Joe Reviews TikTok's Crazy Terms of Service

Joe Reviews TikTok's Crazy Terms of Service


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@liesofgasandpilesofshoes - 20.04.2024 11:32

Read Google tos. All of them, because using one product means you use thousands of other apps services daemons and drivers all with their own TOS. Apple is just as bad, meta is worse.
The only way to be free of this is bsd or linux with foss software.
Im much less bothered by Chinese getting my data because its my western governments who constantly fk with my sht. Ironically the enemies of the west dont bother me at all.

@llDravenll - 24.04.2024 20:08

ITS GOING TO CHINAAAAA I would rather this info go to America then them. Tf are yall defenders special needs? Get educated af and fast fr.

@KORTOKtheSTRONG - 28.04.2024 21:59

welcome to the starbuck lounge, can i getchu a smoootheh

@harryparsons2750 - 02.05.2024 14:30

I’ve never watched tick tock once and I never will

@Vanfinity88 - 04.05.2024 05:26

Tiktok is a way to track data from all over the world. "Thread to global. They ban any post that they think you are talking shit about them. However I seen very terrible and rude post from Chinese woman! So why don't they ban them! 🤔 they are trying to steal my info by sending a survey form to me to fill out personal information. 😂

@Vanfinity88 - 04.05.2024 05:32

I hope God will never allow China to lead the world, it will be a huge threat to the world! JESUS is in control!

@effrin999 - 17.05.2024 16:51

How come I'm not on it?

@effrin999 - 17.05.2024 16:54

NED 30 billion USD to create lies about China. I would've done it for less

@hassaanahmed5784 - 04.06.2024 12:56

People forgetting Facebook was caught selling all this data to Cambridge analytica.
All other social media platforms are doing the same thing. As well as most websites and all browsers (except tor and maybe firefox portable)
NSA spies on people almost as much as ccp, as do most government agencies of most countries.

@benstravelfoodtips - 05.06.2024 00:58


@Ruff_cutz - 06.06.2024 17:02

Can someone explain this in layman’s terms?

@imell372 - 13.06.2024 15:08

I love watching Americans talk about other countries like they’re different. You’re blinded by suckling on Americas capitalist teat.

@imell372 - 13.06.2024 15:14

There’s literally several Chinatowns in usa

@roadhouse5563 - 21.06.2024 06:30

Ive always thought that our government is the real owner of google, there is no way they would let that type and that much information slip thru thier fingers. SOMEHOW they have control of google. I cant beleive any other scenerio. "Nope,hold on, wait a minute, somethin aint right"

@mattburton3233 - 29.06.2024 01:07

China is a parasitic government.

@ChristinaLovesFlowers - 01.07.2024 13:42

A snail says nothing and slowly crawls forward...

Joe Rogan: "A Hundred Percent...."

@benstoth - 08.07.2024 06:13

China bad you s good? Hahaha hahahaha hahahahaha

@LJYaacoub - 10.07.2024 08:51

Well done , no body read the fine line when you sign up. Do you know that you can not access TikTok they can know your Exact location. If I block the location , they didn't let me access TikTok. My browser show the details of town & Suburb but that wasn't enough. I think they should put more restrictions.

@ceebreeeze - 23.08.2024 21:01

LOL this convo is a total fail. Waaaay over homie head. 🤣

@killingsmokes9527 - 29.08.2024 08:51

So what is all that data used for?? Not for cheesy little ads and whats the REAL PURPOSE?

@killingsmokes9527 - 29.08.2024 09:00

Yeah they replicas of cities that are empty...that they dont even use..........YET. this might be a clue about what this massive data collection is all about....and this collection is massive that we cant comprehend the complete volume of it.

This data will be used to contruct maybe an exact 3Dimentional computerized world exactly like the one we are living in now.

@amirfakhribadri7994 - 26.09.2024 07:31

China problem ,they think want to control everything of stupid reasonable.

@amirfakhribadri7994 - 26.09.2024 07:33

If I create, I give you reasonable answer .Tiktok say they control critism but not .

@PuffingOnClouds - 28.09.2024 01:13

They keep removing free features that should be free to try and force you to sign up to use the features you were already using. What a mess.

@r0ydeme088 - 05.10.2024 15:59

TikTok cannot directly access the files on your laptop simply because you open it in a web browser. Websites like TikTok don't have access to your local files unless you explicitly upload a file (like a photo or video) to the platform.

Here’s what TikTok can and cannot do when you visit the site via a web browser:

What TikTok Cannot Do:
Direct Access to Files: TikTok cannot browse, open, or view files on your device unless you manually upload them to the platform.
Access System Data: It cannot access system files, documents, or other sensitive information stored locally on your computer unless there’s a specific permission granted (which is not the case for most standard web browsing).
Remote Control: TikTok can't remotely control or modify any files on your device.

