Amanda Is Haunted | Smosh Mouth 52

Amanda Is Haunted | Smosh Mouth 52


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@fleef69 - 07.07.2024 09:14

I swear dude knowing Amanda must be like constantly finding secret rooms in a video game one after another

@Kudian - 07.07.2024 05:03

When Amanda said she opened that door cause the medium said to, I immediately recoiled. Every person I know that's even a little spiritual would tell others never to open a door like that. I seriously hope she never goes back to that medium

@raine-dm9zz - 07.07.2024 01:40

someone PLEASE call shane and ryan for amanda’s closet

@UraharaNaoe21 - 06.07.2024 23:02

As a fellow skeptic, I would LOVE to see Amanda and Shayne do some ghost hunting! H has to be there as well!

@huckleberry2288 - 06.07.2024 21:14

Amanda needs a priest, not a medium.

@Anthonyeatspoo - 06.07.2024 20:51

I have a problem of seeing “demons” on the side of the bed and waking up screaming. I decided to try using an eye mask because I thought “I can’t see them if I can’t see” and it stopped this happening literally over night 🤣

@Dantalliumsolarium - 06.07.2024 20:17

As someone who used to be Heavy in spirit work, holy fuck don’t tell someone who doesn’t know how to keep safe to open doors??? That’s ?? So stupid?? I’ve stopped doing spirit stuff because I’m, cynical and skittish + creative so I have chosen to keep doors closed. Except for plants. Still talk to plants

@Dantalliumsolarium - 06.07.2024 20:15

I have like chronic nightmares (ptsd bbyyyy) but damn Amanda has husband goals in this

@nunyabizness6113 - 06.07.2024 20:09

Amanda go get your hormones checked my mom went through something similar where she was convinced spirits were communicating with her and she had been bleeding nonstop like a period that wouldnt stop and by the time she got help she wasnt just seeing them in her dreams anymore she was seeing them in real life she was actively talking to them it turned out to be her hormones were out of wack because of the bleeding and she got a hysterectomy which helped. Basically tldr you may have a hormone imbalance

@rune_encoder - 06.07.2024 19:36

That used to happen with me where my sleep would be interrupted by those unseen people. It got so annoying one time the door slammed open I guess to get my attention. Got my - up thinking it was a break in.

Someone very important to me taught me about boundaries and ever since then I have not had those sleepless nights of being woken up by unseen visitors. Really helped. Just like setting boundaries with living people.

@ej_klmnop - 06.07.2024 18:49

Holy shit, it’s almost been a year of Smosh Mouth?? It feels like it went by so quickly

@Rock_Hawk - 06.07.2024 18:35

Ayy idk if it was an accident, but super happy they haven't really bleeped any f words out.

@mahrihaque4944 - 06.07.2024 18:10

I remember Balloon Boy! I was a freshman in college when it was happening

@agod7207 - 06.07.2024 17:15

The DBZ Reese's Puffs marketing also worked on me lol. Only problem was I had my brother help me for about 10 minutes turn over every box looking for Piccolo or Trunks, which we did find at the very back of the shelf

@ratkillerthe - 06.07.2024 17:08

I want to see Amanda and Shayne staying the night at the office AND OR staying in a haunted place :O

@SnailSlugSlut - 06.07.2024 15:15

They really need to stop saying “hear me out” 😂💀

@CJ-fv7xd - 06.07.2024 13:00

i love their friendship so much they make my heart happy

@vooni4969 - 06.07.2024 08:16

petition for smosh watcher crossover

@Alysssaia - 06.07.2024 07:38

"Welcome to SmoshMouth" Gonna miss the old name

@MultiSmash1234 - 06.07.2024 04:03

Please make a Smosh overnight video!! It would be amazing! And maybe even another video showing what Amanda does in her sleep, if not in the same video as staying overnight <3

@kelkatadventures - 05.07.2024 23:11

It’s nice to know I’m not the only one with night terrors ❤️🫶🏼😂

@Lycan7178 - 05.07.2024 22:04

I've never been able to relate so much to someone else on these subjects before until now. Especially that feeling that something happened with someone else. I always joked that I'm just overly empathetic and that im just on the same wave length with people. Whereas my friends think I have a full blown spidy sense 😂
Maybe that correlates to when we sleep, because too often are there nights when random people ask for help in my dreams. It has honestly been years since I felt i had a good nights rest because of it. It was even worse when I was a child.

@mosquitopyjamas9048 - 05.07.2024 21:54

Ah so Amanda is actually a scizo psychopath. Slay queen etc

@bethanyj219 - 05.07.2024 20:32

If there is a possibility that this is beyond a mental health thing, I would definitely consider meeting with a priest. I know that sounds old school but it can be super helpful for some people. They can even just bless your house if you wanted just a super basic spiritual thing to try.

Sorry you are going through this! You are one of my fav Smosh people :)

- From another East Coaster

@MalaiseNyte - 05.07.2024 18:39

In my culture, ghost who are women wearing a red dress symbolizes that spirit is full of animosity pointing to someone whose died a abusive or tragic death. Maybe the spirit haunting Amanda isn’t like that, but the fact that the medium told Amanda to just open the closet door is fucking crazy to me. Clearly being a medium is not their calling when they’re telling their customers confront spirits so casually.

@Devon0990 - 05.07.2024 18:31

We need the over night to happen! Get @samandcolby involved it'll be a hit!

