Network Engineer's ESXi Server Build: Part 3 -  Create VM & install EVE-NG

Network Engineer's ESXi Server Build: Part 3 - Create VM & install EVE-NG

Network Engineer Pro

3 года назад

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Gita - 30.06.2023 21:21

thanks a lot ,but why esxi on raid 5. in production is it correct for os installation like esxi

DJRhinofart - 16.05.2023 21:28

One thing to comment on here. For the disk expansion, is that a limitation of the OS? As for expanding the HD of the VM, all you have to do is adjust the size in VM settings, and then from within your OS, expand the disk. Your HD will then fill out to be the entire size of what you've configured it for. It's a super simple, 10 second thing to accomplish, atleast in Windows systems. I'm certain Linux, etc have a way to do it from the CLI.

Ibrahim Abdeltawab
Ibrahim Abdeltawab - 07.05.2023 15:35

It’s so helpful! Thanks so much

Howard Leen
Howard Leen - 07.03.2023 20:31

Can you recommend a server be used for big data analytics, VM and ml/ai purposes?

(I'm trying to set up a home lab for days science purposes and I'm struggling to find options that under 1k just for the chassis!)

TÚTO - 16.01.2023 07:44

Hey Rafael, Thanks for the great content. I literally followed each step in your video to the T, multiple times with the Pro version and Community version. However, when I start the virtual machine, It briefly shows a prompt of EVE NG saying to install EVE NG VM and other options, but then it disappears. It goes into this black menu and asks me for language, Keyboard selection, proxy server, and then it says that to continue the install, it will delete all the info on the disks chosen to be formatted. It says "Continue with destructive process? You cannot go back or come back to this page afterwards". No idea whats going on.


Paul B
Paul B - 16.12.2022 17:09

Awesome Tutorial from start to finish. What are the specs you provided on the EVE-NG VM for a substantial lab? Let's say for SDWAN, which require a lot of resources. I am looking to do the same thing but not sure if I should install it on bare metal. I like the flexibility of ESXi to test other software. But for big labs EVE-NG needs a lot of resources. Thanks.

mahendra kumar sahu
mahendra kumar sahu - 11.09.2022 00:16

Great bro!!!
Truly glad to you for this lecture about Esxi installation process for network engineer.

Good luck from India 🇮🇳🇮🇳🇮🇳

Muhammad Usman
Muhammad Usman - 12.06.2022 08:19

Network monitor software

Sho Z
Sho Z - 05.12.2021 08:19

Great, professional video with simple instructions to follow, Thank you and all the best

khilo - 15.07.2021 00:36

Great video as always. Thank you!

Would you be able to make a video that talks about your CCIE journey? (How long it took you to get it? How many years of experience do you have as a network engineer etc..?)
