023 02:02

Don t use Degoo. I paid and after they deleted all my pictures.
Many people are like my.
You don t must be confidence with this application.

Love Blooms From Afar
Love Blooms From Afar - 17.06.2023 00:00

thank you for at least being understandable!!! so many Indian tech channels cant even be understood by non Indians. Not sure why they even make their videos in English! And thank you for letting us know about Degoo, which sounds like a complete scam

JD Fields
JD Fields - 08.05.2023 09:27


M. Johnson
M. Johnson - 28.03.2023 16:36

they have the worst service on the planet!!
I had uploaded a song which apparently had copyright infringement ... they TERMINATED my WHOLE ACCOUNT which I had paid $150 and I had tons of personal data on it!!
They gave me only 2 wks to delete that song file.. however since I hadn't checked my email account during that time and when i did check i found out my WHO FUCKING ACCOUNT HAD BEEN TERMINATED!!!
These Bas****s scan ALL YOUR DATA!! So DO NOT trust them one bit!
Also their hotline is PATHETIC last time i had emailed them with my questions they got back to me after 20 DAYS!!!!!!!!!!! I HATE THEM TO THE CORE!!

Gjeka Luan
Gjeka Luan - 18.03.2023 20:32

i lose all my picture here :(

Pandemic Saboteur
Pandemic Saboteur - 10.03.2023 18:42

thanks for uploading this video, good tips before purchasing!

ed1011 - 15.02.2023 08:04

Degoo is a scam. They get people to buy LIFETIME 10TB plan, then strike customers off with 'terms of service' violation out of nowhere. DO NOT TRUST DEGOO.

Ernesto Sanchez
Ernesto Sanchez - 07.02.2023 15:45

Degoo if you read this F*** you

Ernesto Sanchez
Ernesto Sanchez - 07.02.2023 15:44

These guys are a*h** I earned 500 gb of storage fair and square now I only have 20 they pull this crap 3 times already they trick you in you earning all these gb of storage to later on pull some kind of scam or trick make you upgrade their was no need to upgrade when you earned gb for free but I guess they saw that you can earned that much so they lowered the gb and now it’s a terminated account or upgrade stupid dumb m****

Gui Almeida
Gui Almeida - 16.01.2023 02:20


Luis Carlos Prieto Galindo
Luis Carlos Prieto Galindo - 15.01.2023 23:02


I have been a Degoo user since March 2021. My recommendation to everyone is NOT to use Degoo services, it is really very bad for the following reasons:

- When I signed up they promised 100 GB of storage for free. A few weeks ago they cut the offer to 20GB, but not for new users as would be logical, old customers lost 80 GB of storage.

- And then as I has excess storage, and, according to Degoo it is my fault!!, since it is above the new occupancy limit of 20GB, they threaten me: if I does not delete the information above 20GB in less Within 2 weeks, my account will be deleted!

- No customer service, just threats!

- In view of this, I tried to download my information and there is the option of downloading by folders and not file by file. But when you try to use that option, you have to pay for it!!!

- Two weeks to download your information file by file!!!

- On the other hand, they have a promotion that consists of the following: for each commercial that Degoo offers to watch, when you finish watching it, you receive 750MB of free storage, as a reward.

- I saw a lot of commercials looking to increase my available free space, I spent a lot of time and resources to see those commercials, managing to go from 100GB free to 1.6 Terabytes free.

- But a few days ago without notice, it appeared in the Degoo application that I no longer had 1.6 terabytes but 300 GB.

- They cut without any reason the storage that I had earned thanks to the promotions they offered. Degoo made money from the large number of commercials I watched, and they took what I had earned, that is, they made free money, they just stole my earned storage.

- Now, they say that the 750 MB storage reward for watching commercials only lasts for 28 days! What good is it for someone to have storage that expires in less than a month!

- When the promotions for watching those commercials began, they did not have an expiration date.

Do not believe in absolutely anything that Degoo offers, for example, when Degoo feels that those 20 GB free right are too much, they will also take them away as they did with my 100 GB and you will receive the corresponding threat to delete your account if you do not lower your storage to the new limit they impose.

All promotions for viewing commercials are false.

And all this happens with the free plan, don't even think about purchasing a paid plan with Degoo. Don't waste your money paying them for something in which, too, they are going to default.

I am affiliated with several other services that offer internet storage, all of them are compliant with what they offer, both in their free and paid options.

The worst service of all is that of Degoo, they are unfulfilled, liars, mediocre and arrogant, without customer service. Never use it!!

Don't make the same mistake I did of trusting such a mediocre company.

Any other internet storage service you come across, no matter how bad, will never be as bad as Degoo's.

Degoo is the worst of all!.

IM ano
IM ano - 04.01.2023 21:47

Nerfed to 20GB

Acecool - 14.12.2022 19:58

If they're claiming encryption, but they're looking at your files then there is a serious problem.

Tartan Rambo
Tartan Rambo - 16.08.2022 17:51

After watching your video I think I'll just buy a 10TB external HDD. You are right! If it looks too good to be true, then it's probably dodgy... It probably works perfectly at the lower tiers as they probably use these to draw you into larger capacity and lifetime deals. Great video...

eraldorh - 13.06.2022 21:18

Its a scam, theres hundreds coming on thousands of people claiming their accounts were arbitrarily closed for no reason at all and many claimed their account was deleted after exactly 3 years of access. Its not difficult to see that no company could give users lifetime access to 50tb of cloud storage for such a tiny price. If it sounds too good to be true thats because it is, degoo is a scam.

Adan Phu
Adan Phu - 27.05.2022 02:56

Ban because of a wedding video? 🐁 This is robbing 🐇 I know how they make money now! 🦍

An excuse to ban to take $300 from the user! 🐎

Rodger - 29.04.2022 00:04

Storing your files online, you never know who is going through them. Don't do it.
