What's behind all this technology? | UFOs / UAPs and how tiny we all are in this universe

What's behind all this technology? | UFOs / UAPs and how tiny we all are in this universe


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@petersmitt2485 - 08.11.2022 17:25

Correction: The Milkey Way is 87.000 light years in diameter.

@ivercaay - 09.02.2024 04:36

Government keeps these info to use the technology for power and military advantage.

@jx5k - 08.02.2024 11:55

If the extraterrestrials who are able to travel inter-galaxies want to go public, none of us human is able to stop them. They don't show themselves and give us the technologies to improve our lives. I think the reason is obvious. Our moral standard is very low. Some of us will use the technologies to ruin not only Earth but also other planets. Imagine that it's Putin, Xi Jinping or Kim Jong Un who acquires alien's technologies. It'd be a disaster.

@veracious99 - 08.02.2024 08:43

Brilliant presentation. Instant subscriber. 😊

@gringoroko - 05.02.2024 23:39

Life is absolutely NOT the norm in the Universe. That is simply completely false.

@gringoroko - 05.02.2024 23:34

The number of stars in the Milky Way is between 250 and 500 billion and the number of galaxies in the visible Universe is about 2-3 trillion.

@stevenbahena5956 - 05.02.2024 06:57

That whole thing about UFOs looking small but being more spacious in the inside could be space manipulation.

As you go into the UFO, it seems to be getting much bigger and bigger. That's why it seems to have more space inside.

@stevehamann9624 - 04.02.2024 13:38

Its simple…..i have one in my backyard👌🏽

@neighborhoodturnt - 03.02.2024 05:32

I saw a good video breaking down why bob lazar is lying I believe it tbh as someoen who believes in aliens I still think bob is lying

@eddietowers5595 - 02.02.2024 21:10

Understanding the world through science is only 300 years old, as such. Though, like an inhabited island with indigenous people, yet ironically discovered by an explorer, doesn't change the fact the island has always been there, with it's people. Science has always been there when existence came into existence. so, technically science is in and of itself is existence, officially. Just because we came to understand just 300 years ago doesn't mean it wasn't already there, basically.

As you quoted Arthur C Clark, basically; "...their science is our magic..." that would prove science is as old as existence...not the understanding of science being science.

despite Anti gravity driven crafts needn't a definitive shape to "fly", as it were. The flying saucer shape seems an antiquated concept thought up by man, and man alone, as "unexplaining" an imaginary spacecraft and how it was perceived to be a futuristic concept for its time. this 40's era design enduring all of this time via eyewitness claims and testimonials of such a generic shape.

Considering, again, the stark comparison Arthur C. Clark mentioned between ET's and our monkey brained technology, it's ironic to think from kitty hawk to all of our space faring vehicles to our current jets, to date. We actually never hadn't the need for a flying saucer shaped aircraft. The one time we attempted with the Avrocar it failed it's expectations that the Pentagon scrapped the project.

These are though a little speculative, I don't romanticize fantastical notions without irrefutable proof.

There have been very reputable, well adjusted people who were proven fraud's and their reasoning/excuse was "...wanted more people to take the subject more serious..."

@conduitost - 02.02.2024 13:07

i have never disclosed i saw a ufo one night with a friend who also witnessed it i was 18 now 77 and eysight v good,the night was when one of the popes died and the ufo came from the far end of playing fields in essex uk skipped over a high tree and flew towards us took a slight turn over more trees at high speed and was gone no noise whatsoever and it had a misty glow around its edge, difficult to estimate size at a height 70 to 80 feet probably 15 feet wide , i would have laughed at anyone that claimed to see one , but having seen it like so many other people have lifelong interest in finding out more, could ti have been a us craft, in the sixties , i dont think so.

@VulcanJEDI - 31.01.2024 19:50

This craft is printed at the atomic level or more. It's why older craft found haven't rusted.

@steve8510 - 31.01.2024 11:19

The material is too exotic, ie: not on our period table of elements and that's been the sticking point for reverse engineering.

@klucismclain13 - 28.01.2024 06:00

whats the music please?

