TradWife TikTok Compilation

TradWife TikTok Compilation

TikTok Chucky

1 год назад

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@fred1151 - 20.01.2024 19:19

these women are perfect in every way

@evgeniiakovalskaya6508 - 17.01.2024 08:18

And then he cheats on you multiple times and you are left alone with a child, with no job...😢 7 years been a trad wife and being replaced by a carefree woman which he met at his work.

@evebread - 13.01.2024 22:03

I believe if they are choosing this and it's what they enjoy doing/how they enjoy living, they can, as long as they're not pushing it onto anybody else there's really no problem

@xx_zelda_scene_rat_xx3433 - 04.01.2024 07:00

I can’t wait to get married ♥️

@mysillygirl - 20.12.2023 06:02

i'm a feminist and i'm sick of seeing arguments between us as tradwives. honestly, long as we all agree we're getting fucked by corporate america, more power to them

@SilverSkitty - 17.12.2023 22:31

Second woman is in the Sunken Place

@epopo4314 - 15.12.2023 20:25

i want to be a malewife

@drewcarson2422 - 13.12.2023 15:50

What if you're an unattractive woman or a poor man? Is the trad life for them? I think all this anti-trad hate is just jelousy and annoyance of skinny, happy, beautiful women cashing in on their looks and flaunting it.

@judimunro9279 - 02.12.2023 05:16

The lady with the tattooed arm made me tear up! Her smile is 1000 watt bulb❤❤❤😊

@francescabuonanno2333 - 23.11.2023 21:30

What a sad life

@janitorman1965 - 20.11.2023 07:59

Many non-traditional women are against submission, because they misunderstand the meaning. Do you think if a woman submits then she is lesser value to a man, but the truth is, she is merely taking her rightful place and the order of marriage. You can’t have two heads of the household.

@moncmaru - 08.11.2023 08:11

yo quiero :'v

@StaticGritz - 04.11.2023 19:45

i bet that second video threw all the haters/leftist for a loop

@blancheb3533 - 17.10.2023 17:26

I've literally been name-called as having 'internalized misogyny' just because I expected men to provide like so I can't have standards? lol

@cameronis8089 - 22.09.2023 21:06

As a man, not only do I love the amount of contentment shown by all these lovely ladies despite what society and feminism try to tell them, but also I think a profound feeling of ultimate ancestral collaboration and love arises between men and women when the trad lifestyles of each sex is adopted. This isn’t to say everyone should live this way; I, for example, am perfectly content with the idea of having a “working” wife (or atrad one). I just love how content these ladies are and can’t help but think those of us who choose to live traditionally are far happier than those of us who live liberally, e.g., some feminists.

@gothamzknight0219 - 16.09.2023 19:11

Good for her (and him) live your life.

@mountaincat931 - 14.09.2023 18:12

Good for them for knowing what kind of life they want and achieving it. I don't like the ones that try to act superior to others choices though. Honestly we are all human and should be able to choose our life.

@krazyoldkatlady192 - 11.09.2023 15:50

They’re always in tight low cut tops with the camera on their breasts, but they’re biblical?🤔

@autisticzatannagachakitsune99 - 10.09.2023 17:54

I don't like tradwives tho

@danielfm123 - 09.09.2023 01:06

good traditions :)

@danielfm123 - 09.09.2023 01:00

maximum envy of a cat lady feminist

@ZavhallaTV - 01.09.2023 21:14

It seems that women nowadays are only allowed to make their own choices, if the choice is for them to not submit to their husbands or serve their families. If they decide to be a tradwife, then they are not allowed to make their own choice all of a sudden. Isnt it interesting?😅
Anyhow, it seems to me that the fear is that their choice to be a tradwife will undo the programming that has been done to society, men in particular, where they will rise their standards and stop settling for these "modern women". Im not here out to bash feminism, cuz whatever they're doing nowadays has very little to do w the fights of women back them. Nowadays is pretty much about hating men and trying to subjugate then through shame. Im pretty sure feminists back them didnt hate their fathers, their sons, even their husbands.
World's crazy rn!

