Theia: When the Earth Destroyed its Sibling Planet | Our Universe | Netflix

Theia: When the Earth Destroyed its Sibling Planet | Our Universe | Netflix

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Petter Larsson
Petter Larsson - 05.11.2023 04:25

ok so how come you put in the attention to detail to make theia get stretched by earths gravity but also degrade its realism by making them both shatter like rocks

Andre Kerr
Andre Kerr - 05.11.2023 03:36

Scientists imaginations running in overdrive, not one stinking thread of evidence for this ridiculous story.

Toxic - 04.11.2023 21:49

How interesting would it have been to have another planet with civilisations living on it right there. Completely independent until space travel

Ad Roest
Ad Roest - 04.11.2023 12:53

Ancient knowledge, written down in clay tablets, tells us that a larger planet hit the planet Tiamat at high speed on the side and at an angle of almost 80 degrees. The collision pushed part of Tiamat into space, becoming the moon. Tiamat became smaller and was pushed to an orbit closer to the sun. From then on she was called Earth. That planet that hit the side of Tiamat is called Nibiru. Debris from Tiamat remained floating in its previous orbit, now called the asteroid belt.

Garrett Pagel
Garrett Pagel - 04.11.2023 09:31

Yup and all of it is just a theory. God is real.

OMEGA - 04.11.2023 06:56

only ogs remember this

Warren Hailes
Warren Hailes - 04.11.2023 06:38

Umm wtf? Altheia is.Hera sister wife of Zeus! Lmao... The earth calved a moon. The moons atmosphere was disrupted and it died..😓 it deeply wounded Earths sentient spirit. 😓😓😓

Dream Vacations: The Ultimate Travel Guide
Dream Vacations: The Ultimate Travel Guide - 04.11.2023 04:12

So informative...

Aaron Wharton
Aaron Wharton - 04.11.2023 00:23

Theia just wanted a hug 🤗❤
The hug:

Infinity Chronicles
Infinity Chronicles - 03.11.2023 22:45

Do you think this planet really existed? Who knows what it was like 4.5 billion years ago? Just speculation, nothing more.

Steven Crow
Steven Crow - 03.11.2023 18:57

Did the earth make it?

biffyqueen - 03.11.2023 18:34

Article came out this week saying that there may be chunks of Theia near EArth's core.

Thorish - 03.11.2023 05:37

This theory is incorrect.
Theia was actually a planet forming in the asteroid belt, but when it became to large Jupiter's massive gravity knocked it out of orbit.
Destiny would have it crashing into Earth and creating our moon.

Working Progress
Working Progress - 03.11.2023 05:07

Feel like lies to me.

Neil Griffiths
Neil Griffiths - 03.11.2023 03:30

I want to know if it was a glancing blow, or a full-on smash? Netflix - science for dummies is nice, but some of us have evolved beyond dummies.

Labu John
Labu John - 03.11.2023 02:59

Theia:don't mind if I touch yo- dies

B. Rob
B. Rob - 02.11.2023 20:50

Shout out to the camera crew who got this video footage before they died horribly.

whiteknightcat - 02.11.2023 08:19

Then the Earth cooled, and then the dinosaurs came, but they got too big and fat so they turned into oil, and then the Arabs came, and they all bought Mercedes Benz's, and Prince Charles started wearing all of Lady Di's clothes ...

Jeeshadow - 01.11.2023 14:51

Problem: The moon is too large for the size of our planet.
Theory: Perhaps there was a second planet being formed.
Tested Theory: Modeling shows a smaller planet colliding with earth at just the right angle and speed could obliterate small planet and remnants would reform into an unusually large moon.
Huzzah! This is a possible working theory!
Hire Morgan Freeman to narrate. Boom! It's now Fact! :D

LooxGood - 31.10.2023 09:07

problem with this theory is that if this actually happened, it would have completely obliterated earth into dust - you have to set unobservable parameters to simulate the moon forming from collision. Moon could have simply drifted into earth’s orbit during the early formation.
