Witcher 3 - White Orchard’s Darkest Secret | Hidden Quest Details

Witcher 3 - White Orchard’s Darkest Secret | Hidden Quest Details

Neon Knight

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@jamesflynn4951 - 01.12.2023 18:46

I think he's Vicetoy Roseyn's brother or something. Talking shit about his brother/father.

@vorchrollo - 27.11.2023 17:25

Rosyn sleeping on the closet seems to be fair to me, i mean, whose bed would you like him to be sleeping with? at least he's not sleeping outside

@blandoblando1172 - 16.11.2023 11:09

I Noticed It My First Gameplay , I Like To Walk Around And Really Look Around The Area , No Running No Jumping , Just Geralt Doing His Walk With A Torch Reading Signs,Post, Listening To What The Npc’s Have Conversations About. But Before I Did The Mission I Noticed The Bodies Hanging And Wanted To Know Who They Were So I Read It, Did The Mission And Right Away I Was Like “IS THAT HIM?!” But Since The Game Didn’t Give Anymore Information I Assumed Rhosyn Was A Nilfgaardian Originating Name And Passed It Off As A Soldier With The Same Name As His General. But Also Ran The Theories In My Head About Him Getting Injured Or Fleeing Battle While It Was Turning , Lying About His Rank Position, Personality. But Coins Coin And The Brothers Were Reunited With A New Friend As A Field Hand. Would Like To Get A Mission Or Subtle Encounter With Them In Future Witcher Games . Maybe See Them As Farmers & How Their Journey So Far Has Been. Maybe See Rhosyn Come To Conflict With Himself For The Orders He Made While He Was General If He Was Indeed. Or Nilfgaardians Coming To Raid Their Village And Rhosyn Is At Odds With His Countrymen And His New Friends And Must Decide To Help Defend Or Reveal Who He Really Is To Potentially Save Himself Or Change The Outcome Using His Rank And Identity To Sway The “Black’uns”

@BahamutBreaker - 28.10.2023 20:42

This is one of many examples of how dedicated & careful CDPR staff was when developing TW3’s hundreds of quests, many of which can be initiated in several different ways, at several different plot points of the main story missions.

@jjjordan3881 - 21.10.2023 16:48

I always leave the black'un!! Ridiculous this hasnt been fixed.

@amsyarluqman1528 - 20.10.2023 17:11

this much detail for just a random side quest is unbelievable

@Buciasda33 - 20.10.2023 03:04

the fact they did such a masterpiece and then they fucked up Cyberpunk... how is this possible?

@balkionline - 09.10.2023 20:16

I have finished the game 5 time. There is this new thing???? Wowwww

@fuckyoutube1999 - 07.10.2023 21:36

How does your magic recover so fast?

@bowmanbeek5831 - 23.09.2023 15:33

This is so cool!!! Im playing for my first time im on the 3 game i beat 1 and 2 the entire series is amazingly intricate 😱

@MGrey-qb5xz - 17.09.2023 13:24

generic western dev would be like : we made him sleep in the closet cause he GAY!!!

@Ballongen-tn9pk - 17.09.2023 10:54

A little late, but is that not Odimm at the start of the game??? When vesimir walks in to the inn?

@deeptroit_5692 - 06.09.2023 20:01

* Evil Laughter *

@loganmitchell2878 - 02.09.2023 00:35

It was intentionally cut content. If I remember correctly devs decided that having a quest open up so early messed up the pacing of the intro.

@weeb-kun8353 - 26.08.2023 23:24

And i thought that women was crying because she was raped by those 2 soldiers who were exercising outside her house or was that some other house

@thebaroooz2145 - 25.08.2023 01:21

I'm bumbed that i got the mission failed when i left white orchid because i'm new and i started the serie with witcher 3 so i didn't expect that really would hapoen

@shoaibbhuiyan439 - 17.08.2023 16:26

What is the name of the armor in 2.25 minutes in the video can anyone tell .?

@Sankorako - 16.08.2023 23:04

Wow! How could you tell she was crying? I need to become an empath!

@dantefortheparty - 12.08.2023 16:44

If Rosyn is a General and he lives a closest is probably better then he deserved.

