Uninstall Oh My ZSH Right Now And Do This Instead

Uninstall Oh My ZSH Right Now And Do This Instead

Brodie Robertson

3 года назад

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Gambu Saur
Gambu Saur - 29.09.2023 07:16

For me oh my ZSH is a fantastic way of saving my time configuring the shell automatically.

Gambu Saur
Gambu Saur - 29.09.2023 07:13

What a rant...

Andrew - 12.09.2023 02:07

just out of curiosity, any nushell users?

Gus - 30.08.2023 15:30

I think most of the problems you pointed out are not Oh My Zsh's fault, just people using a tool they don't take the time to understand.

To clarify some points:

1. Omz does not install/source plugins by default. You choose the ones that you want to use. Not knowing what the plugin actually does (i.e. not reading it's README) is your fault.

2. It includes an "aliases" plugin that show all aliases (even grouped by plugins). So if something's wrong, you can't check that and have a single global view for them. And again, not knowing what aliases omz included means that you installed a plugin without reading it thoroughly.

3. Although some plugins are almost never updated, it's nice to know for sure that when one actually does, you get the new version without much trouble.

4. Yeah you could source everything manually, but the "plugins = (a b c)" syntax is more concise than doing ”source ./.../a; source./.../b; ..."

Lollercoaster Lollercoaster
Lollercoaster Lollercoaster - 27.07.2023 10:11

ohmyzsh is just bloatware

laughingvampire - 13.07.2023 12:26

1. you can always grep the repo for the alias you wanna use in any of this community frameworks.
1.1 you can always use "type" to check if the alias you wanna use exists as an alias or program or function or anything else.
2. the readme of these plugins tell you what additional packages you need to install.
3. no, you are not gonna stumble because you can always grep on all the aliases from the shell

4. The startup performance is the one and only valid point of your entire video

laughingvampire - 13.07.2023 12:15

the irony of this video is that is about open source and the idea of cooperating in a single configuration goes over your head. 🤣

one of the goals of FLOSS is about cooperation, yes, even in simple things like this

laughingvampire - 13.07.2023 12:12

a plugin manager would be something like antigen, fresh, zplug, dotzsh, omz has a lot of prescription in its usage and only manages the plugins that are within its own repo, it goes to no other place, while the others don't have any integrated plugins and they do only manage plugins.

timrob - 04.05.2023 23:13

Have a look a zapzsh. It is a very minimal plugin manager. I liked the basic defaults except for the prompt which I replaced with starship. I realize all this can be done easily without a plugin manager, but there is some convenience aspects that make it desireable to me. OhMyZsh was really slowing loading of iTerm. I recently switched to Kitty where it was less of an issue, but I didn't use most of what Oh My Zsh has to offer anyway so there's no point in using up storage for things I don't use.

niktor76 - 07.04.2023 13:52

No thanks, I will keep it.

Michael Corvin
Michael Corvin - 30.03.2023 09:27

As a recent convert to zsh, using ohmyzsh + powerlevel10k has provided a super easy entry to having a useful 'out of the box' useful environment and easily configurable command line prompt. Yes, it's bloated and the points that you make are entirely valid. Just loading the git 'plugin' adds more aliases than you can shake a stick at. But reading all the scripts is teaching me how to hack all the zsh goodness - and all those aliases even help me grok interesting things that they are doing with tool XYZ. So, sure, down the road I can see pillaging what the community has done and hacking my own (or our team's own) lean and mean .zshrc + 'plugin' files to source config from - if I find the cycles to do so. Cheers!

Chris Anthony
Chris Anthony - 18.03.2023 07:22

I am new to zsh and a few things are lacking from this video. For those who have already installed oh my zsh you didn't tell us where they store their aliases or how to uninstall oh my zsh. Also is missing how to use a theme as most of them recommend installing oh my zsh first.

nezu - 13.02.2023 21:38

personally i run oh my zsh + powerlevel10k. Is it bloated? Yes. Is it good? Also yes. I find that most of the aliases that are there by default are really good so I only have to define 2 or 3 extra ones.

Bluewolf279 - 12.02.2023 22:02

thank-you i have always hated that oh my zsh was a different download from my dotfiles, now i can just stick everything in my dotfiles

e ygs
e ygs - 11.02.2023 11:26

you are so annoying

vanish - 10.02.2023 20:38

Just got rid of oh my zsh on my pc because of you :)

sagich dirdochnicht
sagich dirdochnicht - 06.02.2023 12:33

I can see your points, but ultimatively I disagree. I use omz, because it just has some "advanced" Plugins that I want. "Advanced" meaning, they add like 20 ++ lines of code and at this point, I would DEFENETLY source those parts in seperate files, because I just don't feel comfortable with a convoluted, unreadable config.

And yes, I could just download the text, place it in files and source it. But why the hell should I?! Omz does allready exist and does what it is supposed to, and everything is clean.

For the rest of the Plugins - yeah, don't use them. There ist no point in loading Plugins, that only load like 5 shell aliases or something. It's easier and faster to just create them yourself in like 1 Minute.

And keep in mind: I'm still having a damn .zshrc! That I can edit like any other .zshrc! And so I did. You are almost making it like installing omz will force you to only use omz feautres and nothing else. That is simply not the case.

