The Best and Worst Seasons of The Flash

The Best and Worst Seasons of The Flash

The Black Lion

1 год назад

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Isucktrustme - 20.09.2023 15:53

non of the seasons were ever good lmao

The Smell of Adventure
The Smell of Adventure - 16.09.2023 17:51

17: Season 9 Interlude #3 (9x06-9x09)
16: Season 7A: God Complex (7x05-7x11)
15: Season 7 Interlude #1 (7x12-7x14)
14: Season 9A: Rogue War (9x01-9x05)
13: Season 5 (22 Episodes)
12: Season 8C: It’s All Negative (8x17-8x20)
11: Season 9B: A New World (9x10-9x13)
10: Season 8 Interlude #2 (8x06-8x07/8x14-8x16)
9: Season 7B: Godspeed Imperative (7x15-7x18)
8: Season 4 (23 Episodes)
7: Season 6B: Reflections and Lies (6x10-7x03)
6: Season 8B: Death Revisited (8x08-8x13)
5: Season 3 (23 Episodes)
4: Season 8A: Armageddon (8x01-8x05)
3: Season 1 (23 Episodes)
2: Season 2 (23 Episodes)
1: Season 6A: Blood and Truth (6x01-6x08)

ajai srivastava
ajai srivastava - 08.09.2023 14:53

The black lion : all speedsters leaving kid flash
Jesse quick : ...

Shortie_pimpin_doe - 22.08.2023 00:33

I went back to watch this series I’m on season 2 I’m watching the whole thing this time

bob dylan
bob dylan - 18.08.2023 21:16

9. season 7 (i like the first 2 episodes and the godspeed storyline but the forces and interlude are terrible)
8. season 5 (i use to love this but as time went on i started to realize its flaws but the reverse-flash stuff makes this a good season)
7. season 9 (i like this more than most but there was too much focus on side characters. i love the final 5 episodes though)
6. season 3 (i used to not like this but i am starting to love it as savitar and killer frost are amazing)
5. season 6 (the first half is great and the second half has some amazing episodes)
4. season 4 (has an amazing tone and incredible cgi and visuals)
3. season 8 (it made the flash way more powerful which i love)
2. season 2 (zoom is awesome and the introduction of the multiverse makes this stand out)
1. season 1 (what can i say that hasn't been said already, it is peak perfection)

Luke Bacon
Luke Bacon - 17.08.2023 09:19

9 seasons? The show ended for me after season 1

Gamen met Rea
Gamen met Rea - 06.08.2023 23:05

Nice review of the Flash shows. I have The Flash series 1 till 8 on Blu ray. 1 till 3 are my favorite seasons overall.

The1stFang - 31.07.2023 10:16

I stopped watching it around season 5

GhostingGaming - 22.07.2023 21:44

Can’t believe the best season was really the first one 🤣😭

MADEINFIRE - 19.07.2023 03:32

I stop watching a his show after season 3 I just saw 2 episodes of season 4 in his moment (2017) but they were boring to me and in January of this year I saw season 4 and 8 for me were surprised the downhill of this show if you see season 1 or 2 are way different from the others seasons but man I hate Cecile not the actress he really does a good work but the character is shitty and Iris too I don’t know who wrote Iris character but i think it is a stupid guy who doesn’t read comics in comics Iris is a great character but in the tv show is kinda annoying for me it is good that the show end grant was tired and want to spend time with his family and is understandable,Eric Wallace is an stupid writer and showrunner even me a kid of 14 years old understands what the flash is than Eric,Great Top 🗿.

Dylan Mitchell
Dylan Mitchell - 19.07.2023 00:01

Season 1 🔥10-10
Season 2 zoom was a masterpiece villain 12/10
Season 3 was ok 7/10
And the rest where all ass

𝑀𝒾𝑔𝒽𝓉 𝒸𝒶𝓉
𝑀𝒾𝑔𝒽𝓉 𝒸𝒶𝓉 - 14.07.2023 22:18

The only good season were Season 1 ,2 (Season 2 is a 1000000/10), 3, 4, 5 and 6 Season 7 and 8 are alright

Wander Gaming
Wander Gaming - 10.07.2023 21:35

How is 5 better than 4

Jordan Beck
Jordan Beck - 09.07.2023 05:06

I stopped watching this after Crisis on Infinite Earths and every time I want to go back and finish it I don’t because of how God awful seasons 7-9 look.

