Meet the British cast of London's "Hamilton"

Meet the British cast of London's "Hamilton"

CBS Mornings

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@chupacabra9357 - 11.10.2020 23:13

This entire cast just looks extremely... unimpressive.

@drasonmeerrkat2617 - 24.10.2020 00:53

I want a west end cast recordings

@craigedoyle3590 - 27.10.2020 09:30

I see losers crying in the lost deal with it

@torinspence2444 - 09.11.2020 18:29

Reporter doesn't seem to have ever seen it, is rude, arrogant and ignorant. That aside, love the castings

@bostonbersa1941 - 18.11.2020 19:57

Wish they release this one also!!!!!! Would've been great!!

@everglad3s - 03.01.2021 15:50

The male reports are why Americans are hated by many people. This is coming from an American myself.

@hook3858 - 05.01.2021 16:37

the reporters says this as if the founding fathers of America weren't British , they are being smug for something that happened 250+ years ago that they wouldn't be brave enough to do now .

@gerriepimm5063 - 12.01.2021 23:20

Saw this in London with this exact cast. Absolutely magical.

@oddocb414 - 12.01.2021 23:49


@karen.daubert - 18.01.2021 09:51

God that reporter is terrible! How rude with the winners and losers comment. Americans aren't smug about this -- it's long over! Why even say that?

@giac787 - 22.01.2021 22:42

I just have to say I found it funny when in Alexander Hamilton, Hamilton took a backpack (correct me if I’m wrong) instead of a satchel thing.

@jayle203 - 27.01.2021 19:44

The original one was better...

@kenziescandystore7938 - 28.01.2021 01:55

Let’s admit it nothing can replace the OG cast

@ohpissoff - 05.02.2021 02:32

Ahhh i do love the British cast but it
ll never be the same than the obc

I wish i found Hamilton earlier-
Edit: nvm i might see it in london since lin said it was the best


@adorringznamara772 - 07.02.2021 19:50

Why can’t the People from England including me just watch the normal one?👁👄👁the normal one is better

@goldensilenceakagoldielove133 - 07.02.2021 21:01

I now have an additional goal once pandemic travel restrictions are lifted: travel from the U.S. to London to see Hamilton!

@Calebfoust-em6or - 11.02.2021 07:53

Sorry but that Burr and the rest of the cast got no bounce and swagger.

@duckbran79 - 12.03.2021 00:23

Remember wicked can only play in oz

@RgUnitedFC - 16.03.2021 00:07

it takes a lot to have Britain’s perform about a war that they lost...

@najiib605 - 19.03.2021 19:11

You can look at it another way cause Independence Day that Americans celebrate is also the time that the Americans promised the french that they would support on the off chance the British attack them which was never fulfilled. So the french got done in even though they supported them with supplies and soldiers.

@omgIoIwtf - 20.03.2021 09:37

no ones talking about the aaron burr at the beginning of this video BUTCHERING “the room where it happens”. ok.

@sarahramdatt3651 - 30.03.2021 22:27

whos gonna tell the reporter its been over 200 years and no one cares

@willrsch3653 - 31.03.2021 22:44

I love the British cast and the American cast, but it’s just kinda hard for me to adjust to the British cast because I’ve been listening to the American cast for so long, and it’s just hard to change but I love this cast.

@notcharlee1002 - 03.04.2021 08:04

Why was the interviewer so caught up on saying England was the loser and America was the winner? Like yes it made a huge difference but the war is over 200 years old like dude chill out

@montysaints4750 - 10.04.2021 06:34

They are doing amazing and the reporter needs to relax..

@bkbouquet - 01.05.2021 02:56

Damn i cant wait until a British reporter get to strait up insult Americans while talking about six on broadway

@Hamster_Joy - 19.05.2021 01:43

When we say we hate Americans... We mean this. This is what we hate.

To add context: the weird superiority complex over absolutely everything.

@Hamster_Joy - 19.05.2021 01:44

Imagine gate keeping a musical 😬

@coraggio93 - 21.05.2021 03:39

Brits are better at imitating American accents than Americans are at imitating British accents. I wonder what the actor who plays Lafayette sounds like?

@Fabfest5024 - 27.05.2021 06:48

No offense but I like the first ones with Lin I just think they are better

@rondeneef - 28.06.2021 02:36


@Captain-Pellaeon - 03.07.2021 18:50

"The land of losers" I burst a blood vein.

@chinamcrich290 - 21.10.2021 01:29

so in six they also did this but going to American but for some reason they do an American accent here but in American for six they don’t do a British accent so i always think about this

@chloesarah - 04.11.2021 00:35

When he calls us "losers" its actually quite irritating

@Kaacka26 - 05.12.2021 22:15

The musical doesn't make fun of the French so??????

@taytay4458 - 27.12.2021 23:03

It wasn't even America at the time, most people claimed that they were "Virginian" or "Georgian", not American. Even after the war was won. Hamilton also wasn't an immigrant because he just came from one British colony to another. But, im glad that it was changed it for artistic license, although it's a bit historically inaccurate 😋

@waypasthadenough - 16.01.2022 16:00

One of the most disgusting displays of PC insanity I've seen.

Annoy the evil ones that hate true free speech, click on the avatar.

@nela277 - 17.01.2022 21:39

Excuse, maybe my english is not good enough, but the play never make fun of the Frenchs. Lafayette was one of the heroes of the US independence, sent by the French king to emmerder the Brits :p the original character in the US adopted a french accent while singing to make it more real, not to mock him. Font chier les anglais comme d’hab! Anyway « Say the King casse-toi who is the best, c’est moi »

@inthemomenttomoment - 07.03.2022 09:11

It's amazing; we were once a nation 🇺🇲of Wooden Ships ⛵ & Iron Men/Women🚻 now WE 🤔 have become a nation of Iron Ships & Wooden Men/Women! The Ironic Journey of True Mettle resonates within!

@newkingdomofprussia9985 - 09.04.2022 21:19

I'm 99% certain, a bigger percentage of the people who liked the play, were British. In the UK, we love how King George is portraid to maximum extent. It's only sad we didn't see more of him. We don't really care we lost the US revolution, nor the 'patriotic' fever in it. It's just a damn good play and musical.

@LucyH0 - 02.06.2022 03:01

this reporter really thought the British audience was gonna hate the musical because of a war that happened hundreds of years ago when none of us here now were around. why does he think we’re all bitter against a group of people gaining independence 😐 like yeah we are in the country that lost the war GLADLY cause back then Britain wasn’t a good place but now it ain’t like that. this is why americans are seen as ignorant because they have no idea what it’s like outside of their country and how to respect other places.

@kxy2441 - 05.06.2022 18:41

someone needs to tell this guy that the war is over xD

@seancalasara2345 - 12.06.2022 10:30

At least I wanna see the actual actions in Britain. As a person who is from Britain, seeing this just made me sad 😢

@soy_patricia - 20.06.2022 04:49

you had one job, and failed. You should have watched the "play" before doing the interview and this stupid video.

@hi......5264 - 28.07.2022 14:06

i was there last night, just wow. it was amazing

@gjbaan2860 - 22.10.2022 14:57

Male commentator - "in the land of the losers" was the intro..- arrogance, ignorance once more...perhaps..

@paulhealy8871 - 06.06.2023 18:02

Looking forward to the show.

@Becca_TheWorm - 06.08.2023 06:06

“Invaded Britain big time” ahh so the turns have tabled
