DEHYA GUIDE & REVIEW: How to Play, Best Artifact & Weapon Builds, Team Comps | Genshin Impact 3.5

DEHYA GUIDE & REVIEW: How to Play, Best Artifact & Weapon Builds, Team Comps | Genshin Impact 3.5


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SevyPlays - 01.03.2023 09:35

1. Correction regarding Serpent Spine: She still keeps the weapon stacks even if she's taking DMG off-field from the DMG redirection. But if she's taking DMG on-field with the redirected DMG (and also from any other DMG source), then the stacks will start disappearing. (Thanks to Ebonomics Casual for pointing this out!) This means it's actually better than just being a Crit stat stick.
2. Correction regarding The Bell: The shield it generates is only for the wielder, it's not transferrable when swapping to a different on-field character. (Thanks to DeedleFake for pointing this out!) So the Bell will essentially just be an HP stat stick.
3. Bad news: Apparently, jumping during her Burst will end it...

Ryan King
Ryan King - 08.11.2023 14:27

Dehya, Wriothsley & Heizuo. The Punching Party.

Raymond Lagudgud
Raymond Lagudgud - 01.11.2023 12:32

Just got her in Wrio's banner, is she good with Neuvillette??

Alberto Alcocer Espinosa
Alberto Alcocer Espinosa - 08.10.2023 00:59

Hey sevy can you do a comparison video between dehya with golden troupe and vayahsksjasha set, i don't know how she can deal real dmg

Robert Bogomolec
Robert Bogomolec - 06.10.2023 16:58

I just got her. I was sad to see that people say she's bad. Then I remembered that I'm maining Amber and Qiqi while a lvl 20 Nahida is just sitting in my roster ever since I've got her on her last banner. Why? Cuz my Collei is doing a great dendro job so far, so I haven't had the need to max Nahida. I've got a sneaky feeling imma start rocking Dehya as well. I've got a thing for "garbage" characters. Every idiot knows how to play OP characters. The fun starts when you're trying to make the weak ones work.

BeastMaster69 - 22.09.2023 06:09

So she is even worse than qiqi?

LambofGod - 19.09.2023 23:37

I think the new artefact set is nice for dehya if paired with ganyu

HYOUDOU ISSEI - 03.09.2023 20:43

Someone how unlucky u can be
Me who's first 5 star is Dehya
Why god whyyyy😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭

lyre - 16.08.2023 08:18

just got her C1, thank u for such a concise and helpful guide !!

Austin Lim
Austin Lim - 12.08.2023 01:59

what makes dehya even worse is even if her skill makes general team survivability better. in the spiral abyss which is just one giant dps check. she offers nothing to her general team. even most of the dedicated healers in genshin at least can lend their element to elemental reactions. and dehya cant even do that because pyro reactions are just dmg multipliers and dont do anything useful.

Kinda Mad
Kinda Mad - 22.07.2023 01:29

If you pair her and Xingqiu's E then you will never get staggered and you can vaporise every hit of her burst (I think), you just won't have Xingqiu's damage

Ace - 09.07.2023 23:54

Just got her on standard banner at 8 pity RAAAAAAAH so I ran to your guide

Demoiselle Navia 🧡💛
Demoiselle Navia 🧡💛 - 30.06.2023 03:15

I love dehya sm and i really wish she did more damage i did a test to see who did more base damage mika or dehya (sense they’re both equally as bad) mika did more physical then dehya in any aspect

I did it just mika then just dehya like they were by themself fighting against the cryo reg. And pyro reg. Respectively

Kaz - 27.06.2023 09:20

i just got Dehya and her attack animations feels so good to use. she's my first 5 star and was hoping for a build guide lol but all I see everywhere is that she sucks :( i kinda like playing with Dehya

idk - 26.06.2023 23:41

trash. im so sad i lost my kazuha 50/50 to this useless character

Rowan - 23.06.2023 21:45

Just lost my 50/50 for Kazuha to her :/

Precious_Beann - 19.06.2023 19:20

Deyha, Mona,Surcose, and Layla. Build Surcose on EM. It's pretty fun. I've been doing this, and Deyha's damage is about 66k to 32k. It's very fun comp. I highly recommend it. Build all supports on ER.

