Crossrail Place Roof Garden is one of London`s largest l walk tours at night l Canary Wharf 2023.

Crossrail Place Roof Garden is one of London`s largest l walk tours at night l Canary Wharf 2023.

Dé Indo Official

1 год назад

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Today we`ll be walking tour to Crossrail Place.

Free to visit and open daily to the public until 9pm or sunset in summer, Crossrail Place Roof Garden is one of London’s largest. Wander through and admire the exotic plants, relax on one of the many benches nestled in hidden pathways or enjoy a show in the amphitheater.

Crossrail Place sits almost exactly on the Meridian line and the planting is arranged according to which hemisphere they are from with Asian plants such as bamboo to the east, and plants such as ferns from the Americas to the west.

The Crossrail Place Roof Garden is a 300-meter enclosed garden with an abundance of plants and trees that references both the history and geography of Canary Wharf. Drawing on the area’s heritage as a trading hub, many of the plants are native to countries visited by ships of the West India Dock Company who unloaded their wares in this very location 200 years ago. Crossrail Place sits almost exactly on the Meridian line and the planting is arranged according to which hemisphere they are from with Asian plants such as bamboo to the east, and plants such as ferns from the Americas to the west.

Visitors can enjoy the exotic planting, relax on one of the many benches nestled in hidden pathways or enjoy a show in the amphitheater. Our 80-seater performance space ignites the imaginations of children and adults alike. In summer, Canary Wharf Group, in partnership with the Space Theatre, delivers a program of festivals, performances, and music here which is known as ‘Bloom’. All events delivered In the Bloom program are free and offer opportunities for local people to take part in or watch a wide variety of activities and encourage people to engage with the space in new and original ways. Support our channel please, Subscribe, like, comment share, and turn on the bell notification so you can see newer our videos. Thanks and enjoy guys!

Hari ini kita akan jalan-jalan ke Crossrail Place.

Bebas untuk dikunjungi dan dibuka setiap hari untuk umum hingga pukul 21.00 atau matahari terbenam di musim panas, Taman Atap Crossrail Place adalah salah satu yang terbesar di London. Jelajahi dan kagumi tanaman eksotis, bersantai di salah satu dari banyak bangku yang terletak di jalur tersembunyi, atau nikmati pertunjukan di amfiteater.

Crossrail Place berada hampir persis di garis meridian dan penanaman diatur menurut belahan bumi mana mereka berasal dengan tanaman Asia seperti bambu di sebelah
timur, dan tanaman seperti pakis dari Amerika di sebelah barat.
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Taman Atap Crossrail Place adalah taman tertutup sepanjang 300 meter dengan tanaman dan pepohonan berlimpah yang merujuk pada sejarah dan geografi Canary Wharf. Berdasarkan warisan kawasan ini sebagai pusat perdagangan, banyak tanaman asli negara-negara yang dikunjungi oleh kapal Perusahaan Dermaga India Barat yang menurunkan barang dagangan mereka di lokasi ini 200 tahun yang lalu. Crossrail Place berada hampir persis di garis meridian dan penanaman diatur menurut belahan bumi mana mereka berasal dengan tanaman Asia seperti bambu di sebelah timur, dan tanaman seperti pakis dari Amerika di sebelah barat.

Pengunjung dapat menikmati penanaman eksotis, bersantai di salah satu dari banyak bangku yang terletak di jalur tersembunyi atau menikmati pertunjukan di amfiteater. Ruang pertunjukan kami yang berkapasitas 80 tempat duduk membangkitkan imajinasi anak-anak dan orang dewasa. Di musim panas, Canary Wharf Group, bermitra dengan Space Theatre, mengadakan program festival, pertunjukan, dan musik di sini yang dikenal sebagai 'Bloom'. Semua acara yang disampaikan dalam program In the Bloom gratis dan menawarkan kesempatan bagi masyarakat setempat untuk ikut serta atau menonton berbagai kegiatan dan mendorong orang untuk terlibat dengan ruang dengan cara baru dan orisinal.
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