Helluva Boss Has A Helluva Problem

Helluva Boss Has A Helluva Problem

Lo F. Fort

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@khiobi1687 - 01.02.2024 00:11

Drama seems to follow vivzie with every breath she takes

@RiverbrookTsodmi - 31.01.2024 19:02

Here's how I would fix the Helluva Downfall:

Blitz gets an assignment from Stolas that his ex-wife Stella has got her hands on a reality manipulator ray. For the gang this is a normal gig but as soon as they intervine they are blasted with the ray. Blitz now believes that he and Stolas has always been together and they adopted Octavia. All the lustful activities are now romantic instead. At the same time Millie and Moxxie are fused together where they have to swap their personalities to speak with others and they would treat them as Moxxie having a mental breakdown. Millie only remembering her past life while Moxxie always believing that he has his "feminine side". Lastly Loona who somehow dodged the RM-ray blast get herself and Stella hit on the same ray making Loona have Stella's status while Stella takes Loona's place.
On the main house Stolas uses his own magic to ward him and Octavia on weird ray-bomb that has now affected whole hell to believe that these new dynamics are "real".

This would open more interactions where Octavia would have to defend her dad from a friend who wants to kill. Stella acting like Loona and scaring Octavia and Stolas constantly as they feel she could "return" back to her old-self at any time. Moxxie struggling to get a wife as he joined to the I.M.P in hope of getting a girlfriend. This would make Millie more important as she had to take control of Moxxie's body and tell Stolas and Octavia that she is too remembering what happened. There could be an episode where Stella-loona has to protect Stolas from Loona-stella as Stolas starts to remember that his ex-wife would actually care about him. Stella-loona could also give Octavia more personal openings as their mother-daughter relationship would make Stella's mind crack a little bit from ray's effect.

This way the deck is reshuffled, giving everybody a purpose and at any point of time the story could be brought back when the ray situation is solved by Stolas, Octavia and Millie-Mox.

@maravreloaded - 31.01.2024 05:46

Helluva Boss and Hazbin Hotel have proven shows based on flashy visuals made by animators if they don't have a strong writer and narrative they will fall flat when the flashiness of their animation isn't a novelty anymore.

@maravreloaded - 31.01.2024 05:40

Cosmo and Wanda had a better couple dynamic than Millie and Moxie. And that's an understatement.

@maravreloaded - 31.01.2024 05:27

Why we should care for the personal problems of people in HELL the place where everyone is basically not limited by moral.
So, why characters are LIMITED BY MORALS?

@toyfreddygaming - 31.01.2024 05:18


@Noobmasterdp - 31.01.2024 04:13

People theorize Alastor's dad was abusive. And angel's. And Charlie thinks her dad thinks she's a failure. Anyone else?

@goonking420 - 31.01.2024 02:02

Not to be that guy, but none of helluva would've happened if the dads were good

@peridrawland5955 - 30.01.2024 17:28

I'm here after ep 6 of Hazbin Hotel, dropped the 'Charlie has daddy issues with her dado Lucifer - but it gets resolved within the same episode'

@otimo144 - 30.01.2024 12:39

They are trying to make a found family story without them becoming a family lol

@alexnauru7692 - 30.01.2024 07:52

Helluva boss is an extremely flawed show but I still like it a lot for some reason.

@Shovel________________ - 30.01.2024 06:11

something i noticed with a lot of indie animation is that there isnt much down time, and arcs are usually just one episode long. every episode is in a new spot and has at least a short timeskip from the last episode. granted im pretty sure its just an issue with the funding, but its pretty unfortunate that there just isnt a lot of time to go in depth with the characters and just let them sit down and chat for a while

@apollospaceman5815 - 30.01.2024 05:04

I bet God is not here because it would be the biggest daddy issue

@agamerintheworld - 30.01.2024 04:14

for april fools they should do a completely normal episode where they get a contract to kill and kill the person assigned to them with no problems

@nicknick493 - 30.01.2024 02:45

this was a really good video but we gotta talk about your music choice 💀

@cassiec9008 - 30.01.2024 00:18

You forgot absent mother. What character besides for Millie even has a mom MENTIONED?? Only Octavia and guess what? Her mom is kinda absent and unavailable emotionally 😂

@ghostrhythm - 29.01.2024 22:14

I liked the charismatic protagonists and their relationships, but it feels like the focus of the story shifts at every episode. It would be so good if the personal moments were in between an engaging plot. Some conflicts are downright unfinished, like with the queen bee, striker and mamon. All decent antagonists, but all of them just escape or are left with no damages, as if another plot point is to come, but never does. I'm happy for how big the project is and how many talented people are involved, I just wish there was a better shape to the progression of the plot.

@kyuutakitsune7163 - 29.01.2024 22:11

Ok, so I'm at the 13 minutes mark and this just seems maliciously negligent. First, Octavia ain't a core member of the cast. Second, blitz has dinamics with both moxie and the mnms as a couple, with different reactions from moxie and millie to blitz inserting himself. They also have a dinamic with Luna, which isn't fleshed out enough and just boils down to her and moxie having tension and millie being low-key racist. The series has problems, but it just looks like you went from sniffing copium to ODing on hate

@colemcegg3894 - 29.01.2024 18:43

Haha it totally bled into Hazbin Hotel too, they just had to give Charlie daddy issues.