Spicy Seaweed
Spicy Seaweed - 13.06.2023 17:37

Whos here after getting dehya 😭😭😭💀

Marta Buck
Marta Buck - 31.05.2023 13:55

I got so lucky I got her from standard banner and nahida banner.
then my cousin asked me to delete my account.

Jason Braza
Jason Braza - 28.05.2023 08:17

I skipped her on the featured banner and just got her on standard😂 I prefer Mona or Jean c1

Scarlet C. Gilliam
Scarlet C. Gilliam - 18.05.2023 04:03

It’s always funny/insightful to hear other players talk about Dehya being lackluster. I pulled her by accident knowing nothing about her but I’ve loved her gameplay from day one. Still, I’ve only been playing Genshin for a couple months, and don’t have many characters at his point so that might be affecting my opinion a bit

Ollie - 08.05.2023 11:16

Thank you I lost the 50/50 to her and now I am stuck with her instead of who I wanted which was Ganyu (keep failing to get her for some reason aaaaaaa) and I am hoping there is some kind of way to use Dehya as a passable off field Pyro reaction support. And then like basically never use her anyway tbh😑.

Kaose T
Kaose T - 03.05.2023 10:42

As a dehya enjoyer, i will say she has a actual way to work with yelan. This if you use yelan's e. Dehya's e and yelan's e is quite compatable for reverse melts. If yelan is the dps then dehya dose better as a support. I have reached about 95k doing this.

Rayion Kingu
Rayion Kingu - 26.04.2023 17:53

I lose my 50/50 on Nahida banner to Dehya. 🎉

Leperchaun Plays
Leperchaun Plays - 01.04.2023 10:56

Fish weapon it is then. I’ve been avoiding it like the plague because it looks stupid ( but kind of funny) but since it has a 55% attack stat I can’t just pass that up

Mr_CrowFPV - 25.03.2023 01:32

Yelan dash and ult, Dehya skill with tenacity, Koko jellyfish with ttds, then Yoimiya is super fun AND hawt. Like, harem goals hawt. Don't even care if I did more damage with Benny. Plus Dehya and Koko both have a same voice line when using skills if the voice line rng lines up ;)

Infiden - 20.03.2023 05:03

pulling for bennet got qiqi in her banner them got her but no benney, now ill just use her as a support

Vex Trooper
Vex Trooper - 18.03.2023 14:29

Totally pulling for her regardless! I'm no meta sucker, plus she looks awesome!definitely gonna build her for Pyro/Attack.

Kyero - 16.03.2023 01:15

Wow, Asian doesnt like her and thinks she's shit. SHOCKER hmm I wonder why they made her weak on purpose HHHHHHHMMMMMMMMM

oh and don't give me that shit that I'm wrong. I'm not, I know exactly how your kind like to loop hole shit around to avoid racism. Your little "Fix Dehya" Video isnt about you caring about her its about getting those clicks.

Kyero - 16.03.2023 01:14

I swear you Morons forget theres shit that eat shield users.

K. Elster
K. Elster - 14.03.2023 19:32

Glad you mentioned an Overload/Overburn team! That's why I've been using her in (with Kazuha, Nahida, and Shinobu) and it's really fun to play imo. It's especially nice because I don't like using bursts in the overworld, and Dehya has enough off-field Pyro application on her skill, so it's a pretty comfy and easy team.

Drægon Song
Drægon Song - 13.03.2023 08:16

I pull and got her as a free to play. I did this fully knowing she was a weak character, I pulled for her because I thought she was pretty, along with liking her personality and story quests.

It a game after all. A likable character being weak isn’t a turn off. (At least for me) it would be nice if she was stronger. Everything About her burst makes you feel like your going berserk beast mode, except for the damage. She has the same invitational gimmicks as newer 4 star characters despite being a 5 star.

