How To Create A Nuxt 3 Vue.js App With SSR In Seconds!

How To Create A Nuxt 3 Vue.js App With SSR In Seconds!

Program With Erik

2 года назад

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@yashguma - 19.08.2023 08:45

I use yarn

@chungtunguyen6135 - 10.10.2022 11:36

u save my day

@NellyMoseki - 11.07.2022 19:11

Hey 👋🏿 How do I fix this error "Error [ERR_REQUIRE_ESM]: Must use import to load ES Module". I'm using nuxt3 rc-4, node version is v16.16.0

@i3looi2 - 30.04.2022 02:30

nuxt 3 (vite) is slow on hotreloading and cold start when compared with vue2 empty-app.
also it limits even more the SPA build and makes it harder.
it generates .mjs files which on most shared classic hostings are broken.

For SSR and server bundle sure. But for simple apps, it's starting to be overkill. I'd recommend vanilla Vue for most use cases.

@fdg6935 - 23.04.2022 13:02

Can i use Nuxt 3 rc1 in production?

@RobinGersabeck - 23.04.2022 03:09

Hoping for a longer video that explains best practices for SSR data fetching and handling state

@David-Schubert - 22.04.2022 16:22

nuxt 3 rules. but there are not enough modules so far :-( so we need to still go with nuxt 2.

@BrickTamlandOfficial - 22.04.2022 16:03

big nuxt