@prerupa - 27.01.2024 03:36

In the book "The Physics Of The Primary State of Matter" (1947) Karl Schappeller claims that when brought the magnetism into the glowing state, it would create an artificial sun with his own gravitational field and lines of force in a free state, the greatest force that can exist in nature. It was proposed to use this source of power to produce mechanical power, when you have a stator and a rotor. Also it would be required using what it said to be "The Electret", some kind of material that could have a permanent electric field in it. And this "sublimate" is filled inside the stator windings and the rotor parts. When used an external source of power, whether a battery or from the grid the whole became activated by the vacuum itself, or the Ether and external energy is no longer needed.
In 1920 Prof. Mototaro Eguchi in Japan, developed "the electret". All plastics when they are solidified is an insulator. But when they are melted and put inside a strong electric field, when returning back in the solid state they are able to keep the charge and became the permanent what he named "the electret". It was measured that the electric force near this new material, could reach the greatest potential difference value attainable in the atmosphere and this property could last a very long time.

@rexhallinan1785 - 23.01.2024 12:12

Very accurate

@danielmorales1981 - 23.01.2024 06:46

I like this video

@budnrobots2968 - 22.01.2024 10:17

Amazing video

@carlosaguilar5526 - 21.01.2024 21:21

So these extraterrestrial beings and UFO’s have all this incredibly advanced technology to cross space and time, and came all this way to Earth and crashed? Really?

@joelhungerford8388 - 21.01.2024 09:41

You lost me when you showed Doty as a credible government witness...
I'm sorry but how cam you stain your video by indicating Doty, a person who has even admitted to being paid by 3 letter US agencies to misinform the ufo public with disinformation, as 'credible' he is ANYTHING BUT

@user-qs3mh4pp3b - 21.01.2024 08:20

Not a problem to make an UFO or UAP with today technologies and based on gravity-antigravity and levitation laws of physics. Support me and I will support the government to produce these flying Sauces which will lift vertically and move on the direction we need, for transportation of goods and peoples.

@user-cv7kf2fg1z - 20.01.2024 07:42

Google navy ufo patents

@user-qh9vb4pj2o - 19.01.2024 18:37

This is worthy of a sasquatch!! And I mean Bigfoot sasquatch dung. There are no extra terrestrials. No space aliens. Astrophysicist mathematically proven, we are alone. You're just alien gold diggers wantng the government funding.

@user-mp4qd1qo4k - 19.01.2024 18:15

Onlardan korkmak yerine, onları anlayıp destek vermeliyiz. Onlarda bizim gibi canlı bir varlık

@user-mp4qd1qo4k - 19.01.2024 18:14

Çok hafif nir materyalden yapılmış bu UFO lar. İçlerinde aracı kullananda robotlar. Gerçek uzaylıların kullandığı Ufo lar dünyaya düşünce, artık robotlarını göndermeye başladılar. İnsanların ve hükümetlerin bu başka gezegenden gelenleri anlamaya çalışması ve yardımcı olması lazım. Onlardan korkmak yerine , onlara yardım etmeliyiz. Onlarda bizim gibi canlı bir varlık sonunda.

@bhawk9573 - 19.01.2024 01:59

This thing is just a huge electrostatic generator/capacitor. Weve had these things since the 1700s

@rempseaheinamies9414 - 19.01.2024 01:41

Very advanced metallurgy and some kind of electromagnetic power source. Also needs an inertial nullifier to perform 90 degree turns in an instant while travelling 20000 km/h.

Just like Da Vinci times, he envisioned modern helicopter and knew it was possible to build but couldn't fathom what kind of power source would make it fly.

@yashk871 - 18.01.2024 16:32

I think they have always been here. They are just another species with whom we share the planet. They just happen to be apex predators and more advance
Than us. And we humans are not on top of the food chain. But to see these species we need certain tools and tech. As our technology progresses we will see more of them. But they have always been here since inception of time. Not sure why humans are not comfortable with the fact that they are not the apex predators on earth and they come second.

@ElChapoDel8 - 14.01.2024 10:22

I know how they work, but i don’t have the money to show it.