In the end I still liked and pulled for the character. Along with everyone else I wish she was stronger but stop harassing the game developers over a likable character being weak it’s not the end of the world. If you like her so much you can find a way to make her work. ☺️🙏

Precious_Beann - 11.03.2023 06:27

I just tested this out. Put Deyha in a melt team. Give Deyha half pryo half cryo. 2 cryo supportive artifacts. I tried this it was very very fun!

Hiro the God
Hiro the God - 09.03.2023 17:02

I pulled for Dehya, really hoping the naysayers were over reacting. But after getting her, she really is or should have been a 4 star character. And she would still have been a bad one. I’m very disappointed and angry.

Rhyas9 - 09.03.2023 07:56

As someone who has C6 Xinyan, C6 Thoma and C2 Diluc, I'm not seeing the value prospect of Dehya.

Also, that her kit is "complete" only with constellations is a turn-off for me. Constellations are supposed to be bonuses on top of a workable kit. I'm not talking Raiden C2. Raiden's perfectly fine C0. My most recent experience with this is YaoYao. Perfectly fine C0, but just boss mode in C6. I never felt I "needed" C6, because her base kit was already good enough.

I still got her to C6 though because Yaoyao-loli-kawaii-omg-that-rabbit-plushie-that-heals-squeeeeeee.

Ash Ukihime
Ash Ukihime - 08.03.2023 20:16

They should give us 5 wishes for both when we accend our characters to the final level.

Miguerys - 07.03.2023 20:32

The "constelations over a period of time" because she will be standard banner is just for whales who get them when losing the 50/50, even day one players who are moderate spenders don't have more than two or three in one character, and is not unheard of to not have one or two standard banner characters at all.

Bonjour - 07.03.2023 15:55

Could you please share your opinion on dehya + kokomi + yoimiya + yelan?

Cyrene 16
Cyrene 16 - 07.03.2023 11:12

Xiangling is better and does it off field 😭. Bruh

Arin Rumi
Arin Rumi - 07.03.2023 06:20

Here's a tip: pair her with electro and dendro teamate. You'll see....

Grac01 - 07.03.2023 05:15

I feel like dehya was meant to be a burgeon reaction carry bc of her skill and all her defensive support (from the burgeon self damage), but her skill attacks so slowly that she's just a strict downgrade to burgeon Thoma. Such a shame bc she's got such a badass design and personality.

Pyro - 06.03.2023 09:18

I love your videos. You're honest with the character but you don't trash-talk like everyone else. You did the same thing with Kokomi back when everyone was hating on her and it's really refreshing. I think Dehya's kit is very interesting, she's a true tank, we don't really have those in Genshin, I hope I can get her in the future and if I do I'm definitely building her.

Alex Epps
Alex Epps - 06.03.2023 06:00

Just got her, I'm f2p, should have been wishing on cynos banner, plus, she's my first five star, yaaaaaay

vaper2006 - 05.03.2023 19:24

are you planning on making another nilou guide once baizhu and kaveh are out?

Caster - 05.03.2023 17:40

Diluc and Dehya together in a monopyro team are EXTREMELY FUN! Diluc's 3 charges skill serves as a battery for dehyas burst, so you can focus on Diluc to make the most inital damage and then switch to Dehya and deal damage with her burst.

Tumisa - 05.03.2023 10:41

I've tried making my own Dehya team and it worked so good! Y'all can try it it's really fun!!!!
Kiki shinobu

Pawat Isaraporn
Pawat Isaraporn - 05.03.2023 10:18

It would be nice if there was an artifact for dehya , such as an artifact that can reflect attacks After receiving a certain amount of damage

Laughing Stock
Laughing Stock - 05.03.2023 07:28

so, dehya is like this but baizhu is a healer shielder and subdps in c0? OK HY we get it.

Kåre Falk
Kåre Falk - 04.03.2023 16:03

Thanks to Dehya i was finally able to clear abyss 12. She forced me to build Bennet and Mona.

Purona - 04.03.2023 14:50

I fee like the sacrificial sword is way too low. at high refinement 80% it can refresh on first cast or second cast, on proc from melee damage and on final attack from burst

Thats an 80% chance to rrefresh 6 times. And the refresh of cooldown doesnt effect skill usage
