How To Waste Your Life & Never Be Happy (A Short Story)

How To Waste Your Life & Never Be Happy (A Short Story)

Pursuit of Wonder

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misterdot - 23.10.2023 09:43


Dr Spidey
Dr Spidey - 16.10.2023 22:14

I watched this video few years back and now I'm rewatching it again. But God! This hit me different now as I age and realise how I'm the Noah

don marco
don marco - 09.10.2023 23:01

Moral of the story: Never compare yourself to anyone. Focus on youself and be better every day.

Ricardo Santos
Ricardo Santos - 03.10.2023 20:52

The optimist sunk with the Titanic.
The realist, got in the boats.
The pessimist were not in the Titanic to begin with.

There is toxic negatively but there is also also toxic positively. It wouldn't surprise me if there is also toxic centrism.

You see the problem is that people see life as a static line.
When like is many curves. Sometimes you go center. Sometimes being in center will make you crash. Sometimes, you go left. Sometimes you go right. Sometimes you need to jump as none of the paths will save you. And sometimes, no matter you do, you will fail.

MAKE YOUR OWN DECISIONS. Sometimes you will be correct. Sometimes they will be wrong. But they should be your own and not someone else. At least you get someone that understand you making those decisions. And not someone who doesn't give a rat ass about you making them for you.

sulit jc • 5 years ago
sulit jc • 5 years ago - 03.10.2023 12:30

how to be a happy millionaire?

Dizzy_Wolfe - 03.10.2023 03:20

This is exactly the 'just be happy with what you've got' bullshit i expected.

lark - 01.10.2023 22:33

Not appreciating what you have will lead to this ungrateful, empty mentality

Angel Blaze
Angel Blaze - 29.09.2023 18:45

Sounds like Noah needed therapy ALL his life.

Abdoulie Jallow
Abdoulie Jallow - 21.09.2023 17:32

there is everything wrong with leaving a normal life and have no purpose in life...the amount of money u make is not important bcz money is just like sperit u cant predict how it will leave u but the secret is look for the thing that will give u the wealth that is aquaring a unique skill that can solve a whole lot of people in this world be the best in the room and u will see how the money and the people with the money will be looking 4 u every were u not on other or u will just leave a why me situation get your own business not get on working 4 others

Silicon Sage
Silicon Sage - 18.09.2023 07:25

The hedonic treadmill

Aleah Armstrong
Aleah Armstrong - 08.09.2023 17:24

Loved the video. I can get a lot by this.

1. You’ll waste your life comparing yourself to others and what they have.

2. Money can’t buy you happiness.

3. You can spend your whole life wanting this and that. Sometimes once you get it you still find yourself not satisfied with something.

4.Happiness is a choice and is free. It cannot be bought by material possessions or money and status.

I really needed to see this!

the owl who was
the owl who was - 30.08.2023 14:50

10 mins for a punchline at the end that wasn't funny or useful.

Muda - 28.08.2023 14:01

Have you wondered why the world doesn't seem to please anyway with its vase richness?
Well maybe that's because Our creator designed this world in such a way that we never ever find true happiness.

M M - 20.08.2023 06:57

Ah yes the NFL starting up is happiness...Slava Ukr4ine...

ToastedRegret - 11.08.2023 19:09

In this economy, Alex's way of living would no longer be possible.

thecasualgamer - 06.08.2023 14:52


Merry Sallysmas
Merry Sallysmas - 05.08.2023 16:29

„The women“?? and you mention it as if you’re collecting cars?? Disgusting to see how hetero fragile low life men brain work.

Sren Holm
Sren Holm - 05.08.2023 13:49

Different strokes for different folks.
Though making a decent living as an artist is very rare.

Intellectual Conversations with BJ
Intellectual Conversations with BJ - 31.07.2023 10:40

This society’s obsession with equating wealth with unhappiness and poverty with happiness, amazes me. It’s really a socialist ideology

Anas Daeef
Anas Daeef - 28.07.2023 08:51

Also you can be poor no friends and everyone around you cares about money and nobody want to be friend with you because you are of a lower social status. People are the same, they haven't changed, but Noah realizes this fact until it's too late. So I'll be like Noah

Rotceh Lobo
Rotceh Lobo - 25.07.2023 06:44

Don’t tell me how to waste my life.


La Corvier 0616
La Corvier 0616 - 25.07.2023 06:38

life is full of choices. currently I have decided to quit my 9 to 5 and start a new business with my friend. yes I might be more busier, but its for me, im also starting this for my kids for one day fot them to take over... I have been working for others for 20 years, I have a preety good resume and lots of success stories managing businesses, but still they are not mine to keep. so if you decide to run your own business, be prepared to be even busier but its for your self... so dont regret any decision you took. focus on what you want, work SMART not harder... at one point everybody willl achive their dreams....

Im wishing everyone good luck... we will ge there....

and Pray... may sound cheesy or stupid for some, but lately, I have found more faith in the religion i believe in.... so by praying it give me the energy, the power to always trust my self and I know I will make this work...

Anita G. Andrade
Anita G. Andrade - 24.07.2023 12:42

This is utter Bullshit! Educating snowflakes, are we?

