Third Way One Faith (day1)

Third Way One Faith (day1)


8 месяцев назад

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VoltZero83 - 30.10.2023 21:01

I like looking at this game but I will never play it. The threshold to learn is too high. When I watch it, I can't keep up. A million variables and dependencies.

Amadeuz81 - 29.10.2023 01:54

Biggest problem with this game is that when you near end game it gets so big that its not fun anymore. The start is always fun and a pain in the a$$ when you finally get something good and the game takes it away the next month. Have played distant worlds 2 now and automation does not help when it becomes a popup hell even at slowest speed. I have probably played 100 games that are world conquest able but never had the energy to complete one so yes you should sleep because games like this are very demanding.

Kodyak36 - 27.10.2023 07:06

I want the main theme music back! Why did it change and how do I get this back?

youtuberobbedme ofmyname
youtuberobbedme ofmyname - 27.10.2023 05:54

This achievement is only consistent with Pate. Mzab is highly dependent on Iberian Wedding RnG for obvious reasons and all territory you expand in is eventually perma claimed by multiple nations. Oman is highly dependent on not dying to Mamluks, Timmy and QQ.
The biggest problem is all these nations have a lack of economy and two have no coastline so no ships.
Pate is the only one with ships, only one imminent threat (Kilwa), and has the best provinces to develop off the bat. The only issue Pate has is a terrible king/monarch.
Turning the difficulty to Very Hard makes Mzab and Oman IMPOSSIBLE but somehow it is really hard to 1444 a Pate game even though it would seem just as hard. I believe it used to be possible to do a Very Hard playthrough on all three nations back when they had the old Estate system (RIP). Now if you are going to do Mzab anyway, I believe an Italian exodus of sorts would actually be very beneficial early on since you can get -40% AE in Age of Discovery by stacking Age bonus + Ibadi scholar + Espionage ideas.
As Oman just take your cores, try to take Baluchistan and culture shift to Baluchi and form Mughals. This is an impossible task on Very Hard.
Pate, you absolutely need to culture shift to either Somalian or Yemeni. Typically you can go the Egyptian culture and form Mamluks for a better government too but that is so far off you might as well not do that. Lack of monarch points to start will absolutely stunt your run. Kilwa surviving a long enough time will make more provinces to convert thanks to the African frontiers colonies they create.
Overall this achievement is beyond frustrating and I have regretted all the times I've attempted it.

André Luis
André Luis - 26.10.2023 14:23

Oman has Naval bonuses because its a historically famous country for its naval and colonial endeavours. I thought people playing map painters were suposed to know history

ZriZe101 - 24.10.2023 20:15

What mod is it for the estate interface that makes it bigger?

sicksock - 23.10.2023 05:27

‘It is Precious to Me, Though I Buy it With Great Pain’: Isildur regarding the one ring Arumba regarding light ships

Chris Ufkes
Chris Ufkes - 21.10.2023 19:29

I've tried to play this game but i suck at this, so i just watch Arumba play. Much more entertaining ;)
It is so interesting to follow his thought process even if i understand a fraction of it...

Nate - 21.10.2023 19:22

so actually your game shows that having the knowledge sharing act differently between diplo and subject interaction is a good thing. Sofala won't accept it through diplo since they can't afford it, but you're still given the option to share knowledge anyways and pay for it yourself.
Idk if that's intended but it's nice to have the option

Charlie Kelly Esq.
Charlie Kelly Esq. - 20.10.2023 19:06

for those of you new to the game, give all the monarch points in the estates if you start as an opm, and only the monarch point generation. Your first war should get you back to 20-30% crownland, then you can start handing out your other estate privileges.

Trompello - 20.10.2023 15:13

@Arumba is the yeet function a mod or does this game actually have that in it?

SlimeGoop - 19.10.2023 07:26

Madagascar nation would probably close their ports haha. I hope that was a reference to Pandemic... That always bugged the crap out of me and made it hard to win!

John C
John C - 19.10.2023 00:27

Great content! Makes me want to return to EU4!

Akemy - 18.10.2023 19:17

Great to see you post again over here, I've been missing your vid for a while.
But if anything did you ever think of making a VOD channel for YT so you can just dump everything there rather than this channel ?

MakashiGames - 18.10.2023 04:09

I will watch and I will comment because I like Arumba and he knows EU4

Mac an Mheiriceánaigh
Mac an Mheiriceánaigh - 17.10.2023 18:14

Very eager to watch all of this series.

krokua - 16.10.2023 22:03

I missed you man.

Evan Raynor
Evan Raynor - 16.10.2023 05:24

Arumba uploading on yt again?????? Happy days
