HyperestSMP #1 - Why Roi Hates Spiders?

HyperestSMP #1 - Why Roi Hates Spiders?

Scythra // ItzBluebxrry

2 года назад

79 Просмотров

➡️Roi explains why he hates spiders very much, and he really meant it.

So here's the very first episode of the brand new HyperestSMP animation series. (p/s: I animated it, that's why it sucks)
#minecraft #smp


#blueberry #enderman #endermanch #endermanchz #windows #experiments #minecraft #tutorials #tips #cool #stuffs #wsa_transfer #files #itz_blueberry #itz_bluebxrry #itzblueberry #itzbluebxrry #real #realendermanch #realendermanchz #review #bluebxrry #animation #hyper #hyperest #mineimator #mc #realm #smp #realms
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