TheShewacky - 15.07.2023 17:47

Being an artist brings me such joy

Deanna L. Newton
Deanna L. Newton - 12.07.2023 14:39

I had a similar childhood growing up and I know why both of my parents would be working a lot and I am grateful that my grandmother took care of me and my sisters while they worked, my parents at least make an effort to spend time with us when they do have the time. I also never really asked for money that much since I realize that I can earn more money by collecting change and cashing it in. If there was something that I really really want, I'd have to wait for my birthday or Christmas because there was no way my parents would get me a game outside of those parameters when I was growing up. At least I earn my own money without having to ask for my parents and it's not like I have the right to get something just because I want it, that I know for sure. I also know that my parents told me that if you love what you do, you don't work a day in your life and since I love to help people with their money and finances, I wanted to become an accountant. Some people think that being an accountant is boring and I say that was the point, in school we were doing menial tasks when it comes to homework and projects so it's not much of a difference to what jobs have to do for us. I also never really cared about the appeal of "exciting jobs" because even jobs that seem to be exciting on the surface, it can also become boring if you do it every day but if you love said job then it stll becomes enjoyable regardless of it.

GODRilla - 12.07.2023 04:40

I think I'm just going to go live in a hole and wait for bugs to crawl in my mouth.

toonfckr - 11.07.2023 22:28

It's easy to tell someone who grew up with security and never needing anything not to be pessimistic. People who's parents always had enough for their needs, maybe even enough for extras, owned a house and a car, raised their kids in a safe and nice neighborhood.

But what about those of us who grew up in poverty? Constantly being kicked out of houses because their single mothers couldn't afford the bills, living without electricity or running water, having their mothers turn to drugs and abusive men because there's nothing else out there for them, being ripped away from their loved ones and shipped off to the foster care system to suffer more years of abuse, isolation, and loneliness, only to be dumped on the streets with nothing as a young adult with no other option than to return to the same life they were raised in.

Constantly behind on rent, unable to afford car insurance and risking getting a ticket they can't afford and being sent to jail and losing everything EVERY time they drive to work. And it's not like you can't go to work, if you lose your job you lose everything. Try telling someone like me who's lived that life to be optimistic when suffering is all I've ever seen. Of course we will wish we had more, we always will, because this is the sort of life that makes people off themselves because it isn't even worth living

Silvertortoise - 11.07.2023 19:23

Putin should watch this

Bob Stadelmayer
Bob Stadelmayer - 11.07.2023 00:26

One of the best pieces of advice I ever got came from a pastor:

"I've never stood by someone's deathbed and had them say I wish I had spent more time at the office".

Kohan Killetz
Kohan Killetz - 07.07.2023 17:45

This is also assuming the false capitalist narrative of social mobility.... and that his friends would likely have more access to toys if he was a "" ordinary, middle-class, American

antara c
antara c - 04.07.2023 20:23

Tbh if i didn't had to work and study so hard i would've been so happy 😂

The Wayward Grape
The Wayward Grape - 04.07.2023 19:35

Essentially: Reject Modernity embrace Stoicism

Tegan Flyman
Tegan Flyman - 01.07.2023 06:45

Sounds like Alex was somehow born in a different social class and had a whole lot more luck than Noah. This video is damaging.

Minh Quang Lê Bá
Minh Quang Lê Bá - 29.06.2023 19:23

So if Noah actually love what he do, he can be happy AND be a multi-millionaire at the same time

Mik - 13.06.2023 21:00

THis is pretty Disney-ish to be honest

Bat Man
Bat Man - 13.06.2023 10:44

...i was just waiting for Noah to start working on a boat...

Adamastor - 05.06.2023 00:52

This video is offensive to me...

I had to walk 30km everyday to finish highschool, I starved for many years, always unsure when would my family be kicked out.
We suffered insult from landlords and everyone who felt superior to the poor family. We got segregated because of the economical status.

I got wealth now and things are better now but this change couldn't have come from a carefree person.

Most fools in the same conditions as me, believe that we are the same... We're not!
But this is something that I can not just turn off, this is who I am now...

Saburo - 27.05.2023 02:49

Sounds like Noah is ungrateful and needs to realize how happy he should be. My man sold a company for $15 million dollars and finally has the freedom to explore the world and or other passions that his heart truly craves. Noah has the time for this now because of his hard work and effort. Be like Noah ! lol

Captain Yossarian
Captain Yossarian - 18.05.2023 15:03

"Comparison is the thief of joy." - Teddy Roosevelt

Agustin Tellez
Agustin Tellez - 13.05.2023 06:48

I've never had this experience with my children. Lol you all are gay.

Marvel24 - 02.05.2023 22:08

noahs life sounds kind of cool tho

nano - 26.04.2023 22:19

Story of my life
Im 42
Some of us are just built different

Daniels World
Daniels World - 26.04.2023 15:05

Stopped watching once I heard he graduated from college

Yana Dalton
Yana Dalton - 26.04.2023 05:28

Thank you

masterogway - 23.04.2023 23:37


Salatiel Jordão
Salatiel Jordão - 11.04.2023 00:52

Nice video, I wonder how is like to be that happy.

silly sour
silly sour - 10.04.2023 10:24

and me without money and love both

TheFukkface - 10.04.2023 05:41

What a load of bullshit lol

Lisa Mosele
Lisa Mosele - 09.04.2023 02:29

This is a great video that confirmed I made the right decision recently by withdrawing from a postgraduate course that may have helped me advance my career. However, my heart was not into it as I have been working in jobs that I don't really enjoy, but provide me with a steady income my entire life.And now, I finally want to do what I really want to do, but have always been afraid to pursue.

Vax San
Vax San - 07.04.2023 07:41

Was it really a waste? With his hard work Noah gained many outstanding skills, experiences, knowledge and, most importantly, the rest of his life in freedom. All of this was necessary for him to grow and attain some enlightenment.
It would be a waste if he spent his whole life in envy without making any effort to change his situation.
He's just going through a midlife crisis, which I bet he can overcome easily, since he is very competent and still got his family.
