Titanic Facts That WILL BLOW Your Mind Part -2

Titanic Facts That WILL BLOW Your Mind Part -2


1 год назад

132 Просмотров

5 facts on Titanic - Part 1

0:00 - Introduction
0:19 - Nazis made a movie
0:46 - Family members were sent a bill
1:17 - Passengers refusing Lifeboat
1:52 - The 5 legends
2:22 - Japanese passenger disgraced.

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- The Nazis made a film
After the British company had released a German-language film about the disaster in 1929. The Nazis during World War II released a propaganda movie of Titanic which was released in 1943 by Germany. This movie depicted Titanic being the most amazing ship in the world, and when disaster struck, it was the first officer of Nazi, that saved lives by placing the survivors in the lifeboats.


- The family members of the band were sent a bill for their uniforms pppp

Titanic‘s musicians were a group of eight, All of them had boarded at Southampton, and registerd as second-class passengers. As the crew were vacating to the lifeboat. In an effort to keep everyone calm, the musicians continued playing. Unfortunately, they all lost their lives as the ship perished into the depths of ocean. Shockingly, after their death, their family were demanded and billed for 14 shillings and 7 pence for the uniform.


- Many of the passengers refused to enter the lifeboats PPP
When the Titanic first began to sink, several of the passengers were unaware of the situation and the risk they were in, and there have been no obvious signs that the ship was drowning. As the night went on, the ship began to own a terrible tilts toward the bow of the ship, Once it was obvious that the ship was sinking, the folks still refused to get into the lifeboats. Untill the end, the passengers firmly believed that the ship had a hidden feature that will stop the ship from drowning. While the lifeboat had the capacity of 65 persons only a handful of 28 people were in it.


- T5 legends

The RMS Titanc stands for Royal Mail Ship. The ship had a contract to carry mail. With a fully Equiped post office, which was looked after by 5 bristish mail clerks. During the course, When the staffs were celebrating Woody’s birthday. The iceberg struck and as soon as they realized that the mail room was flooding they started to evacuate the mail bags even though they were aware of the risk they were in. One of the stewerdess, urged them to leave while they just nodded and continued working sadly ending up thier lives in the depth of the sea

- Japanese passenger was disgraced after the Titanic disaster
On board was a Japanese passenger named Masafumi Hosano. As the ship began sinking, he got into the lifeboat when he saw that there was an empty seat. However, it didn't end well for him. When Hosono returned home, he was not welcomed with open arms. In Japan, it was considered cowardly for a person to survive a shipwreck, Hosano not only lost his job, he was also excluded from society. In recent years, Masafumi Hosano's story has proven to be largely untrue. Although Hosono lost his job, he was soon back at work because he was too valued as an employee and he worked until his death. Although his family was embarrassed by this, it wasn't until the 1997 release of James Cameron's film that Hosino and his family were finally restored to honor.

While its understood that the weather on the night of the sinking was calm, clear and cold, it was very likely those conditions that set the course of history and sealing the Titanic's fate.

The weather was unusually calm that night with the surface of the ocean completely still. The captain of the Titanic, Edward J. Smith, was quoted as saying ''it was like a mill pond,'' which was reflected in the 1997 blockbuster hit "Titanic."

The lookouts along with the officers on the bridge knew that a calm ocean would make icebergs hard to see with no breaking water at the base. It was also extremely cold that night with sea surface temperatures reportedly at 28 degrees -- a lethal temperature for any person.


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