@TheForhekset - 29.01.2024 10:53

I don't really mind that most of the story is about daddy issues and relationship drama. I find that drama entertaining. And I dont really care that the show isnt about the premise of workplace sitcom about bounty hunters, art often strays from its original concept. As a fan of the show, i liked the relationahip drama and its continued to be about that, and thats what i expect it to be about.

@greenbutler3682 - 29.01.2024 09:38

If Millie is supposed to be healthy, and everyone else is unhealthy, then I think Millie can be used as something akin to a mentor character, helping everyone else get through their relationship drama

@V3RYM3GAFUN - 29.01.2024 06:46

H u h

@lorenacia7579 - 29.01.2024 06:40

I just wanted a show with a company of demons who each episode do a different job, but I received a drama full of uncomfortable jokes😢

@demonofthevoid733 - 29.01.2024 06:06

I’d say Blitzo and Chaz weren’t really a relationship issue, I mean, they did it and then Chaz dies same episode. Wasn’t a relationship, and more of a quick fuck.

@demonofthevoid733 - 29.01.2024 05:59

Everybody knows Richard as invader zim. I remember him as Kaos from skylanders

@Goofy476 - 29.01.2024 01:11

My fav part is the daddy issues

@user-mq8mo9zi4q - 28.01.2024 20:39

It really seems like they aren't focusing on developing actual characters that act human. This is fine in some cases, where that's not the main focus (games, complex plot movies ect), but unfortunately, that's all that's available here. It almost seems like that's not the top priority, but just being an edgy cartoon. "Ooh, lookie here, a sex joke! And here some goofy ahh violence for blood! And you can't forget the incredibly sad back story, just to be that extra bit edgy."
My friends actually tried to get me into the show saying that it's so good. I didn't feel like dedicating time to the show at the moment, so I didn't bother. Now I understand why they liked it. Purely because it was edgy. I'm glad I saw this video, so I didn't have to waste my time on the show, knowing it has no eccence.

@CRanunculus - 28.01.2024 20:30

Tragedy is an ancient Western tradition in story telling, and I think this is what Helluva Boss is intended to be. I could be wrong.
As someone who has no idea what healthy looks like either, I really only want to see where Blitz and Stolas' relationship goes.
Every other character is just furniture - meant to either uphold how crap both of their lives are or to keep the room from being empty.

@Mr-Moron - 28.01.2024 12:45

I wonder if she’s projecting…

@williamchamberlain2263 - 28.01.2024 12:03

OTOH, as Behind the Bastards lays out daddy issues drive a lot of people.

@MechaEmperor7000 - 28.01.2024 09:08

oh boy wait till you start watching Hazbin Hotel.

Guess what the primary problem is.

@A_Random54710 - 28.01.2024 08:52

I wish helluva boss was still a sit com, but another cool idea would be using helluva boss to explore the other floors of hell and the seven deadly sins WITHOUT the trauma, I could think of so many ways they would have to go to the other rings of hell sure it might include changing there actual business but its not like we get much of them doing there job in the show anyways
I like helluva boss dont get me wrong but I think there are so many other unique ideas that could have been explored with this show then the "Oh no I am sad because my dad doesnt love me" or "oh no I have to get away from my toxic ex"

@tarnishedpotato - 28.01.2024 03:09

very cool video, you need more subs

@mileslugo6430 - 28.01.2024 01:45

I think the Human demon government Organization was, wait, well they got me with the violence

@kompatybilijny9348 - 27.01.2024 21:10

The best we can hope for is it being a case of early installment weirdness

@tempoaccla4041 - 27.01.2024 13:33

I mean...it's hell, people there are garbage

@TikiDragon1 - 27.01.2024 08:14

TGP told the story better with superior cohesion!

@laurilahti9863 - 27.01.2024 04:08

This girl don't know what she talking aboit

@niklasberthelsen310 - 27.01.2024 02:58

i like helluva boss, but i don't love it. i like watching the episodes as they come out, but what keeps me from being more engaged is that it feels too loud. it just feels like there are too many big crises and they just go that way with a tunnel vision, and instead of trying to make the viewer form sympathy for them, they use it for engagement, by making big flashy jokes, and then end it with resolution that is suppose to feel important...

i guess it just feels like they dismiss the buildup

@KAstria1 - 27.01.2024 02:44

I really like it when someone doesn't defend the show like it has 0 major issues but also doesn't attack it like it just unalived their entire family

@boijone8440 - 27.01.2024 02:41

i get your point, but i disagree. there is certainly a good amount of daddy/relationship issues in the show, but trying to exclude all the other plot points besides this, even if you said you weren't trying to be reductive, is being excessively reductive. the relationships, reservations, and personalities of every character but millie is rather well fleshed out.
dissing the comedy is also uncalled for and undeserved.

@rimzahzouhi2372 - 27.01.2024 01:47

i already love the show the way is it but your opinion made me see it could be better

@shadowguarder2857 - 27.01.2024 01:28

Artist do draw inpsiration from personal experience...

@nickchavez720 - 27.01.2024 01:07

Another issue is there strengths don't tell us anything about who they are. All that is a list of things they can do. Not actual personality traits.

@RaidenKunii - 26.01.2024 23:18

Im glad I’m not the only one who felt uncomfortable at how much strange issues and stuff this show has. Im not homophobic but the amount of gay, borderline porn that is in this show is just awkward like, its ok if its as a small gag but if its your only joke in almost EVERY EPISODE, then you should probably move on to new jokes.