@tuana9927 - 05.07.2024 17:01

Amanda as a Turkish person you should try doing Ayran which is a drink that is so easy to make, you probably have the ingredients at home already and its a cold drink so it will really get you going in summer time

@tuana9927 - 05.07.2024 16:41

one of my fav episodes were for sure the TNTL’s with spencer and the one with courtney. I laughed so hard in all of them

@tianamae667 - 05.07.2024 16:09

That medium tried to kill you!!! No but fr I’m a skeptic but hearing she told you to open the door I’m screaming at my tv what the actual fuck lmao. The whole wardrobe thing and how 4 people came out the night after reminded me of the movie Darby and the Dead where she can speak to spirits but she ignores them so they don’t bombard her to help her but she accidentally does then hoards of them come to get her help. The psychologist in me is saying it’s what you said it’s internal, but part of me is like you have an open line and there are trickster spirits and it’s dangerous like don’t open that doorway nasty things will come out like in Talk to Me 😂

@britneyball9004 - 05.07.2024 15:37

I’ve held whole conversations with people while sleepwalking and talking. The second someone asks me if I’m sleepwalking I wake up

@wurfinius1113 - 05.07.2024 13:47

It’s hard for me to believe in ghosts because out of everything that they could be doing, why stay in a house just to haunt a couple of people. I would go to shows, concerts. I would go to the White House just to see Biden eat shit for days xd

@novas-requiem - 05.07.2024 11:05

Y’all ain’t even know about s’mores cereal

@Abraxos333 - 05.07.2024 10:42

Please do another Sarah Christ and Chosen episode!

@georgiarw - 05.07.2024 09:43

I feel like shayne is always getting roasted 😂. We need a show or something where he can just get his revenge and roast everyone else who's always roasting him!

@Sarah04527 - 05.07.2024 08:47

Adults can eat cereal 😤

@epohmp4 - 05.07.2024 08:44

Smosh mouth has been apart of my daily routine as i catch up with all the episodes im gonna have to get myself used to only once a week!

@jobywonkonoby9754 - 05.07.2024 06:07

I could listen to smomsh’s scary stories for hours

@evieasterwynauthor - 05.07.2024 05:19

My dayghter who is 8, has suffered night terrors during her early childhood. I always wondered what she was dreaming because she was basically just a toddler, and nothing traumatic happened around her that she would remember, anyway. Now she doesn't have terrors, but almost every night about 3 hours into her sleep she sounds like she's having a nightmare, then sits up and has entire conversations (one sided) with nobody, whoever she dreams about. about an hour after that she'll jump into our bed without remembering any of it, and sometimes not responding to me, like she's sleep walking (she doesn't remember this, either).
Occasionally she laughs in her sleep, mentions her friends names, and even talks to me but its usually about things she "sees" (i.e. "I want the ... garbled words.... it's over there," and points at nothing.) It freaks me out, but at the same time it's not terrors any more.

@jjvmxs - 05.07.2024 04:38

amanda. you need to try the cereal great grains. you’ll love it

@brandoam2751 - 05.07.2024 04:06

u guys definitely need dominic perignon and brianna boho as a guest fr fr

@TheCNRProject - 05.07.2024 03:26

I personally love the beard and ruffled hair on Shayne. Looks great!

@Krolana4 - 05.07.2024 03:16

Amanda being Lottie coded was not on my 2024 bingo

@BonaldBerry - 05.07.2024 02:05

this is gonna sound dark, but it's honestly so comforting that Amanda has experienced things that I have my entire life. My mom used to tell me all the time how much my sleep walking freaked me out, and how my night terrors would wake her at night. They eventually turned into sleep talking as well but they've been absent in my life for the past few years. Absolutely bizarre and grateful for that❤️

@nicoYEGSquirrel - 05.07.2024 01:24

Maybe when you do the overnight paranormal you could also do a cereal buffet

@serenathewitch8274 - 04.07.2024 23:59

Im in the position of studying therapy and being a psychic. So first thing first, your medium wasn't a good one. I dont think ive heard of anyone legit suggesting opening yourself up to strangers, especially in the spirit world. Like stranger danger absolutely applies.

Note: this also applies to ouija boards. Too many people just call to the void and invite anything in. That freaking dangerous.

There is definitely a presedence for spirits or even regular people who drain energy. We usually call them feeders or energy vampires. Sheilding yourself is what id recommend. My tips for that is to meditate and visualize a barrier around your entire body that cant be crossed against your will. Affirmations like 'my energy is my own' helps. Id also probably just sage your apartment.

Fun fact, sage actually is a disinfectant and it's association with purity and cleansing likely ties back to that. People probably noticed that burning sage reduced the spread of disease or 'miasma'.

From the therapy side, i do appreciate the boundary metaphor. Like yes having mental strangers demand things from you and feeling anxious about if you can help them is a legit fear and the fact that they took too much when you did open the door indicates a lot.

I think the important thing is that your instincts are telling you its scary and bad. Like the strangers feel threatening to you, so making yourself vulnerble to a threat, even an internal one, is unwise. I cant speak to the source of the figures, your therapist obviously knows far better than me. Grsin of salt, my information is limited.
But yeah, id trust a therapist before a medium in general

@Sheilla357 - 04.07.2024 23:51

The best thing to make with Grape Nuts is Puff Pudding. IT'S AMAZING! YT won't let me link the recipe however you can google - Grape Nuts Puff Pudding and find the recipe. You will thank me later!

@LoveHandel69 - 04.07.2024 23:36

I usually just listen to the pod, had to come on here and say CRACKLIN OAT BRAND IS THE GOAT OF CEREALS.
