Reaper Emissary 101 | Sea of Thieves

Reaper Emissary 101 | Sea of Thieves

Cliff The Story Guy

2 года назад

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@Michiganmauler90 - 15.12.2023 18:23

I love this game, The naval combat is great but the whole no stamina thing which allows the people to just constantly jump spam while swinging a sword really makes me hate anything to do with PVP in general,

@tobi_is_here9106 - 13.12.2023 11:56

most of my reaper interactions so far were mostly like this: a sloop on the horizon, my galleon crew is ok, sloop right next to us, two players on our ship we all die to the sweat lords, our ship gets sunken faster than we can return from the ferry, one gets back talks to them finds out theyre toxic ten year olds who havent gone outside for three weeks, two hours of gold hoarder voyages gone

@user-yy4ny8ri4h - 03.12.2023 18:10

getting constantly grieved by reapers is the reason I stopped paying the game.

@GCincarnated - 24.11.2023 11:56

One think that i hate is people automatically assuming that because i have a reaper emissary i wanna kill anything that moves, what if i just wanna get my rep up without any trouble

@wellspokenrambler - 29.08.2023 18:55

I met a Reaper yesterday as, being new to the game, I sailed out to meet them where they were to see what they were about and face my fears. As it was, they were actually very friendly to me and not only gave me a chest of rage, they also made sure to demonstrate how to douse its flames so i could get it to an outpost safely.

Of course I am fully aware that not every ship on the seas will be quite so generous, but it was still a heartening experience!

@Arcadinator6 - 13.08.2023 01:36

I had a reaper attack me. I am not a pvp guy, I am a diplomacy kind of guy so im sure you can understand that a galleon attacking a one man sloop who just does basic runs would end bad. eventually they seemed to feel bad that I was just a simple man making his way because they repaired my boat, put chests on it, said sorry and left. Weirdest reaper encounter I have ever had. That encounter has made me consider the reaper career but then I remember that I am not great at fighting so I stick to my basic vault and merchant runs.

@0ofio - 03.08.2023 05:07

I use reaper just to get more money from FoF.

@user-xo8pk5ny5v - 29.07.2023 23:26

Cliff double gunning w

@aidenthompson9917 - 24.07.2023 21:10

I love how terrified birdie gets

@terradraca - 12.07.2023 09:17

So 1% is the actual exciting battles it's hyped up to be and the rest of the time it's just smurfing kills off solo sloops when they're in no position to put up a fight...yay...

PvPers come off to me like sports fans who gush about how fun the hobby is when the truth is, they're ecstatic the tiny percent of the time their team wins and the rest of the experience is just rage and disappointment.

@NotNoobie - 09.07.2023 21:26

Your opp?

@AviatorFR - 23.04.2023 16:33

w videos

@alphonseelric2742 - 07.04.2023 16:32

Let the sea burn! Sink every ship you see, remember, no alliance with reapers!

@luciferiarose465 - 31.03.2023 07:37

Or. More often. You see a Reaper attack, sail up, completely whiff the opening volley and crash into an island.

@jestingwheat8563 - 24.03.2023 20:15

that sloop got hit by the entire cursed sails update

@chaoscommentary2179 - 12.03.2023 12:18

“Hitting these guys with an ace combat maneuver” all möbius aircraft report in

@christiandeleon5884 - 02.03.2023 07:58

Pro tip. Dont keep them afloat to loot there barrels, sink them then harpoon there barrels to loot there resources

@UrMainManz - 20.02.2023 05:53

Ok so basically if you see a reaper= run away

@deadiycobra5254 - 17.02.2023 16:45

I just subscribed to cliff and I think I’ve watched all of his videos in 3days

@TheAftaaa - 17.02.2023 09:43

Conclusion : keep an eye on the horizon 😅

@IQ_Thugss - 07.02.2023 08:46

How do you rapid fire the cannons like that

@IAmTheEnd. - 01.02.2023 09:36

i earned 35,045 gold doing a fort of old brimstone :) its my first solo sloop adventure and im proud i even defeated the kraken alone

@philconey11 - 31.01.2023 09:13

I play helm a lot, and just by keeping our cannons pointed at the other ship we end up sinking like 90% of boats. It's amazing how something like that makes a difference.

@Breezy_783 - 13.01.2023 19:04

I dont get attacked by reapers so much as new players

@Papagunky123 - 27.11.2022 21:56

As a gold hoarder I really am afraid of a reaper

@dst_gamer - 11.11.2022 21:19

The brig with the smoke coming outside of its figure head had the black pearl skin equiped

@deltacojames - 30.10.2022 22:41

this is some turbo vigin shit ngl

@jye1655 - 08.10.2022 17:23

You took down a sail of a solo sloop of course their gonna scuttle, because it's gg by that point. For someone who brags about not being toxic in your other videos, you sure are a stereotypical toxic reaper in your pvp videos. Being such a hypocrite ruins your content.

@SHY_MP_GAMES_12 - 05.10.2022 02:58

Love Sea of Thieves and your content. I do have a question though, is their anyway to increase Reaper Emissary without taking down other's ship? I am trying to increase all ranks but am having most difficulty with reaper, should specify I'm on series s not pc.

