Ethnicities of Israel: Bukharim/Uzbekistan

Ethnicities of Israel: Bukharim/Uzbekistan

Corey Gil-Shuster

3 года назад

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ultimate dark
ultimate dark - 28.08.2023 13:00

jew is ethnicity by itself ..... those are nationalities not ethnicities jew is ethnicity

B7R - 29.07.2023 15:33

I'm Uzbek bukharian

khusniddin ismailov
khusniddin ismailov - 20.06.2023 06:28

Why do you think that jewish people left Uzbekistan?. There are still , lots of jewish people nowa days . Not only in Bukhara , but in other regions too, like Samarkand and Tashkent.

JacobIX - 30.03.2023 09:46

Do about the Kavkazim (Caucasian region) and the Georgian ethnicties

michael yo
michael yo - 21.02.2023 17:19

אף אחד לא תיקן . בוכרה ולא בוכריה

Donnie Brasco
Donnie Brasco - 12.01.2023 19:18

In other words, the real Semitic people in Palestine are the Palestinians, ironically, they are being accused of Antisemitism.

S B - 20.12.2022 01:17

You can see from these videos, that culturally Jews do not consider themselves apart of their former host nations. They only have a loyalty to other Jews. Remember that.

Doston Boltaev
Doston Boltaev - 02.11.2022 11:33

Bukharian Jews look like Tajiks and they used to speak Judeo-Tajik(dialect of Persian) language!!
Actually Bukharians have nothing to do with Uzbeks and their Turkic culture
Coz they always lived with Tajiks and Persians

With love from Samarkand!

ארונוב לודמילה
ארונוב לודמילה - 06.09.2022 14:04

חחח מה זה פרסי אפגני זה אותו משפחה

Said Mahmood Kasany
Said Mahmood Kasany - 29.07.2022 18:01

Bukhara is an ancient historical city in Uzbekistan on the Silk Road. The Jews lived there for more than two thousand years and had a great role in the classical music of Uzbek and Tajiki known as Shash Maqam. Their language is a dialect of the Tajik dialect

HarryPotterFrancais - 22.07.2022 17:16

Acording to islam and the prophet hadith THE jewish Massiah will appear from boukhara land and in the the first moment he appears will be followed by 70k of boukhara jews wearing al tailisa its like round fez but had golden strings

ایران ازاد
ایران ازاد - 03.06.2022 07:51

Bukharan Jews are Persian Jews

SalehTranslates - 26.05.2022 18:47

It's Bukhara not Bukharia, which is a city in Uzbekistan

InfiniteCity - 15.05.2022 07:33

Are they asian at all?

한국광복군 Korean Independence Army
한국광복군 Korean Independence Army - 15.02.2022 04:29

Uzbekistan loves Israel.

Sword Of Esau
Sword Of Esau - 15.01.2022 22:37

Bukhara is ancient Persia, where all Aryans came from. BUKH-ARYAN

Omer Ghorizai
Omer Ghorizai - 31.10.2021 22:22

they are basically jewish uzbeks

Meirstein - 31.10.2021 18:53

Our shields cannot repel based levels of Natan's magnitude.

DOVIID - 05.10.2021 06:57

First the bad news
Because of sin, we are born separated from God. Without intervention, we are unable to dwell with God. This applies to the entire human race. You are not alone.

Romans 3:23 says, “For all have sinned, and come short of the glory of God;”

Romans 3:10 says, “As it is written, There is none righteous, no, not one:”

Romans 6:23a “For the wages of sin is death;”

Revelation 21:8 “But the fearful, and unbelieving, and the abominable, and murderers, and whoremongers, and sorcerers, and idolaters, and all liars, shall have their part in the lake which burneth with fire and brimstone:”

There is no amount of good works we can do to save ourselves from being eternally separated from God.

Ephesians 2:8-9 say, “For by grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of God: Not of works, lest any man should boast.”

To be separated from God forever, simply do nothing. To ignore or reject God’s son is to be already condemned to the Lake of Fire (Revelation 20:15, 2 Thes. 1:7-9).

John 3:18 “He that believeth on him is not condemned: but he that believeth not is condemned already, because he hath not believed in the name of the only begotten Son of God.”

But there is good news!
There is a simple and free way to be reconciled with God made possible by God’s only son Jesus. He was nailed to a Roman cross to shed His blood in payment for your sin. Then three days after His death, He rose from the dead, validating once and for all His qualification to be our only Savior.

Placing your complete trust in Jesus’ death, burial and resurrection is the one and only way to be reconciled to God.

Jesus said (John 14:6), “I am the Way, the Truth, and the Life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me.”

John 3:16 & 17 are clear. “For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life. For God sent not his Son into the world to condemn the world; but that the world through him might be saved.”

The Bible clearly tells us how to be saved:

Romans 10:9-10 “That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved. For with the heart man believeth unto righteousness; and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation.”

This is a free gift from God because He loves you.

Romans 6:23b “but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord.”

Romans 10:13 “Whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved.”

Are you ready to believe right now? If so, simply tell God what he asked you to confess. You might use a prayer similar to this one:

“God, I admit to you that I am a sinner, and I know I cannot do anything to earn my way into your kingdom. I truly believe that Jesus died on the cross, was buried and rose from the grave. I put my faith in His sacrifice to pay for my sin in full.”

Azizbek Bekmurodov
Azizbek Bekmurodov - 29.09.2021 10:53

I am from Uzbekistan in Bukhara ALHAMDULILLAH I am Muslim

Afzalshokh Star
Afzalshokh Star - 03.09.2021 06:45

I am from Uzbekistan
I have a friend from Israel
His name is Sharon
He has jewelary company

tanzimat - 22.08.2021 06:47

I've had this lagman at an Bukharan restaurant in Tel Aviv. I was a tourist from Southeast Asia and it was the first time I've had Uzbek food. It does remind me of noodle soups we have in our side of Asia.