Geerakin Death rider
Geerakin Death rider - 08.07.2023 18:23

glad i stopped watching at crisis cuz of how the flash disappearing was handled like all that build up from season one just for the dumbest pay off ever. it feel like they forgot about it till the very end and just pulled something out there ass

Azu17 - 07.07.2023 07:30

9 wasn't that bad

Jay - 02.07.2023 19:19

Season 4 had the best suit

betiø - 02.07.2023 02:42


Buberoini - 01.07.2023 20:40

Im sorry, but dismissing just how inconsistent the show is as a minor thing is a lie. Sure there is some good writing, but if youre making a SUPERHERO show, having good fight scenes/villains is NECESSARY!! The absolute ignorance of the writer is atrocious! Theres no way any of the seasons get past a 6. The driving force of the superhero show should be his struggle to be a hero, whether that be his villains, his morals, or in rare cases their overwhelming strength causing life issues which he could fall into because of how overpowered super speed is! But they screw it all up because they dont want to write an actual villain that can stand up to him. When they do it works great! But that is only a handful of characters. 9/10 is way too generous

Rad_Sk8 - 30.06.2023 17:18

I personally feel like the show fell off after Season 2

Your neighborhood binge addict
Your neighborhood binge addict - 30.06.2023 04:22

u got some audio problems its like robotic. theres a weird sounds that happens when u talk

SpiritZion - 30.06.2023 00:13

"flash doesnt kill"

D - 29.06.2023 21:45

I believe that the flash series should’ve stopped at the 5th or 4th season.

StavkaJedi⚔ - 29.06.2023 10:38

Okay so just finished season 2 & I skipped through ep1s3. Read the episode details for s3/s4/s5 That being said, think ill stop watching. Having so many speedsters kinda kills the show for me. I hate Wally West/Kid Flash. Harrison Wells & Cisco was real fun to watch. The Caitlin & Zoom stuff was great.

Serdar Çam
Serdar Çam - 29.06.2023 02:46

Best season for me was 2nd season without question zoom was so menace and unstoppable until the last moment

DOODGESLAGENMUG - 29.06.2023 02:02

I wish they ended the show after season 3 or waited 2/3 years in between seasons to write something good again. Look at a show like The Boys, it doesn’t cr*p out 23 episodes every year. With The Boys they wait 1.5 / 2 years to write 8 solid episodes. Bcs & many other shows do this aswell. It seems to me they had more time to write the first 3 seasons and after that just started to rush everything. A movie takes more than a year to write, shoot & produce and the flash was making 15 hours of film per year (in the seasons up till 4) no wonder it ran off a cliff.

DJ - 29.06.2023 00:16

agree but season 3 and 2 were better than you said

slippin dylan
slippin dylan - 28.06.2023 20:28

when are y’all gonna admit this show was never good? it’s always been garbage. season 1&2 are better garbage sure but the writing was always awful

NB Topics
NB Topics - 24.06.2023 09:32

Season 2 was my favorite because in season 1 reverse flash was not very scary but more we hated him. Zoom was straight up terrifying. Literally every time I saw Zoom I was scared. And the reveal that it was Jay was perfect for me

HunterX 346
HunterX 346 - 24.06.2023 05:35

I loved your point of view, everything is spot on. Don’t judge me but I enjoyed season 8 better than season 6 besides crisis

Daniel Ramsey
Daniel Ramsey - 22.06.2023 17:47

Regardless of the Rankings here. I consider Seasons 3 & 4 to be the best of the Shows, as the Flash Series had two Great Main Villains in Savitar and The THINKER! Characters who challenged Berry, who forced him to become more worried about his Friends and Loved ones than himself. I like that both Savitar and Thinker had formed creative methods to ensure their own success!

Sure, Flash was getting his ass kicked by another Speedster, but arguably one That Couldn’t be matched! While Thinker would go on to Frame Berry Allen, and then start Powering himself up through his Body snatching tactics! It’s after this season that season 5 and on would just Tank for me. And sadly that means I missed out on Bloodwork. 😢

BIKERGANG - 22.06.2023 08:14

Season 4 flash suit is the best in my opinion I like the og style

TOP J - 22.06.2023 01:38

On season 2 hope I don’t disappoint myself

Roland Bercot
Roland Bercot - 21.06.2023 02:45

I think the season 9 filler was pretty good considering that nia is probably one of the strongest arrow verse characters

Roland Bercot
Roland Bercot - 21.06.2023 02:45

I think the season 9 filler was pretty good considering that nia is probably one of the strongest arrow verse characters

Adam Balaz
Adam Balaz - 20.06.2023 19:20

i think i was great till the 4th season even though season 5s story was ok but the suit rly just kinda messed it up for me but 6 to 9 just went down hill because of the villans rly and season 9 was good for me just because the flash was ending but still not really good because i think they just really mushed it into 13 episodes witch half of them were side characters not even the flash witch the show is about