@JustaBubu - 22.07.2023 14:28

I love You ❤ kingdom marriage and family thats what's bringing joy ❤ submissive beautiful , taking care of herself wife + protecting husband ❤ I could feel holy spirit amongst Your family ❤ God Bless You

@brokeninfinitysonic1 - 21.07.2023 19:33

Let them live what they choose to do with their lives. They all look happy. Extreme feminightmares just get triggered by everything.

@superlamb6395 - 20.07.2023 00:14

I love that our future generations are starting to reevaluate traditional culture for the balance and fulfillment it can provide. Nothing is perfect. But for many people, this dynamic works. Let them be. You do you.

@simeconazole - 30.06.2023 23:13

One Trad wife is better than 20 of Kool-Aid drinkers.
It is not nice denying Mother Nature

@miamivicepastels83 - 15.06.2023 23:22

I think a lot of households would do this if they could afford it. (Cough, living wage, cough)

@andiemorgan961 - 15.06.2023 19:35

There's absolutely nothing wrong with partners taking up what are considered 'traditional' family roles provided there is mutual respect within the relationship and that freedom of choice is the key element.
People should not be judged by what suits them in establishing productive relationships.
But it also should be noted not 'one rule fits all.'🌟

@gorjessangel - 12.06.2023 19:31

I can’t wait to be a kept woman ❤

@SunflowerChannel128 - 11.06.2023 18:30

This is slavery
Handmaids tale vibes

@bjlover1615 - 03.06.2023 08:07

Tradwife are material wife for Real Men and belong to the house. while modern feminist women are toxic trash and belong to the street..

@sNaCkYcHoPs - 02.06.2023 00:08

Good for them, I couldn’t live as a trad wife as I need to work outside the home space, so I tip my hat to them

@coffeecrimegal5968 - 01.06.2023 15:55

I bring my husband his plate all the time! In fact we laugh about it because sometimes he’ll be in the kitchen when I’m making the plates! And instead of waiting a full 5secs and having me just hand it to him.. he’ll go sit down! 😂
It makes HIM feel Special & more over Appreciated! And it literally TAKES NOTHING FROM ME TO DO IT!!! I just ❤ the woman’s video explaining what a fool the other woman is for insulting her for doing this! WHILE SHE IS IN HER HOME GYM THAT HER HUSBAND BUILT FOR HER!! 😂😅
Seriously I think the only reason why those women who have the nerve to call themselves “Feminists” even take the time to watch those TikTok videos of Trad Wives is because they are incredibly jealous & or lacking a loving man in their own life to do these things for! They’re FEMINAZI’S! Not Feminists

Our Grandmothers & Great Grandmothers would slap them silly if they were around! They have no idea what true Feminism was about! Which was simply an even playing field! That’s all! Equality Not Equity! Choice,Our Own!

Women living in Western countries have absolutely nothing at all to complain about! They are spoiled & privileged to the point of it be blind to them.

And just to answer some of those awful hateful comments…
The Handmaids Tale also had women who were hurting other women too!

If we do go to war again, which is definitely possible
It won’t just be our sons, brothers, & husbands going this time ladies! There’s equality for you! Especially if they bring the draft back!
Yes I will gladly bring my husband his supper, raise our children, keep a clean home, & appreciate, respect, & LOVE That I have a husband a partner in life that has enabled me to do these things!

How’s that TV dinner taste in that cobweb infested studio apartment with the leaky pipes and toilet that won’t stop flushing.. And you’re STILL WAITING for that handy man who said he’d be there LAST WEEK! And that asshole boss who has never said thank you & could care less about you personally whom like to hear it or not you do serve!
See now was that nice or necessary of me to condemn or make fun of the life you chose?! It cuts both ways..

@eylul3302 - 01.06.2023 02:13

One of the best decision you can pick . Good for you and dont let anyone tell you otherwise

@oliviajankowski5116 - 29.05.2023 05:52

Honestly I don't see any issue for a woman to choose to live a more traditional lifestyle. They equally chose that life and whatever makes them happy is wonderful! Any individual who lives either a traditional or non-traditional lifestyle should have the right to do so. As long as each doesn't judge the opposing lifestyle I don't see any harm! I would just ensure that they are still given the freedom to live the life that both partners want healthily! If children of a traditional household chooses not to be traditional then so be it! Same if a non-traditional household child chooses a more traditional lifestyle! Both should be supported as long as its healthy and the choice is created by thier own freewill. Mind you, I am a progressive Christian who is going into nursing and I love my career and love some traditional ways to serve my partner!