Les Flo
Les Flo - 20.01.2023 23:16

I wasn't a big fan of oh-my-zsh either

xuedi zhang
xuedi zhang - 19.12.2022 17:28

Its also a bit of a security risk some "plugins" are quite complex, it easy to sneak in code that then gets auto updated onto every command

Stefan Dirnstorfer
Stefan Dirnstorfer - 16.12.2022 00:34

I really have to disagree. Oh-my-zsh solves a lot larger set of problems. First, setting up you aliases really takes a lot of time and everyone in the team would end up with different command names. With oh-my-zsh we can share commands like "glol" or "gpsup" for which I really cannot remember the long form. I wouldn't be able to teach them to collegues. Second, people have figured out which combination of options is useful. I can learn them with e.g. "alias | grep git" and slowly increase my understanding of how people utilize these commands. Third, themes are great. If you have different style for different machines you are less likely to format the wrong hard disk because you mixed up the shell. Yes, you can copy stuff into you .rc file, but I just don't want to. I really love Oh-my-zsh. It gives me an advance shell experience with minimal effort.

Mad King Cesar
Mad King Cesar - 27.10.2022 05:49

Hooly shit omz got me so fuuuming bruv. PY outdated, missing packages like tkinter, or any package for that matter. I can't reinstall python to a higher version or reinstall python to get the other packages, I can't manually install packages like tkinter because "YoU sHouLd HaVe DoWnLoaDeD iT fRom ThE sTarT", most of the shit is just outdated as fuck and impossible to fix / remove

Peter Marreck
Peter Marreck - 07.10.2022 15:24

Oh My Bash: Exists. 😂

JarppaGuru - 26.09.2022 02:31

yes yes yes who would just create some new its just samethings on one pack lol you can do ohmyzsh yourself.
but who cares. peepol was hard on rotating cube and fire effects(where are they now) LOL
well i have quess after next update your hard installed gfxdriver was defaulted normal and same drivers not anymore worked. YEAH thats linux on nutshell

Ankit G
Ankit G - 07.09.2022 13:01

lame nerd criticizing something just coz he thinks that someone is willing to waste time on these things. Terminals are to save time and you think we care if a plugin is updated in 2014 and so we start to do everything ourselves? what a wasteful video. Terminals are to save time and not to show off like it supports this n that

Heffsta02 - 03.09.2022 19:11

I love omz, the black box is a bit of a downside, but the plugin management is so nice and simple. The aesthetics off the shelf are nice too.

Vercingetorix061983 - 10.08.2022 23:05

Oh-my-zsh completetly roke my conda instalation. It works even in PowerShell and not with this.

Rob Moerland
Rob Moerland - 07.08.2022 14:10

A really bad habit is putting aliases in project documentation and scripts. Who knows what kgp means.

VadeVerum - 28.07.2022 21:57

Having just spent a week setting my zsh console manually on my qubes machine, never having heard of ohmyzsh, I am eternally grateful to be one of those people who were conflating the two. 🙏

Michal Przybylowicz
Michal Przybylowicz - 13.07.2022 13:31

At the end of the day I think it's important to really understand what the program/shell/plugin manager does and answer a question: do I need it?

E-Z - 10.07.2022 03:41

I use Antibody instead. It's fast and super efficient.

MjolnirsRevenge - 02.07.2022 21:39

wait hold on. You can pull apart doom emacs, and use only the bits you want.
is it recommended? No
Does it defeat the point? Yes, maybe
If you chat about doom emacs. it'd be nice if you knew how it worked. I'm sure there's some bindings and stuff you can't pull out of doom, but from what I gather (this isn't much, I like doom as is), you can basically pull it apart where you want.

Christian Silvermoon
Christian Silvermoon - 27.06.2022 05:43

I kind of feel like it also basically encourages users to download and run scripts without reading them, which is... eh... I wrote my own sort of 'plugin system' for BASH that I call Modularized Shell Runtime Config, or just MSRC. The goal of MSRC was to basically just let you split your .bashrc into multiple files you could enable/disable (by toggling the executable permission on them)... and for that it's accomplished it. It's not oriented towards being a package manager of any kind.

viasux - 25.06.2022 22:05

I followed the title's instructions and uninstalled my terminal, now I can't open my web browser!! Omg!! Wtf dude?

Michael Naumann
Michael Naumann - 16.05.2022 17:40

So pedantry ISN'T the path to happiness? Who knew?

Tech world
Tech world - 18.02.2022 22:16

can you tell me how can i setup icons like you have , i am using 10k theme

SmileBot - 03.01.2022 18:50

This is a general problem in computing. So many libraries and frameworks hide obvious stuff and include tons of unnecessary complexity for next to no benefit.

Spud z
Spud z - 17.12.2021 19:41

Whats funny i clicked on this cuz i thought it was going to be reason why u dont want zsh xD trying to get both sides

ctcrnitv - 25.10.2021 09:13

well now my .zshrc is broken. fuk

Davud Rabiei
Davud Rabiei - 14.10.2021 05:46

you are look like Denzil Washington bro. just he is black I think

気にしない - 20.09.2021 04:45

yeah i uninstalled oh my zsh. i have a plain command line prompt now and don't care

emarsk - 14.09.2021 11:48

I used to use zsh with a massive config file forked from grml.

Now I use fish, almost vanilla, with just a couple of plugins managed with fisher. Most comfortable and most efficient interactive shell experience I had so far, with the least amount of config fiddling required. (And I like it as a scripting language, too.)

I'm keeping an eye on elvish and nu as well, but for me they're not ready yet.

DPB - 16.08.2021 21:17

Agree about the distinction with oh my zsh not being a framework. It’s not even a decent package manager. I can tell by the volume of postings in online forums on the topic of zsh completion issues… I’m not the only one who has had their environment setup in an unconventional and obfuscated way thanks to oh my zsh. The developers didn’t do enough automation to keep things consistent without issue and they did enough that I am sometimes fighting with the aftermath of oh my zsh processes when starting up the shell. it has become a source of frustration for me and I’m about to 86 it entirely .
