Can You Fully Recover From Depression?

Can You Fully Recover From Depression?

Dr. Tracey Marks

1 год назад

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John Skalkotos
John Skalkotos - 25.09.2023 21:07

A little correction :Eythumia (Ευθυμια in Greek) means HAPPY,active,fun not normal !Thanks :)

Big Indian Bindi
Big Indian Bindi - 25.09.2023 02:40

depression won't go away until social skills are learned so friends can be made.

Doug Laidlaw
Doug Laidlaw - 14.09.2023 17:44

Not in the USA. Living in such a mismanaged country could give anybody depression.

David Pearl
David Pearl - 03.09.2023 17:04

I am getting heart surgery soon----dread the affect on my depression

Walter L
Walter L - 25.08.2023 08:19

I can say that yes, yes you can, after a very heavy depressive episode which lasted for months, after a certain period of time, I realized that I'm not depressed anymore, I didn't feel an ounce of depression... however, you have to be aware that it can happen again and that doesn't mean you should live your life in fear of it, I know that I was afraid of it happening again and it kinda did, but you have to remind yourself that it too shall pass...

The Crooked Dog Ranch
The Crooked Dog Ranch - 06.08.2023 02:44

end of the day= professuionals are still guessing depending on the insurance payments

Stella Ančimer
Stella Ančimer - 31.07.2023 20:21

It is all depend in what kind of situation person is, and circumstances, nutrition, ect

Rosemary Brewington
Rosemary Brewington - 26.07.2023 18:30

I can’t sleep without my sleeping pills and they just give me 4-5 hours of sleep. I stayed all the time. What do you suggest? I am a widow and just lost my beloved dog and my cat in the same week. I am adopting another dog since yesterday and hopefully he will help me

PJ F - 24.07.2023 19:03

Exercise and diet definitely helps, but only when you're motivated to do so, and lack of motivation is one of the main symptoms of depression.

Jasper Valery
Jasper Valery - 14.07.2023 12:19

Veganism is a diet that really helps my mental health, because I feel less guilty, and I feel less like a destructive force just by virtue of existing.

Jari Aura
Jari Aura - 12.07.2023 15:18

I suffered from a deep depression after the unexpected death of my fiancé back in 2000s, and although I had marriages and have had kids after then, this depressed-self lies hidden deep in my soul somewhere. Whenever there are things I have difficulties to overcome, it comes back slowly, step-by-step increasing its impact on me. If I am not able to stop this vortex from growing, I end up buried deep in a well of procrastination, feeling completely unable to perform even daily routine tasks, using tv and social media as sedatives to overcome the pain. It goes for a while, making life uneasy for everybody who surrounds me, until a point where I am so tired of being depressed that I try to get rid of my depressed self by taking steps towards a temporary recovery, creating a "high" state of mind which goes on for a while, until the next fall which will eventually come in a few months and make my life like hell again for some weeks. My work output actually consists of what I produce during those "high" periods and I miss twice as much opportunities during the down periods. I think there is also a genetically inherited tendency though, since my dad also suffered from alcoholism and chronic depression which finally led to Alzheimer's disease. Basing on my experience, when depression comes and you genetically have the suitable means to host it, it never goes away completely. You just learn how to tame it, but there will be times it bites you and tries to gain control back again. It's a never-ending struggle.

Zeljko Tomic
Zeljko Tomic - 09.07.2023 16:08

Its can be done. You just need to die to be cured

Mdot - 07.07.2023 17:56

i need help

Selah - 05.07.2023 22:56

This is helpful info

Gerardo G
Gerardo G - 30.06.2023 06:53

I've had a depressive illness since I was 23, and I'm now 56, and I do believe you can recover completely, with the advantage of being a more aware person, with more wisdom, etc., and able to enjoy the rest of your life better than before, and bear the fruits you are meant to.

Sir MaddaM Metzo
Sir MaddaM Metzo - 24.06.2023 19:45

I just stumbled over your videos today after trying to look up sugar free diets, ect
And haven't stopped watching one video after another, except for sending one of them to a friend. I found your video about things you shouldn't tell your LGBTQ child, but I wasn't able to find the one you mentioned there about the transgender topic.

Anyway you helped me realize the scale of people falling back into more than one depressive episode and also that there still can be symtpons, even if you are considered to be depression free again. My therapist who I had in the last 6 years helped me through some of my episodes and I think she tried to tell me, that this is no "my fault" or that it's not uncommon.
But I guess I only got it today with the help of your videos, that I can see I'm not a failure for never finding a way out of the depression completely and be completely healed for the rest of my life. Or that I'm not a lost cause because I had depressive episodes since my early teens.