@minameismy - 22.05.2023 17:21

People just don’t understand men and women in marriage NEED to behave this way in order for things to work the best they can it’s just the way we’re built. A man is the head, a woman is the shoulders. I don’t know why women say things like “well why should I follow him when I’m my own person” because IT BENEFITS YOU stupid and your man, don’t you want him to walk out the house and think “damn I got the best wifey in the world and every body knows it, now I’m gonna work harder to support her and my family”

@brighid13 - 19.05.2023 18:00

If any woman wants to become a trad wife and cannot find a good man, please look into Indian Hindu men because they will highly respect you and treat you as a goddess. If you are not having any luck there are loads of really nice hindu men that show so much love and respect. They have amazing family values something that is very hard to find nowadays.

@proudatheist2042 - 18.05.2023 02:43

I have no problem woth women being homemakers. However, I am astounded when the one woman said "the way our ancestors did things" because modern inventions make certain chores less labor intensive than they once were.

@grim7965 - 17.05.2023 15:56

You have a beautiful garden and they want to burn it... don't let them.

@Scott-jy3bx - 15.05.2023 16:38

Alot of love in the video 😊

@travdripdrip382 - 15.05.2023 01:56

Where do i find one????😢

@piperpilot44253 - 14.05.2023 15:22

What's funny the women who are against all the "traditions " , probably still expect the men to pay for their dates, buy the engagement rings, work and pay for everything. Those "traditions " seem ok. But otherwise are not.

@piperpilot44253 - 14.05.2023 14:38

I see happy families. That's all that matters. Why are some people upset with people just being happy. I wish I had your stable love of living and being happy. Instead I am alone raising my two children alone, put my pilot carrier aside just getting old. Great job women and men, your a team. A team that works together always win. ❤

@helycrisea8189 - 13.05.2023 10:43

Of course, dear Estée and other tradwives, you don't want to take anything from the rights that women acquired all along the last century. All right,I do not question your sincerity. If you are happy like that, why not. I'm a feminist because I had a few real life examples of abusive relationships in traditional marriages. But I'm not an extremist. Your life, your choice.
However, there are lots of malevolent people out there who would be so glad to get ALL women back to their houses and kitchens, giving them NO choice.
Look at what happened to Afghanistan ! Women are dying for showing a lock of hair. No more education for girls after primary school.
Look at what happened to the abortion rights in some American states (and people didn't even vote for that).
Be happy with your husband and family, sweet tradwife, but please be aware that EVERYTHING that people DO or SAY is a POLITICAL act in itself. Filming yourself in your kitchen is , whether you admit it or not. Same for the "opposite" camp !

@beverlyp480 - 13.05.2023 06:51

Absolutely beautiful to see women who are awesome taking care of their man their home their family. It should be honored. It's what makes life better.💕🙏💕☺️💕

@serg9613 - 12.05.2023 17:02

Antiwhite racial mixing is not tradition.

@BB_Axolotl - 12.05.2023 09:30

When I grew up in the 80s, it was rare if somebody’s mom had any kind of job even part time.

Back then there allso weren’t families with multiple leaseeblm🎉j

@Sonnyinfl - 10.05.2023 16:25

Traditional wives have nothing to apologize or explain to the useless modern woman. The "Tradwife" is in the highest demand. Which many men would kill for.

@roxyrhodes3035 - 10.05.2023 07:14

Can I just have a dude to be a provider so I don't have to work and he provides housing and lays that good pipe like every night and I'll do the dishes and make dinner and sh*t idgaf I'm just tired of working and dating broke dudes in their late 40s who can't even afford to split a $2,100 apartment with me geez.

@roxyrhodes3035 - 10.05.2023 07:09

Okay but do I have to have the kids though? I'm cool with being a dude's domestic wife and I'll do what he asks so he provides a roof over my head and food on the table and bills paid but just not the mother part. Can I just be a trad wife but no kids? And I don't want to be a step mom to some dude's mistakes with a baby mama he knocked up and couldn't hold down for.