What TikTok Can Do:
Track Browsing Data: TikTok can collect data about your browsing activity on its site, including your interactions with content, the type of browser you’re using, and possibly the websites you visit before or after TikTok, depending on your browser’s privacy settings.
Track Uploaded Files: If you upload a file (like a video) to TikTok, the platform will of course access that specific file, but only for the purpose of posting or storing it as part of your TikTok activity.

How to Protect Yourself:
Ensure You Don’t Upload Unintended Files: When you manually upload something to TikTok (like a video or photo), double-check that you are selecting the correct file.
Use Privacy Extensions: Consider using browser privacy tools to block excessive tracking or unnecessary access to data.
Regularly Review Permissions: Check your browser and operating system settings to ensure no unnecessary permissions are granted to apps or websites.

As long as you don't upload files or allow permissions unintentionally, TikTok in a browser cannot access your personal files.

@MichaelTenn-w4g - 11.11.2024 00:23

Does this differ from other platforms?

@cody6584 - 17.11.2024 02:40

China sold our information to the feds

@Christubeopher - 05.12.2024 20:01

Imagine if the USSR had controlled the most popular news source for young Americans. Would the USA still have won the cold war? Probably not!

@PureCapsaicin - 06.12.2024 08:19

The first stuff he mentioned like the ip address, the in app info, and microphone aren’t issues at all. Every social media platform does this to create a solid advertisement system for marketers. I’m taking classes for social media marketing and it’s amazing the stuff they know about us. Whether that becomes a conspiracy or not is a completely separate issue. The stuff that gets deeper can be a concern, 100%, but there’s also a chance that it could all be used for just that. It’s not just marketing either, let’s not forget that they have an e-commerce store that’s almost just as good as amazon in a lot of ways. For example, I’ve bought large mousepads for 2$ that are 10-20 on amazon. These are actual sellers who are located in America, so it’s not like Temu in having everything produced in China. Don’t get me wrong, I hate tiktok, but for small online businesses this app can be revolutionary. You can ask thousands of influencers to advertise their products if you send them some of whatever it may be and give them a cut for every sale that they bring you. Say you’re selling candy or something, now you have customers for life if they buy and enjoy your products.

@jamesnyren - 07.12.2024 17:16

I just now saw this😭🙏🏽

@FrostyDarth - 10.12.2024 22:09

This needs to be fact checked so badly, the amount of misunderstanding he has about what all those words mean is baffling

@BrianCramer-j2d - 17.12.2024 18:19

It's all about them trying to figure our what we wanna buy

@MrFallred - 14.01.2025 17:36

Gen Z is so fucking stupid they'll sell their souls to communist china all day long

@DjJoeKhoury - 14.01.2025 18:51

Has Joe Rogan been bought? He’s changed recently. If people are willing to take that risk, isn’t that their decision?

@michaelpriest - 17.01.2025 20:18

How is that any different than your Orange Jesus wanting to shoot protesters in the legs. Besides all social media apps do the same thing

@richardhorn7688 - 18.01.2025 05:41

I come to you from the future. RIP TikTok January 19, 2025 MF

@Austin2tall97 - 18.01.2025 20:48


@topcatmatt - 18.01.2025 23:48

Bro this is every app atp

@ayblgr3202 - 19.01.2025 00:52

Back when Joe was based

@Enlighten-one - 19.01.2025 06:09

…and we can access your camera to spy on you like a creepy pedophile.

@andresllanos9587 - 19.01.2025 22:54

I’m starting to have so many questions about Joe. This days. What a hipocresía talking shit about one up. When I watching him on you tube ( that’s has the exactly same terms and conditions ). 🤔🤨🤣

@andresllanos9587 - 19.01.2025 22:56

Sooooooo. Any device this days has acces to all your info !!!

@1amNumberOne - 20.01.2025 02:21


@Sigma4Life972 - 20.01.2025 07:50

Haha wth Joe, pretty much every app has this capability.
As someone who has works in app development and I can tell you this is nothing new.

@BritAcrossThePond - 23.01.2025 18:43

So now til tok isn’t a problem? So confused

@wiwichuh6011 - 28.01.2025 09:55

its Hua Wei,

@michaelegan7328 - 05.02.2025 03:11

Unfortunately today people don't seem to care.

@ballfraggel - 16.02.2025 03:02

What you are describing is very bad.
But Joe, don't you think that you you are an addictive tool of the western media to centralize peoples way of thinking and collect peoples data? You are talking about the "freedom that we have", and "let some people make a shit-load of money". Don't you tink that you are an "arm of the goverment" in the same sense?
Just saying, the bigger picure is probly alot more compicated than your stupid a** can comprehend.

@EasideTv - 27.02.2025 18:58

iPhones are 100000000x worst 😂
