Factorio Mod Spotlight - Smart Inserters

Factorio Mod Spotlight - Smart Inserters


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Wip -Sama
Wip -Sama - 22.09.2023 22:12

This video was a nice surpriese, I did not expect a video on this mod so soon, I added to the home page an "How to use it" section since your video had made me realize that the right/left click thing was no as intuitive as I tought!

Also some precisation about of the offset works:
-The drop offset is not by default in the center but it's on the farthestfrom the inserter to ensure taht the inserter always put item in the far side of teh belt by default (to follow vanilla default behaviour).
-The pick offset as a nice use case, you can use it to squeze a bit more performance from loading/unloading train and few more edge cases.

For any more question you can ask in the comments or in the mod portal!
P.S. I'm the developer

Lead Hail
Lead Hail - 26.09.2023 08:26

So a more cheaty bobs inserters?

Mike Krasnenkov
Mike Krasnenkov - 23.09.2023 14:08

I like playing with simpler mod called side inserters. IMO drop offset and 90 degree rotations should be in vanilla, it just seems dumb that inserter movement is not configurable. Not bigger range though

Jordan Hanratty
Jordan Hanratty - 22.09.2023 19:23

here's a question - If I swap to this mod from BOB's does it mess up every inserter on the save?!

drakedbz - 22.09.2023 19:20

If you increase the length to 4, it could reach over beacons.

Dave - 22.09.2023 14:51

Million dollar question would be if I could replace bobs with this in a existing factory.

I don't like the length increases but I like the diagonals and 90 degree inserters.

John The Cooling Fan
John The Cooling Fan - 22.09.2023 11:04

All factorio mods are basically open source, because they don't have anything to compile, the code is right in the zip file the same way the dev have written it. Unless it's obfuscated, which is unlikely. So this reasoning for making the mod doesn't hold. All versions of a mod are stored on the mod portal, which gives a bit of history if needed.
I don't think there's anything bad with making a mod that does the same as another if it's for learning or making something better.

burr - 22.09.2023 04:56

Maybe they could get slower the further they reach.

Matthew Pocock
Matthew Pocock - 22.09.2023 03:19

Looks a bit nicer than Bob inserters. FYI, the swing time is affected by the total setting angle and the arm length, so the crazy long configuration come with an item per second cost which makes it less op imho.

Krydax - 22.09.2023 03:00

oooh nice. It's like bobs adjustables minus the bobs, as you say :)! Looks like this is a good alternative of open source variety! Thanks for sharing.

I think other modmakers will find this mod easier to incorporate and adjust to their own pack, including how the researches are placed, settings are locked, etc. So this allows for lots of flexibility! I like it!

fournm - 22.09.2023 01:50

Oh my god pickup offsets, that's magical

lolmao500 - 22.09.2023 01:09

I need an item rarity mod before the expansion comes out lol