Adis - 20.06.2023 15:42

I Stopped watching around season 6 then after 2 years i came back and watched 7 8 9 seasons i can say 7th season is the worst and nine was not that bad i like it

Gabriel Tembo
Gabriel Tembo - 19.06.2023 16:15

The Flash literally became a Fairytale.
I expected some people to die or the final battle to be epic

Choco Munchiez 💕
Choco Munchiez 💕 - 19.06.2023 01:16

i hate how after every fight they always gotta say something cringe and stupid it's one of the many reasons why i stopped watching after season 4

Artisan1979 - 18.06.2023 22:12

The one complaint I've always had about the show was the fact that Barry Allen felt he had to get someone's trust by revealing his identity. Even if it was a bad guy. It's an unrealistic plot device that by telling him his real name or unmasking would defuse a crisis situation. It's like he does not think these people will not go to social media to cash in on his secret. It's like he didn't give a shit about his own secret. What happened to that vibrational vocal cords trick he used in season one and two? That was cool, and it made sense for him to disguise his voice in the most logical way. When he drops this trick, it's like he didn't give a damn whether somebody at the precinct recognize his voice, or even recognize his facial features, since he also started vibrating his face. I honestly thought the quality of the series started to go down with season four. It's like the costume got better while the writing got worse. I reviewed this series up until season seven. But I still watched the series until it's inclusion in the hopes that the writing would pick up in quality. Sadly, it wasn't the case. I wanted the finale to show Wally west taking over as the flash, while Barry and iris focused on raising Nora for a while. And there was always a chance to have the rogues team up to take on the flash. They wasted captain cold and heat wave as characters, just the wasted mirror master and mirror monarch or the top. The rogues are blue collar criminals only want to focus on the next big score and less on revenge on the flash. They could've had an entire season, but they never bothered to conceive of that possible run. Instead they sent Captain cold and heat wave to legends, and let's not go into that train wreck. Thankfully Grant Gustin's performance never wavered in quality, even though he had to deal with some very bad scripts. Candice Patton also had to deal with misrepresentation and not much focus on her character arcs. A lot of behind the scenes problems. No iris did not belong as the leader of team flash, but we could've seen a lot more of her as a hard-hitting reporter without her being the publisher of a newspaper. I mean she went from being a barista to reporter, and finally publisher in several years. And by no means am I ragging on her; Iris West was portrayed by Candice Patton through the worst of times, and she is a beautiful and intelligent woman. It's just she got very bad, scripts to work with, much like Gustin. Eric Wallace was the most detrimental factor in the closing seasons. And why the hell didn't Cisco make a return in the finale? He's family, so why wouldn't he be there for his best friend becoming a dad? Lastly, I think that the reverse flash origin story should have been covered. It was hinted at and teased, but we never saw that one moment that sent him down that path, and don't give me started on the force quest storyline; even the comic storyline was bullshit. That was filler to give Barry something to do since he was no longer the fastest man alive. Bottom line, I will always be a flash fan, as well as a fan of the show, but the last remaining seasons were a major let down, and I could not connect with the new supporting cast either.

IAmPotatoHead - 17.06.2023 03:38

I completely agree with the Hartley Sawyer thing. He didn’t deserve to be fired, and the writers didn’t even bother to recast, using Ralph’s powers to explain it. They just wrote him out in the worst way possible.

Rohan Edam
Rohan Edam - 16.06.2023 19:00

1. S1
2. S2
3. S3
4. S4
5. S5
6. S6A
7. S8A
8. S8B
9. S8C
10. S9B
11. S7B
12. S6B
13. S9A
14. S7A
My ranking for the seasons/arcs
1. Out Of Time
2. What’s Past Is Prologue
3. Enter Flashtime
My favorite episodes
Season 8/9 is my favorite suit

Brandon Vananden
Brandon Vananden - 15.06.2023 22:39

season 9 i felt was too rushed, they should've made the last ep a whole new arc, i felt the villians were defeated by plot armor and too quickly.

רועי אופ
רועי אופ - 15.06.2023 21:32

I wonder how many times he said the word peak

Jacob Ericsen
Jacob Ericsen - 15.06.2023 16:46

the flash has had one villain since season 6... and that's Eric Wallace.

Scorps29 - 15.06.2023 09:42

Yo season 3 is my favorite

Scorps29 - 15.06.2023 09:37

Meh season 4 suit is the best😊