I still want to improve my quality of life and a major factor in breaking the ceiling for me was finding out about my trans identity and starting my transition. There has always been kind of limit that capped my ability to feel happy with myself that was so invisible until I had the time during the covid lockdowns to truly look at myself.
That being said I'm mid transition and I know that I still have a long way to go transition wise but also my overall mental health around cPTSD (thanks for explaining the difference!), depression, anxiety and maybe just maybe undiagnosed adhd. Last time I tried to get a diagnose the Psychiatrists misgendered me all the time and then said it's all my cPTSD, because my elementary school grades were too good. I take that with a grain of salt...

Anyway, thank you so much for your content so far, it helps me understand myself a bit better and also the false assumptions of me that I adopted over time. Also your videos about diet interacting with mental illness and vice versa gave me a boost to pull this through.

Vasanti Punchoo
Vasanti Punchoo - 20.06.2023 17:45

How to recover if the cause in your environment does not change ?

bobcharlotte - 15.06.2023 13:58

I think leaving Japan will help mine, or at least getting a new job.

wayne Kea
wayne Kea - 13.06.2023 22:44

The title question short the answer too long

rob donell
rob donell - 13.06.2023 05:00

My VA Dr has had me taking Venlafaxine timed release capsules 75 mg daily since 2009.

Peter Thomas
Peter Thomas - 13.06.2023 04:26

Comprehensive work here. Deserves triple the views. Thank you

Vedat - 06.06.2023 19:25

"Wellness within the ilness" that's the key for someone

Jean Rivera
Jean Rivera - 05.06.2023 20:37

Psychology on a whole new level 😮

fritz Kraemer
fritz Kraemer - 05.06.2023 17:01

I Like your videos! it helps me a lot. even if i am in germany and don't understand a few terms.

Lyles Fredidog
Lyles Fredidog - 04.06.2023 00:54

You can if you know what depression is, she doesn't.

Niecey Weesey
Niecey Weesey - 03.06.2023 03:31

Was in remission for years then suddenly BOOM

mark silinzy
mark silinzy - 03.06.2023 01:54

You look so pretty.... honestly

Masentaja - 03.06.2023 00:34

Speaking for myself: nope.

Miro Vinac
Miro Vinac - 01.06.2023 08:31

Depend what you mean by "fully recovery". There's no such thing as fully recovery. You will never be the same, with or without depression you are not the same, each second you are different person. Feelings come and go, like thoughts and everything else. One day you will be happy and the other you will be less happy. But the day after you can and will be better. In fact, when you stop checking your feelings and crave for happyness you'll probably be quite peacefull. And happy, but much more deeper. Mood is not permanent nor it can be perfect. Look at depression as a change, chance to grow, to learn some from it. In the beginning it will be difficult to see but on clearer day you'll figure out why. Every life is full of ups and downs but what's matter is your learning and growing. After depression you can be much stronger, much complete, satisfied and wiser person.

Ana K.
Ana K. - 29.05.2023 07:22

Doc, thx for info!

samesame - 28.05.2023 03:49

Hey lady I know you mean well but by the end of the day it's called living in the 21 century. Give the happy pill.i think about doing away with my self almost every day .living in the forest and living away from this horrible world of made up happiness look around you homeless people drugs war unhealthy working conditions it pretty much staked up against you and the people who think there is a way through this maze with pills talk diet are people living in a different zone then people who suffer mental illness they my friends or probably not friends are the doctors who make money off of despair ❤

Kim B
Kim B - 28.05.2023 02:03

Im semi out of a 20 year depression (I can feel things again what brings me also great joy :) ) I am still not diagnosed proberly but i had my share of labes. Tbh i lost all trust in the mental heath care but this lady.. God I wish i was her 'patient' Thank you for doing what you do here, it helps enormus 💓 Big hug from the Netherlands x

Gavin Elliot
Gavin Elliot - 26.05.2023 09:15

Doctors give me depresion.take money no results.crap.T800aust

sultan b
sultan b - 26.05.2023 07:09

Its hard for me becuase i know which veins to cut can cause a complete loss of blood.

CoolDudeClem - 26.05.2023 00:57

I hate sunny days, is this because I am depressed?