@wertywerrtyson5529 - 10.08.2023 14:49

“As an empath I could tell she was upset by her sobbing uncontrollably” You must be related to Deanna Troi in Star Trek TNG. 😂 I just did this quest yesterday when starting a new play through. I didn’t know there was more to it.

@generalgeonocide - 28.07.2023 09:43

After watching this I went to go check on my most recent game to see if he shows up at the farm, and he is not their! I then checked the cabin for his corpse and it is not their! I going nuts where is Rhosyn ? I tried saving and loading and meditating to different times of day

@cluelessbird101 - 24.07.2023 11:28

This game comes so close to being the most detailed oriented game I’ve ever played. It’s barely beaten out by rdr2.

@vtfallen5629 - 22.07.2023 13:56

Id like to think that if rosan is lying he changes his stand point of the invasion of temeria thanks to your advice to take him in

@siddharthgusain3654 - 20.07.2023 01:18

Crazy how much detail they give for a side quest like this one

@AverageSensei - 18.07.2023 16:04

I've done like 5 playthroughs and I always fail this quest because I forget ot even exists lol

@midgetydeath - 14.07.2023 04:36

What I find most interesting is that Dune would leave the guy who saved his brother. If Bastien is unconscious and can't vouch for Rhosyn until it's too late, sure, but just leaving him instead of killing him or putting the simple pieces together just seems unlikely. He seems like a pretty friendly and compassionate guy and the fact you vouching for Rhosyn makes such a difference so easily says a lot about his character. It seems more likely that Dune later finds out something about Rhosyn, kills him, and dumps the body back in the cabin. Or, he can only carry one person back to the village at a time because no duh and Rhosyn dies before Dune can get to him and we're supposed to imagine Geralt helped move both men in the happier ending.

The "they'll hang us all" thing is a bit odd, though. This is a Nilfgaardian soldier. And given his grave injuries, no one would think he had fled the battle. Did Dune recognize him as the general and realize that the man being in footman clothes means the guy had probably been trying to desert and gotten injured separately from the battle? Or even dragged into the ranks by the masses by soldiers who naturally wouldn't recognize him (not like every dang soldier has his general's face memorized) and got injured in the fighting.

@dobo2995 - 13.07.2023 02:13

I love these so much.. I’m a stickler for keeping it in character, but I love how u find these things in a game where I have hours played that shouldn’t be publicly said 😊 keep up the great work my man!

@alexgould2572 - 04.07.2023 21:46

rhosyn means rose in welsh so he may be distracting to look at yet has his thorns

@babyfinesse_ - 27.06.2023 01:04

My first play through I totally missed this, currently replaying and made sure to help them!

@marianvictorsaiu - 21.06.2023 20:14

Great content

@Blackpanther-cr2vr - 01.06.2023 18:59

I always saved this nilfgardian next time I maybe let him die

@legendofaltair673 - 07.05.2023 23:39

Great Great breakdown. Thanks 😊

@CesarLopez-cf4tp - 23.04.2023 00:26

So cool!

@Tomcat_Coyote - 29.03.2023 22:21

The relative theory is actually the most "logical" one in this case. At least to me.
Considering most families both in the North and South probably tend to have several children, that twins or siblings are likely to both join the Army especially if they're males, and that Fathers most certainly encourage their Sons to pursue a military career, it is very likely that the crippled Rhosyn is the Son of General Rhosyn or his younger Brother. He was probably raised in a "military" fashion that he's obviously not too fond of, and he can't go back because even if he's not hanged for desertion, his Father would probably consider his desertion as a great dishonour for his family and banish him. I'd even say Rhosyn appears to be a bit too young to be a General given how old Lieutenant-General Groenekan and Captain Gwynleve look, but then Morvran Voorhis exists to be a walking and talking counter-argument and contradiction to all Nilfgaardian clichés and i love him for it.

You can also see that the battlefield only has Temerian soldiers laying about, which means Nilfgaardians picked up their dead, and if one of their Generals had been injured in the Battle, they would've most likely tried to retrieve their commanding Officer. If the latter somehow managed to crawl away and ditch his Officer armour, it would've probably been found, and his disappearance would've been at least mentioned by the Nilfgaardians. Especially seeing how Nilfgaardians tend to be so disciplined and borderline indoctrinated, desertion is a thing in the lower ranks but i doubt a General would desert, much less so don the outfit of a rank-and-file soldier and befriend a Temerian. They're just too proud. Mostly.

