Excel Tutorial - Using the Split Option to See Your Data

Excel Tutorial - Using the Split Option to See Your Data

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Collins Nzuya
Collins Nzuya - 13.10.2023 22:29

thank you

Grantham Lifesciences
Grantham Lifesciences - 15.09.2023 21:07

Very helpful video. Thankyou so much sir ❤

Abbyboyone - 03.08.2023 01:03


Charles Miano
Charles Miano - 16.07.2023 03:08

All great

iamnumber_09 - 14.04.2023 17:32

thank you! I accidentally did this on my excel at work and i dont know how to undo it. I tried to but it was already saved. I'll try this tomorrow to fix it. Hope it works. You don't know how much this helps me. Keep your content. 💙

Nassim Abed
Nassim Abed - 12.04.2023 12:44

Split never worked for me. It brings in the disadvantage of duplicating without the advantages I need: I want to scroll down for columns A to L and keep seeing the top rows of columns M through Z. Couldn't figure how to do that in split. Also want to group/ungroup rows for columns A to L but without grouping rows for columns M to Z. I have no idea how to do that. Usually I just go on different sheets and link them but now I need to change things on one side and immediately see results on the other side.

Olive Ray
Olive Ray - 01.04.2023 17:35

Thanks a lot your videos have really been helpful 👍
You're a good teacher

A A Larissa
A A Larissa - 27.03.2023 05:58

I really enjoyed it .Your a good teacher.

Judith Joshua
Judith Joshua - 20.03.2023 13:19

Thank you once again. Your videos are very helpful.
Please do you also have tutorials on Ms word and power point?

elizabeth - 24.02.2023 01:48

very very helpful!

Bazoka - 03.08.2022 03:11

this is different from Split text into column, right?

David Edwards
David Edwards - 03.07.2022 15:35

I am using an old version of Office (that's all I need), and I have done thif before, but forgot the old terminology.
I got about 20 seconts into the video and I had all the info I needed

Salz Ebrahim
Salz Ebrahim - 11.05.2022 19:04

Hi. I like your videos. I am an online teacher and find using excel a great way to plan my many lessons with my students. I basically plan 10 lessons at a time which lasts a month. However, sometimes, I plan extra so end up writing more in a cell than the previous lesson. This causes a problem because I need to adjust the column or rows (by making them bigger) to fit all my information. Now I am ending up having a messy lessonplan on excel as some cells are big with very little information on them. Now sure if this makes sense… I need help!

Ravindu Rukshan
Ravindu Rukshan - 19.02.2022 06:47

can we able to print the data using split. like you said i need to get the data on ''z row''

Janeth Rodrigues
Janeth Rodrigues - 17.02.2022 20:30

What i great video exactly what i needed.

Wayne Stewart
Wayne Stewart - 16.02.2022 04:13

I use LibreOffice in Linux and this feature is in there. I remembered this from one of my college courses (Office 2013) and wanted to be able to do this on an accounting sheet. Thanks!

p mithun
p mithun - 12.02.2022 09:04

Thanks sir

Ivan Pantic
Ivan Pantic - 09.12.2021 09:38

Great tutorial! Maybe you should explain how split defers from freeze panes if it does.

honey sharma
honey sharma - 02.12.2021 09:31

This was so much help, love from India 🤗

Wisdom Arthur
Wisdom Arthur - 14.10.2021 21:57

Great Tutorials
