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@sweetdreams1794 - 02.09.2021 02:14

Love some of these but overall there’s too many minis for me. The Rodial sculpting gel is gorgeous I always use it as a pre makeup moisturiser 🥰

@fionamacfarlane1754 - 02.09.2021 02:59

Great video as always Claire, great seeing the avent calenders , just so you know what's in if you're getting one as a gift. thanks again. . xx

@laracullenaine4115 - 02.09.2021 03:03

I think I would have been disappointed if I had bought this, far too many minis and its pretty much all skincare, would have liked more make up in it.

@margaretbailey1233 - 02.09.2021 03:13

I love watching your unboxings as you make then fun and interesting. You give us good adivceand tips. You come across as such a natural bubbly personality. Thank you. Xx

@charlotteanncooke6834 - 02.09.2021 04:27

Toooo many minis for me not enough full size so I'll be passing it this year ☺️

@sleepymoo6130 - 02.09.2021 04:59

I love this box! Now I dont know what to do...whether to unsubscribe from one of my other two beauty box and subscribe to this box monthly and grab this or what lol x Does anyone know if the ok beauty edit and roccabox do advent calenders? Does anyone know that if they do what they're usually like please? X

@josiewheeldon6774 - 02.09.2021 08:28

Although not many full size products great brands and try sizes. The candle sold it for me. I've pre‐ ordered it. X

@Amy-xe3ij - 02.09.2021 08:30

The one last year was really good!! This one not excited for😕

@dianamelsen6762 - 02.09.2021 09:12

Your new Hair looks so good. I think there are too many minis in .. won't be getting it this year, but I've had it the last 3 years I might miss it in December :-)

@kathrynfrisella1981 - 02.09.2021 10:43

I’ve bought this one in the past but it’s a pass from me. Too many minis. And I’m also
Avoiding Avant products. It’s a scam brand used to over inflate the value of subscription boxes.

@amandamore6137 - 02.09.2021 10:46

Its a big No from me. Too many sample sizes.

@kyreniabell1605 - 02.09.2021 10:48

Too many minis, and there is nothing new 😔 I've had most of these in my glossybox and roccabox subscription boxes this past year x

@tula_lula2662 - 02.09.2021 10:55

I don't plan on buying a beauty calendar this year (I might consider CT once I see what's in it) but I'm still watching all advent content religiously 😂

@shannonstroud2479 - 02.09.2021 11:37

I actually really like this! Although there are smaller sizes i quite like it - means you can actually get through the products rather than them all sitting there going off! I’m tempted!
Ps you look so naturally gorgeous in this vid!!xx

@emmacampbell9640 - 02.09.2021 11:56

So underwhelmed by all the advent calendars this year, this is probably one of the better ones so far but it's a pass from me xx

@torawikstrom6411 - 02.09.2021 11:57

So glad that you opened this for us. This was not a calendar for me.. 😕

@SuperD17 - 02.09.2021 12:26

Too many minis ….not impressed at all this year I am not buying…..😕

@sjacobs8242 - 02.09.2021 13:03

Items are So so small! Total rubbish

@sjacobs8242 - 02.09.2021 13:04

Could walk around a department store ans pick up a load of samples then use last year’s calendar

@hayleyr9060 - 02.09.2021 13:10

Only 5 full sizes (all things that aren’t easily miniaturisable - candle, liners and bath bombs) and only 4 make up products. It’s not very balanced, too much skin care and no sparkly wow factor christmassy product.

@michellesmith4984 - 02.09.2021 13:16

As I’ve decided to stop getting new products that aren’t vegan and cruelty free I had decided I wouldn’t be getting any of the beauty advent calendars this year. Expected to feel like I would be missing out when I watched the unboxing but I’m really underwhelmed. Too many minis and products I’ve already tried. I feel the value is over inflated by including the avant hand cream and tiny expensive skincare samples

@annefedoson4859 - 02.09.2021 13:55

It has some nice brands and a few different products but quite a few small sizes and 5 hair products is a bit much for me! I’m going for Space NK but waiting to see ASOS first.

@raakheetoolsi-boodhoo3765 - 02.09.2021 14:24

So basically you going to ruin the surprise for us 3 months in advance. Thanks for nothing 😡

@wendydania4899 - 02.09.2021 15:09

I love your videos , I feel your scalp is a bit red and inflamed in this video is everything okay? A lot of minis though in this box 📦 do you have a P.O. Box anyone can send a card or beauty products too? Also for the UK could you start doing competitions people can enter to win beauty products from companies, not from you. Maybe start a Facebook page too where people can swap products from beauty boxes.