O Dadak
O Dadak - 11.08.2021 12:08

What a idiotic logic, if Uzbekistan sounds like Pakistan, then you can use Uzbeki to us . NO NO NO WE ARE UZBEKS AND THINGS CALLED UZBEK FOOD, UZBEK DAN E, UZBEK NOT UZBEKI. BUKHARA NOT BUKHARI

O Dadak
O Dadak - 11.08.2021 12:01

First full it is not Bukhari, It is Bukhara. Bukhari is a scientist who wrote Hadith. NO RESPECT TO OUR CITIES. YOU SHOULD NOT DO THIS VIDEOS. ONLY NATAN IS GOOD HERE. ALL PEOPLE SAYS BUKHARI AFTER YOU

Fคΐzคl Cʀ7᭄
Fคΐzคl Cʀ7᭄ - 01.08.2021 08:39

Cochin Jews ❤️❤️

Solomon Pinkhas
Solomon Pinkhas - 26.07.2021 20:28

Thank you Corey, I love your videos, I try to watch them all. The fact is Bukharian Jewish cuisine has dishes as Uzbek cuisine only 10%. 90% of Bukharian Jewish cuisine is unique to Bukharian Jews only. Because a lot of recipes had to be modified to meet al Kosher requirements, and many dishes were borrowed and modified from other cultures because Bukharian Jews traveled a lot to, China, Perssia, and Europe, and Middle East.
Each new generation in exile loses more and more from authentic Bukharian Jewish culture, but gaining a lot more valuable knowledge in other things, so we are ok with that trade off.
Tanks for great videos.

Talib - 16.07.2021 06:19

The wholesome rabbi grandpa looks really Bukharian no doubt, he definitely has a strong turkic lineage

The Warrior
The Warrior - 03.07.2021 16:14

Israel 🇮🇱 Uzbekistan 🇺🇿 brothers

6A 6577
6A 6577 - 26.06.2021 15:34

Thanks so much for this video, Corey. With great love and blessings to all Bukharan Jews ✡️ and 🇺🇿 ❤️🙏🏻🤝

Wa7sh 2anawa7sh
Wa7sh 2anawa7sh - 23.06.2021 22:49

There is also Palestinians and Jordanians who are originally from Bukhara Uzbekistan and they are Muslim .

J Fender
J Fender - 15.06.2021 16:59

Yeshoshua is everywhere in the Tanakh, over 100 times from Genesis to Habbakkuk

Isaiah 62 Behold, Jehovah has proclaimed unto the end of the world. Say ye to the daughter of Zion, Behold thy YESHUA cometh; behold, His reward is with Him, and His work before Him.

Isaiah 12:2 See! God is my Yeshua
I am confident and unafraid;
for Yah Adonai is my strength and my song,
and he has become my Yeshua !”

Farkhod Usmanov
Farkhod Usmanov - 09.06.2021 17:32

so happy its good for them there and very happy that they are not going to come back

Amon one
Amon one - 06.06.2021 21:10

Mainly Turkic.

Banana Joe Chuck norris
Banana Joe Chuck norris - 31.05.2021 17:40

Everyone of their parents was Not Born in Israel and they call themselve bani Israil 😅

dhan raj
dhan raj - 25.05.2021 13:23

India 🇮🇳❤️🇮🇱 Isreal

Abir Yosef ben Avraham
Abir Yosef ben Avraham - 25.05.2021 07:56

My favorite jews... And I’m an ashkenazi American Jew...

Ian Elrick
Ian Elrick - 25.05.2021 04:55

Uzbekistan is not a primitive country as that guy said

techleaduz - 22.05.2021 16:14

bu ifloslar ming yillar davomida musulmon davlatlarida xristianlardan qochib yurgan endi esa ozlaricha musulmonlarni yomon koradi.

Nooruddin Muqeem
Nooruddin Muqeem - 21.05.2021 17:05

Can u meet with beard guy and ask about his langaugae

Cons - 21.05.2021 14:39

Do an interview with Circassian Israelis pls

Tajamul islam
Tajamul islam - 19.05.2021 06:00

If it's Bukahria , villages in Russia .Why it's titled as Bukharia/Uzbekistan.Although Bukhara is in Uzbekistan and Imam Bukhari was from Bukhara,who is the author most authentic book after Quran

G M - 19.05.2021 00:47

Yevanite music ahhh glad you like our music handsome

Islam Gaziev
Islam Gaziev - 17.05.2021 21:52

I am from Uzbekistan, very interesting video. These days there are not as many Bukharian Jews left in Uzbekistan as most have migrated to the US or Israel, but they have great culture and as far as I know their language is based on iranian(tajik) with influence from hebrew , russian and uzbek. I think the plant she talks about, in Uzbek we call it isiriq. Lagman is like noodles with meat somewhat similar to ramen if you wish. Something like noodles some broth vegetables and meat.

mercow1242 - 14.05.2021 14:18

karbugha kavurma in turkish loll.

Mahkam Vohidov
Mahkam Vohidov - 13.05.2021 19:26

I had 4-5 jewish classmates in Bukhara at 80' s - now all of them in Israel or USA.

Bekzod Ismoilov
Bekzod Ismoilov - 07.05.2021 15:16

In case if you wonder what is a superstitious thing is called ISIRIQ and it’s a dried flower (no idea what’s name of it)

Bawan Omer
Bawan Omer - 02.05.2021 00:45

Thank you