Doug Laidlaw
Doug Laidlaw - 25.05.2023 16:45

As this professional knows, whether depression can be cured depends on the individual case. There is no common standard of depression like a common cold. There are 11 possible symptoms, and a diagnosis requires any 3 of them to be present for 2 weeks. I have medical advice that depression is in my genes. For me, it will never be totally absent. I was refused life insurance, but I turned 80 this year, and have been married to the same woman for 51 years. Because my condition is permanent, I have treated it as a disability rather than an illness. Every time I fell, I got up again.

Alex Shyu
Alex Shyu - 25.05.2023 07:44

Thank you so much. Really helpful. Every bullet point you mentioned is useful.

Mayo_oder Ketchup
Mayo_oder Ketchup - 24.05.2023 00:27

Ofc you can.
Depression is happening in the hyppocampus. You have to train the cognitive abitilies.
Eat salmon, mushrooms, avocado, spinach, beef , berries etc.
You have to get Omega 3 fatty acids, all Vitamin B complexes like B1 - B12 , Yoghurt or mushrooms are elevating the probiotic cultures in the guts Just keep on training.
Move outside for orientation, Play memory or draw something you have in your imaginations.

This is how to get rid of that.

DJDavey - 23.05.2023 03:58

I don't not believe that I can recover from any of my mental illnesses. Now wait a minute. I was told that dysthymia disorder was now called persistent depressive disorder know which is it unipolar or persistent depressive disorder or is it Dsythmic disorder?

Stacie Hankins
Stacie Hankins - 22.05.2023 17:25

I love you SO much!!!!! Thank you for being so honest! Most people would never consider that food was the initial target of the problem.....

Yokima Whittaker
Yokima Whittaker - 21.05.2023 18:06

I'm a grieving mother not just depression.

Sharina Ross
Sharina Ross - 21.05.2023 08:51

Expressing sadness is frowned upon.

Rachel Beth
Rachel Beth - 21.05.2023 05:34

I’m so depressed, I don’t even believe that people exist who aren’t like this.

B VALZ - 21.05.2023 03:09

Thank you you don’t know how many people you are helping

Neptune Vibe
Neptune Vibe - 20.05.2023 22:55

From my own experience... no. I don't want to sound bleak but it is what it is. On long term is getting you. Also all the people I know trying medicate for it and get rid of it never made it. I believe if you are able to escape depression you had a mild form.

Education Never Lies
Education Never Lies - 20.05.2023 22:07

Too depressed to watch. Could someone answer the question?

Nicholas De Laat
Nicholas De Laat - 20.05.2023 17:08

Well, for those of us with Dysthymia (born with it), there is no recovery. It is constant, and gets gradually worse throughout our lifetime, according to self experience and modern neurology.

Medication does not help with dysthymia, only in the short term. After time, dosage and tolerance goes up till meds are maxed out and doing little.

Being depressed every day of ones life builds on it'self day after day, until middle age where there is no coming out of it. One must only hope they have a purpose to live, a duty to something or someone so to speak, because happiness (or that feeling) is not reachable. Upon realizing that over decades, unless there is a purpose of another to live for, suicide is then seen as the only way to ease the pain. Pain that can be tolerated with purpose, but without purpose...

I'm just saying, with Dysthymia (people born with it) it will never go away. And all these techniques and meds DO NOT HELP in the long run. There is no help. It's different than any other kind of depression, but the pros treat them all the same (at least in my experience). There is only just acceptance, we must accept that you will never feel real happiness. Whether you want to live every day in that torturous state, well, that's a personal decision.

If only people would understand...

Being born with depression cannot be cured or just is. One can accept it and live in pain and misery every day, or not accept it and ease the pain the only real way that will work.

Moth Makes
Moth Makes - 20.05.2023 13:00

So yes or no?
I'm too lazy to watch the whole video

monkey bear
monkey bear - 20.05.2023 02:09

I still get days where getting out of bed makes me wanna die, I still sometimes get such bad anxiety around things I genuinely think suicide is my only solution, but honestly looking at where I was in the worst of my depression... Recovery is possible. I don't think I'll ever be "cured" sadly but my life is so much better right now I'm so glad I never took that final step and that I'm here today

Bring The Sprite
Bring The Sprite - 20.05.2023 00:48

I’m not trying to sound edgy or smth but i genuinely don’t think i’ll ever recover and in a weird way i don’t even want to, because it has become almost like a ”safety blanket” for me. Idk how to explain it