@aodac269 - 29.03.2023 13:44

This game keeps better and better.

@ms10089 - 25.03.2023 05:15

"and, as an empath, i can tell she's upset by the way she's sobbing uncontrollably" XD

@Yamazaki44 - 20.03.2023 20:57

This game was well crafted, I was so impressed with the game I played it over more than 2 times I find it amazing ❤

@nasuhhhhh - 07.03.2023 12:53

So much Detail in this Game

@rachels4340 - 06.03.2023 05:32

Interestingly, Rhosyn is still there if you get the Empress ending he’s there in the cut scenes of White Orchard, appears to be a part of the family, and the two brothers and the dog Hussar were there. Unfortunately I didn’t check on the wife, but I’m thinking she was inside. May look around a bit more if I replay that part.
At this point, they appear in the cut scene, which is when Ciri is out hunting with Geralt before she leaves to become Empress. Evidence against saving the soldier is that someone or he with the same name was on the paper for the hanging tree. I would say that this was either circumstantial, or I suggested not a coincidence however the developers did not do I don’t think it should count against him.
I would also suggest saving him is a good idea that he either is as he lets on not really was not a high-level officer, or he was, and that was a turning point for him, he saved the brother and yes it could’ve been selfishly motivated however, I don’t think so because he was also injured and he saved the other man’s life because he could it seems and despite being on opposite sides and rescue really wasn’t for sure. Likely that they were both dying and really did want the other to survive without ulterior motive.
One other piece of convincing evidence is that this quest has so many opportunities to fail, and not have this outcome as even with a dog and determine brother if Geralt doesn’t intervene, they are never found. He’s also still in White Orchard whenever
you go through town, as well as when Nilfgaard has essentially won the war. He either decided didn’t want to go back because of one or two reasons, he would be considered deserter, which is what he’s implying in the beginning or he likes his new life better and has found peace there. I would say the poor sleeping accommodations has to do with game design or initially it being war time or just a lack of space in the game to assign him a bed, I would guess that that’s a detail that’s just too small for the developers to care about or change during the gameplay but it would’ve been a nice touch if they did add that.
Either way, it’s one of my favorite side stories because Geralts if he persuades then leads to both surviving, and gives the brother a chance to save the man who saved him. So far it’s been one of my favorite story arcs as Geralt often seems to struggle to have any lasting impact is and has even reminded of this by NPCs he tries to help one of my favorite random NPC quotes is “You can try to win them all but you won’t”. Often feels like many of the things he tries to do are a bit of an uphill battle even when you have a chance, to save someone, you have to have to out fight a bunch of enemies and quickly and with skill to succeed at it. Honestly, it’s just goes to show how well written the story is because otherwise we wouldn’t care about the outcomes.
The one with the grandmother and the three children who she can adopt if you persuade her correctly is also one of my favorites I like all of the hidden, Easter eggs in the game especially the Peter Pan reference when the kids say their next plan is that they’re going to enter the forest, live in wild and plan to live off the land, and never grow up!
To which, Geralt states if they do that, they will likely succeeded the last part for sure!

@GlassICE - 27.02.2023 20:40

After all these years, i don't know why i keep getting back to this game after beating it for 3 times !!!
There's something makes me come back but what is it,
Anyway, thanks for revealing this information

@GlassICE - 27.02.2023 20:30

So, I'm playing this in my One X and, sadly there is no way to retrieve or tamper with files but, i'll gladly do it in my PC if i would find some spare time

@-NoneOfYourBusiness - 24.02.2023 08:53

I am both really happy and really anxious about The Witcher 4. I honestly don't see how they can top Witcher 3's writing.

@shadespellar684 - 23.02.2023 17:45

Thats crazy. I dont think I feel bad for rohysen I feel better now knowing I always leave him there.

@insanazor1929 - 18.02.2023 04:15

fuck this mission this is my only failed mission and it stands there for whole game

@jakenikolia1453 - 16.02.2023 14:08

maybe he choses to live with them to repent his life decisions
