Saturn - One Trillion Rings - Oddest Mysteries of the Ringed Planet  | boxset 100 Mins Runtime

Saturn - One Trillion Rings - Oddest Mysteries of the Ringed Planet | boxset 100 Mins Runtime

VTV Science

3 года назад

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MENDES - 26.10.2023 05:33


Daniel - 26.10.2023 04:17

I can't believe they didn't put a nuclear power device in the Titan lander... Only 3hrs of power. 🤦‍♂️

Steve - 25.10.2023 23:15


PlanetX Mysteries
PlanetX Mysteries - 22.10.2023 15:02

So much information Thankyou. I need to find more time to take in all your fascinating videos 🤩

Joseph Kidd
Joseph Kidd - 21.10.2023 06:19

The eclipse picture of Saturn is not the last picture from Cassini. That picture was taken less than halfway through the mission. If you look to the left and up a little bit in the Rings of Saturn picture you can see Earth which looks like the brightest star in the picture .

STEELFISH SLOEPEN - 19.10.2023 12:51

How futile our efforts to explore space, unable to accept the simple fact that we are just to small, to fragile, to insignificant, our lives just to short, space just to endlessly big. We just gaze and dream, doomed to fade away in space time, forgotten...insignificant specs of life in an endless universe that too will fade and die...

The Enigma Universe
The Enigma Universe - 18.10.2023 12:40

Whenever I'm sad, I often listen to your videos. It both helps me gain more knowledge and helps me sleep easier in this stressful life

jkirk1626 - 15.10.2023 07:19

Yet more than we'd never have without white people.

Bato - 09.10.2023 23:13

There must monstreus ebb and flow on titan

The CCP is a parasite
The CCP is a parasite - 06.10.2023 08:59

Gorgeous planet

Railway Mechanical Engineer GB
Railway Mechanical Engineer GB - 28.09.2023 14:07

We have all seen meteorites streak across the sky at night, and it seems they always streak ACROSS the sky. But have you ever seen a meteorite come straight at you ? In other words meteorites when approaching Earth or for that matter the Sun are, partly due to Gravity, forced into an elliptical course around the planet (or Sun) they are approaching. Which means in simple mechanical terms they DO NOT come down vertically to make nice round craters with nice circular walls around the impact !

They would almost certainly, assuming they haven't burnt up in an atmosphere, hit the planets surface at an acute angle. Which would create a deepening trench forcing what is dug up ahead of the meteorites sliding impact into a wall of rock. This would therefore leave a trench shape crater with a pile of detritus at one end, not a circular one !!!

Another look at our own moon reveals the vast majority of the roughly 13,500 craters are circular. Implying virtually all these craters had to have been formed by meteorites coming vertically down. An effective & mathematical IMPOSSIBILITY !!! Closer examination of craters on ANY of our solar system planets reveals a noticeable number of these craters are actually virtually perfect HEXAGONAL shapes, and a number also have perfectly smooth domes at their exact centre (often referred to as Blueberries). Again no meteorite impact from any angle can explain these Hexagonally shaped craters, or the peculiar existence of "Blueberries" at their exact centre. So the numerous THEORIES about massive Meteorite storms in the solar systems past are are themselves a virtual impossibility !!

So what other possibility exists to explain all the craters on the planets, including that famous crater here on Earth in the Arizona desert. Where no one has ever found ANY remnants of meteorite rock ! And something I should add, that is totally outside the qualifications of either Astronomers or for that matter Physicists.

The answer is ELECTRICITY.

Indeed Scientists from the IEEE (Institute for Electricity, which is of course a totally separate branch of Science), spent 8 Days at NASA's HQ in Houston Texas, some 10 years ago. Demonstrating with visual experiments, to show how craters are in reality formed in 98% of cases. The visual experiments conducted over the 8 day period, showed exactly how Electricity will happily form even Hexagonal craters, complete with beautiful smooth domes at their exact centres. Or indeed another peculiar feature of virtually straight lines of similar sized craters of often a dozen or more. The IEEE scientists also explained how Electricity can come into play to create so many craters, on so many of our Solar systems planets. It is due to events that have occurred in the Solar systems past, before the planets were in their current order & positions.

When the planets were jostling for position, some came into close proximity at various times. At which point their electrical fields would also brush or overlap, creating massive electrical behaviour on the planets surface. On a scale it is hard to imagine today. Not only could this result in gigantic craters tens of miles in diameter, but a planets electrical power when unleashed can both remove or create mountains, canyons or any other planetary feature.

Unfortunately the demonstrations given to NASA's Astronomers & Physicists, fell on deaf ears. So revealing another field of Science to NASA's Scientists, was similar to trying to teach World War One Generals how to use Tanks. Crudely they couldn't think outside the box, having absolutely no qualifications themselves in Electrical behaviour !!!

An example of Hexagonal craters with a blueberry dome at its exact centre is created in miniature here on Earth, in many instances when Lightning strikes solid rock during a rain storm. Theses miniature craters often no more that 3 inches in diameter, are the result of roughly a 1 Million volt lightning strike. So craters ten of miles in diameter obviously required Billions or even Trillions of volts. Natural Electrical behaviour can of course also work like an arc welding tool an scour and cut huge canyons across the planets surface. Which it is thought is how little Mars came to have that huge scar across its surface known as Valles Marineris, roughly four times longer, deeper & wider than the Grand Canyon !!!!

The Universe is Electrical, leaving NO possibility for islands in Space !!!

H - 21.09.2023 05:37

One bagillion killion grillion rings!?!? Stop it. We aren’t buying it anymore

Charity - 20.09.2023 08:08

Looks like the same amount of advertising as there are rings around Saturn

Jeff O
Jeff O - 17.09.2023 10:46

Mind boggling how complex space craft can function so well in bizarre environments a billion Km away.

Youza Ho
Youza Ho - 15.09.2023 22:22

This dude is hands down the perfect narrator for these space videos.

Chr Wi
Chr Wi - 13.09.2023 14:50

Wonderful presentation ❤

Loretta _
Loretta _ - 05.09.2023 03:19

Can't help thinking Iapetus looks like it's gotten moldy because of how it's coloured.

Mr E
Mr E - 31.08.2023 01:11

fewer collisions than our space junk! (shatellites)

Matthew Sutphin
Matthew Sutphin - 23.08.2023 07:46

So hypnotic, if Alan watts was here with us...neutron moment