@user-qo5yp2vp4k - 14.01.2024 09:12

Гравитационные волны Гравитация не существуют Гравитация ваших учебниках написано что Гравитация - это несостоятельные ничем не неподтверждённая теория,

@user-qo5yp2vp4k - 14.01.2024 09:11

Helo its Chonocaller i,m bo not presist to 9,99%-Of oll Pille of the Flat earth Desk In your Present 7-kontenents i,m insplaireb camb spid selektion on pleaceble cicrel haotic meto Ali or troe 99,9%-Real nitrin Collegtor: дальше я буду говорить на русском языке машины которые вы видите поднимаются в воздух имея внутри антигравитационный двигатель работающий на поворотной системе hyperacidity проводники обезвреживают плазма находящейся вокруг объекта полностью точнее на 96 процентов исключает возможность сопротивления пространственного также есть возможности круглого передвижения как например возможность о которой я не скажу за некие деньги мог бы проинформировать Вас об этом будьте осторожны 2131 году вас ждёт революция Ольга все будут равноправны органы меха и Синга 2031 по 2037 год после

@Infans_Sine_Amore - 13.01.2024 23:36

uup 115

@dogstar5927 - 12.01.2024 19:57

1. Certain civilizations utilize ships that are, in and of themselves, conscious, as AI. When moving slowly, these ships operate on different kinds of electromagnetic and gravitic wave technologies. They move from star to star very differently. The principle is that we think of an object as existing in a location. They think that location is a fundamental property of an object. So when you change the vibrational locational variable in the energy equation of an object to another locational variable, the object stops existing at the first location and simply immediately starts existing at the second location - not actually having traveled the intervening distance, just disappearing from one spot and appearing in another.

2. Secondly, the Greys are not alien per se. They are mutated humans from a parallel version of earth that destroyed their version of earth to the point that they had to go underground. They mutated, their eyes got larger to see in the dark, and they had to mutate to survive. They tried cloning themselves to save their civilization, but that didn't work over generations, and they started dying out. To perpetuate their species, they needed viable human DNA, which didn't exist in their reality, but they used their advanced technologies to tunnel into parallel realities to shift into parallel worlds like ours. Parallel versions of earth that exist simultaneously with theirs where viable human DNA was still existing and to use that DNA through the abduction experiences to create hybrid beings from their DNA and our DNA so that their civilization would continue to survive.

@stephenstretch00 - 11.01.2024 20:40

I've seen two distinct power systems on the different spaceships I've seen

@brianvalley5223 - 10.01.2024 20:36

The gravitational envelope might be held in place by an electric field generated by the skin of the craft itself. Once we've duplicated the effect, the world will change.

@bufferzone3247 - 10.01.2024 15:42

Omg let's beat the same stories to death.
We've been back engineering alien crafts for over 70 years.
The big secret.... they figured it out.

@mikedunn7795 - 09.01.2024 22:54

The only truthful thing he says is at the end. This is a sci-fi video,and nothing else. Admittedly, it WOULD make an entertaining sci-fi story.

@AndreasLindful - 09.01.2024 01:55

music ID?

@dreddykrugernew - 07.01.2024 05:29

Did anyone see Jack Serfatti talking about this on Koncrete podcast. What he said is in order for them to move like they do they are bending space time, and if you can bend space time you can time travel...

@PauloSerra-jx5yd - 01.01.2024 23:43

One thing I can never understand about UFOs is why are they always in a disc shape if there's no Oxygen or friction in space your ship can be of any kind of design but people only see spaceships in a saucer-shaped form why is that if by chance there are other life forms out there not all of them are going to have saucer-shaped ships a lot of them will have different designs different uses they're not all going to be the same looking so please explain that to me

@Bill0102 - 01.01.2024 04:01

Intriguing and well-presented; akin to a book that also tackled these concepts. "A Life Unplugged: Reclaiming Reality in a Digital Age" by Various Authors

@DavidCons-ek4nw - 31.12.2023 17:05

The flying saucers have existed longer than the human here on earth

@johnbaks5717 - 30.12.2023 21:07

Thanks a lot for this deep and full information.

@iceshakle - 30.12.2023 17:09

The Milky Way is 100,000 light-years across not 50,000.

@thf1933 - 29.12.2023 08:36

I have a thing to add. I heard multiple times stories of people who made contacts with UFO aliens. First not all aliens but some of them look just like normal people. Second when they telling about their spaceships they say the main force that makes them move isn't hidden in its technologies. The main force is genegated by those, who using them. It is something like vital energy, and those crafts are mostly need to protect their pilots from external conditions.

@anthonybaransky137 - 29.12.2023 05:45

Its not antimatter, its element 115. Which has been created in labs. But its not stable. Ive heard its not even stable for a whole second and it hreaks down to another isotope

@anthonybaransky137 - 29.12.2023 05:41

Ive heard that high voltage and very high frequency produces a static like effect and repels itself away from... Who knows for sure. Ive also heard Tesla applied for parents with this tech. He probably never built such a craft but he probably had the numbers right.
