What happens if Atton LOSES to Darth Sion? (Disturbing Scene)

What happens if Atton LOSES to Darth Sion? (Disturbing Scene)

Dark LORE Dash

1 год назад

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Kassar - 27.10.2023 03:30

It's such a sad ending! The simple line "hurts when I laugh. Hurts." is so strangely upsetting :(

Barry Lyndon
Barry Lyndon - 22.10.2023 12:09

Hahaha Traya having specific put downs for everyone that targets what they hate most about themselves. Then Atton


She just has no time for him at all. See's him as the Jar Jar of her story

John Connor
John Connor - 21.10.2023 15:36

There’s a glitch avatar at the main menu screen for Kotor 2. I’ve only seen it for playing on the switch port of the game. The character looks almost like he described stitched together with scars and such

BladeCrossEXE - 22.09.2023 23:38

Sion got skills, hoisting up Atton by the neck with his saber still in the same hand.

Reiiz - 22.09.2023 13:38

Imagine not influence atton enough to make him a jedi or dark jedi. A blasphemy

ShadyNasty - 13.08.2023 15:41

I beat sion with atton but he never ran i was forced to keep fighting sion until i kost and got this ending i thought tht was cannon and now i feel cheated

Achilles - 27.06.2023 04:57

And yet in kotor 1 bastila is tortured by malak

Jayson Lassetter
Jayson Lassetter - 08.06.2023 16:58

Disturbing Scene??? not even blip on the scope... the beat down scene was more disturbing than that

Oden33390 - 08.06.2023 09:33

I wasn’t even sure it was possible not to die. It’s a scion until I finish the game, and I deleted that save. I finished it a few days ago and now I feel terrible. I can’t get that safe back so I just need to restart the game. It doesn’t matter. He will be saved. He will leave Malachor V.

zooropa04 TheAustin83
zooropa04 TheAustin83 - 03.06.2023 08:11

Sort of like how, if you fail one particular mission in Wing Commander III, the game continues with your side slowly losing the war. I wish more games had features like that.

Caleb Owens
Caleb Owens - 03.04.2023 17:26

I wouldn't say it's some miracle if Atton beats Sion. Granted, if Atton is made into a Jedi, it's considerably easier. In any case, this is a neat idea and it shows the tremendous amount of thought which went into the game's writing.

Barry Bend
Barry Bend - 26.03.2023 21:36

How can I get Atton to lose when I hoard enough mines to make the death Star explosion look tiny?

Uilleand - 04.02.2023 00:36

First heard this cut content like...15, 16(?) years ago. ...and thus were hundreds of pages of fic born. >.>

TrickyTalon - 20.01.2023 08:13

AHHHH HOW COULD THEY DO THIS??? Even just as a failed outcome battle, it’s SO messed up! I’m glad my Atton didn’t even come close to losing that last fight.

Norbert Sattler
Norbert Sattler - 23.12.2022 13:04

Kotor 1 has Bastilla being tortured on screen by Malak, so I don't think that there being on-screen torture in and off itself was the reason for the cut. Maybe the nature of the torture, but I think it was probably just the time-crunch that made them cut out so many other things. After all this would have required custom visual assets to do properly too, which means even more time investment and so on.

LastLombax - 15.12.2022 21:30

Im actually glad there wasn't a disfigured atton. This leaves it open ended. Who knows what Sion did to him, all tortures aren't physical. He might have stuck atton just once. Who knows.

LastLombax - 15.12.2022 21:24

Bro i did not even know this. I always run either a jedi Atton Build or a Blaster Jedi Atton build so i always win against Sion. Seriously Master speed + Master rapid shot and boom. Sion is downed.

きゃら ドリームラー
きゃら ドリームラー - 11.12.2022 03:02

just realized that guy on the floor i forgot name isnt he the american goku aactor?

Andy Roid
Andy Roid - 06.12.2022 03:38

Sounds like my playthrough.
