1stDeg.Rite 1of13 Memphis-Mizraim Opening

1stDeg.Rite 1of13 Memphis-Mizraim Opening


1 десятилетие назад

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First Degree Initiation
Entered Apprentice Probationer
Antient et Primitive Rite of Memphis-Mizraim

Sor.Chack & Fras, Agizomai, Hiram, AMThG, PAChD, DIARMID, Bartazanes
@ Aleister Crowley Oasis, OTO.

Translated from the French by Fra.PAChD of Black Sun.This was the first time this Rite was read in English and performed EVER. Instead of slacking and reading it through upstairs on the couch, we all robed up, grabed a script, rearranged the Temple and read through with the directions as a "test" to see if there were any glitches (Like pronouncing Ouse!) with the lights on for the first candidate and candlelight for the second.

This is the unedited video record of that afternoon, and our Fraternal OTO Brotherhood and Friendship. It is NOT a "How To" video, or an example of how it aught to be done, or TRUE Freemasonry or anything like that. It is merely several OTO Initiates studying all aspects of Freemasonry.. this being the only one video recorded with the facilities and stuff we had at the time.

NOTE to all YOU PEOPLE directed here to read the description, this is addressed to you:-
After reading this description you will probably notice that whatever you complained about in you rant, was answered here. Please remove your comment and save me the trouble. Know that by ranting what this is NOT, one inadvertently reveals Secrets that you swore to maintain by process of elimination; or by decrying similarities that show what was done at your own Initiation. Just shut up and contrast and compare and find solace that YOUR Rites (that we ALSO did, whatever they are) were not (poorly) performed here instead. Shut up and listen to what is being said, and don't think that it supersedes what you have been already taught. Thank you in advance.


#Magick #Thelema #Aleister #Crowley #666 #OTO #rite #ritual
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