Alarielle The Everqueen : Quest Battle Vs Chaos : Sisters Of Averlorn Doomstack!

Alarielle The Everqueen : Quest Battle Vs Chaos : Sisters Of Averlorn Doomstack!

The Arcane Arbiter

3 года назад

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@kaanunsal5749 - 10.03.2023 00:45

It is not a good idea at all but fun to see someone created a full army to show force of sisters 😅

@bluedude556 - 29.06.2021 01:14

I don't know why this was in my recommended, but the comments are so wholesome with tips I love it.

@madpig7120 - 09.06.2021 09:32

You shouldent Always overcast your spell like this

@harrytan5579 - 07.06.2021 20:21

A full-on Sister of Averlorn doom stack such as this one is not good against artillery. It would be much better to have a few flying units such as fire wizard on sun dragon and one or two star dragons. I would also change the handmaiden to a noble since Alarielle isn't really a good fighter and you already have enough range units in the army.

@cathulionetharn5139 - 02.06.2021 20:51

I remember being so pissed when I realized your archers can't shoot over that bullshit hill

@nunuNoah - 30.05.2021 02:45

My mans really out here using tempest on foot generals

@randomperson8424 - 05.04.2021 18:38

Eyy your voice sounds smooth af. Can I have your onlyfans account?

@ajsp14011 - 02.04.2021 21:35

Checkerboard formation is only weak to artillery because the miss chance often hits another target. Rushing the hell cannons was the right call but needed to finish them off.

@dalialjene9100 - 17.03.2021 18:18

for anyone watching dont use square foramtion against artillery