@karolinabeautyholic5226 - 02.09.2021 15:55

Hi Claire, just preordered mine. Can't wait to receive it yayyyyy Ps greatings and as always nice video 😘😘😘🤗🤗🤗🌠🌠🌠

@becky2375 - 02.09.2021 16:50

I mean it looks like it’s still worth the money and at least they haven’t increased the price this year. I like the candle ! But I don’t think I’ll be getting it this time ( I usually do get this one ) but there’s a lot of smaller stuff and a bit of the same kind of stuff I’m deffo just trying for the Holland and Barret for a wee change this year

@josmith4173 - 02.09.2021 17:16

Not that interested tbh - far too many mini sizes etc - thanks for sharing xx

@alisonp3394 - 02.09.2021 17:29

I like that it is skin care heavy but more hair products than I would like. I added up the items I want to try or really like and as it comes to more than the cost I'm happy. Thanks for showing it to us.

@kittkatt-nr9je - 02.09.2021 17:53

Loved the previous 2 years but this just doesn't inspire me. The sizes are smaller, there's no palette and although I love the fact that Look Fantastic beauty boxes are all about the skin care when it comes to the Advent Calendar I want to have the lipstick, mascara, liner, brow product, blush/highlighter and a palette then hit me with the skincare. Do like the fact there is a candle but I won't be ordering it again this year.

@xgx4ever547 - 02.09.2021 18:07

I don’t like 👎 bocciato

@sarahburton1507 - 02.09.2021 18:54

I always like this one. And some different things in there xx

@beautyandthebecks9300 - 02.09.2021 19:00

Usually buy this one but giving it a miss this year x

@uzmait1103 - 02.09.2021 20:12

Not impressed with this box

@delinacowell3187 - 02.09.2021 21:09

Great unboxing but def not as good as last year’s calendar. Fingers crossed for the beauty chest.

@heatherkayleemosher5520 - 02.09.2021 22:41

Yikes all littles not even travel sizes and 4 makeup. I deff do t think its worth it this year.

@lopezni1985 - 02.09.2021 23:41

Does anyone else feel a combination of excitement and then sheer "meh" ness? Like i cant make up my mind on this one! There's some stuff i really love, lots of new mini stuff, then lots of minis that are close to meh, then a bit of meh. Like what do i do with this info?

Clearly place an order on this one. And the another one elsewhere just in case. De- risking!

@louise5493 - 03.09.2021 04:07

Alot of repeat products if you've been a long time subscriber with LF - The Wonder balm, Balance Me Spray, Black Eye liner and the final being an ESPA product again? 😵‍💫 I give my ESPA cream away last year because I hated the smell & it sounds like this year it's the same. Disappointed 😮‍💨

@tovenilssen684 - 03.09.2021 09:38

I have bought this for 6 years. But not this year. Too many mini mini ones. Nothing that says wow.

@tovenilssen684 - 03.09.2021 09:42

Have you heard anything about the Asos one?

@susannegyllengard9250 - 03.09.2021 13:32

Nice video. 😊

@sandraribeiros6201 - 03.09.2021 15:44

Anyone having problems with the code discount for the advent calendar pre-order? I subscribed last month to beauty box 3 months (got 3 equal boxes, so disappointing, maybe I didn't understand what I was subscribing for)

@elliecarlton387 - 03.09.2021 21:44

Thank god I’ve just watched this! Ordered tonight but after watching this I’ve just put a request in to cancel! So not worth it this year ☹️

@faryalsaif1831 - 03.09.2021 22:17

Omg a lot of trash

@daniellebrooke7201 - 04.09.2021 22:24

Can I ask what beauty's box would u personally recommend for makeup and what would you recommend for skincare?

@anonmouse7590 - 06.09.2021 14:00

Underwhelmed by this, best thing is the Rituals candle so maybe I should just have a look at the Rituals calendar 😁

@lisamarshall2699 - 11.09.2021 14:23

So disappointed too many mini’s, definitely more full sized products last year and will keep watching Claire to see if I will buying one this year! However as always my lovely you delivered fantastically xx

@icecoldheat21 - 18.09.2021 11:58

I had already ordered this but now am disappointed as I don’t think it’s worth it. There’s too many samples. I just saw your ASOS advent calendar unboxing and that one is way better. Too bad it’s sold out!

@Publicemilynumber1 - 04.10.2021 20:57

Your nails are absolutely gorgeous. I really want the uk Glossybox advent calendar, but the one for here isn't nearly as good. I'm glad I got a peek at look fantastic advent! They send us the same boxes you get, so I think it's the same.

@charl832 - 03.11.2021 16:15

Hi Claire! I follow your channel and have placed the order for the advent calendar as soon as it was released. Unfortunately, I have today received an email informing me I would not be getting the advent calendar since they're out of stock. I have contacted LF customer care but have been informed there is nothing they can do about it. My order was placed 01.09 - so very disappointed! by LF!