@SwBruh - 27.09.2022 00:35

I hate how reapers have a bad rep because so many of them are just blood thirsty idiots I just do reapers for the money

@chikachikaslimshadysatan6554 - 20.09.2022 23:01

I'm a toxic reaper

@summeroliver1451 - 16.09.2022 14:52

I've just got the game and I've only seen one other ship and it was a reaper on the map had the game for a few days

@swordsmanjoe5224 - 13.09.2022 00:41

Sometimes you can bargain with reaper ships. Take the other day where I convinced a reaper to leave me alone, twice, because my OoS emissary value was too low. Both times they accepted whatever misc. loot I had that wasn't a skull as payment for keeping my ship afloat. They can be decent players, especially if you can say "hello" before cannons are fired.

@rylanbrown3398 - 10.09.2022 18:12

Had a toxic galleon chase me an hour ago (i was solo) so i said fuck it and just went off the border into the red sea. I didnt have a chance. If i dont get my loot, neither do you.

@yunuda.scarlet - 09.09.2022 18:29

Man, as a representent of gold hoarder, they are disgusting...
I dont give a fuck, u NEED TO SAVE THE LOOT, even if its mean to run, die, give 10% of ur loot, ALWAY SAVE THE LOOT.
ho and never try to kill another gold ordher emisary.
U can kill all the other only if they have some loot, but if they dont u leave them, dont wast Time
If u find reaper when u dosnt have loot U MUST MAKE THEM SINKY.
Its time to remade THE NAME OF THE GOLD ORDHER

@zeppelinprime7892 - 02.09.2022 19:33

I was in a reaper alliance and the other guys were absolute Chad’s

@Copper_and_Zinc - 31.08.2022 14:32

was being a reaper just going to sell some chests there wa dan other ship said that they were peaceful this is wrong because when we where near the reaper hide out they turned on us and tried to kill us we killed them and got money moral of the story non reapers can be dangerous to

@katebrentley7319 - 24.08.2022 18:50

Sadly ur kinda toxic nice sword dash idiot is not a very nice response to obviously less experienced players

@Chapburkhead - 23.08.2022 11:30

So total noob here.... explain those automatic cannonshots. Lmao.

@irmiwolf - 21.08.2022 21:32

The Reapers are one of those things that sound good on paper, but are completely stupid once you take a second to think about it more. Yes they are supposed to be the PvP faction, yet they are also the faction profiting the most out of PvE while also being the only faction getting special loot through PvP. In my oppion Rare really should fix the faction, by making it so only loot taken from other ships gets the full emmissary bonus for example. Every Reaper I have met so far either is a PvP focused asshole chasing you over the entire map because you dared to raise an emissary flag or is PvE focused and only runs away once you even look in their direction. I am not saying that every Reaper has to take every fight coming their way, I just think that the other emissaries should get something out of winning a fight against a Reaper. For example making the Reaper Emissary flag sellable to all factions plus the bonus, because often for me its like even if I win against the Reaper having homed in on my the moment they spotted me having fun, my reward for winning is keeping my loot and nothing else, while for the Reaper if they had won their reward would have been all my loot plus my emissary flag plus the captains log they just added.

@theseeress1410 - 17.08.2022 17:28

Was sailing with my brother when we came across a reaper ship, another sloop, manned by two people. Though we were bracing for a fight, we saw one of the players jump into the water and waved at us. Curious because the encounter didn't immediately start with cannon fire, we let them on our ship. The guy, after saying hello, just started eating worms and puking all over the ship while we watched in confusion and amusement hahahaha. After a while, my brother just threw caution to the wind and took the first swing, and just like that we started fighting - clashing swords, exchange of bullets and cannons and all that. We're both admittedly bad at pvp so we were laughing at ourselves the whole time even as I heard our ship fill with water, mostly scrambling and dying over and over while getting a few lucky hits and kills. Surprisingly enough, while we were at the ferryman, the other player repaired all the damage, even setting our mast back upright. The fighting ended when I thanked them for fixing our ship and keeping it afloat, and funnily enough they even apologized for attacking (even though they were a reaper crew 🤣) Told them it was all good and also apologized as well because technically we started it hahaha proceeded to raise our grogs and play a few shanties before they went back to their ship, bidding us a good day. The last laugh of the encounter was that at that point we realized our ships were going to collide and we had no time to stop it. So we all just said SORRY!! over the crashing sounds before sailing our own ways 😂 probably one of the most enjoyable encounter I had with the reapers

@navetwo - 17.08.2022 15:06

Cliff have you become a reaper becouse some sunk you before and you wanted to get revange?

@aitkrapee9042 - 16.08.2022 15:29

Your shibe has the same name as my monkey

@gamecrusade4783 - 14.08.2022 17:05

I enjoy this game, both pvp and pve check all the boxes of a kickass pirate game. But man the trolls that will attack me when I’m a solo sloop and once they see I don’t have anything they won’t let my ship sink and just spawn kill me then when I scuttle they find me later on and do it all over again. Those guys make me put the game down.

@kingwolf468 - 11.08.2022 08:44

Ah yes, the Reaper faction. Used to be my favorite, but then they got rid of the Flameheart event… now I am going to get my revenge

@slightlywarmsoup8516 - 10.08.2022 14:01

Sad that i can’t do this because nobody i know plays sea of thieves, and people are too sweaty to play solo.
