PATH of EXILE: How to Earn Your First DIVINE ORB in Low Level Delve - New Player Guide

PATH of EXILE: How to Earn Your First DIVINE ORB in Low Level Delve - New Player Guide

ZiggyD Gaming

5 месяцев назад

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@Commandelicious - 21.01.2024 18:15

This is worth chaos. ... I mean gold.
Thank you Ziggy!
Somehow I always end up playing self found even though I am playing in trade league >>

@alator777 - 06.01.2024 02:48

Oh man, I remember being a new player (back in closed beta days), and thinking that 1 exalt builds/items where dauntingly difficult goals. I expect newer players these days feel this way about budget 1 divine builds as well - so this is a fantastic guide for them! Thanks Ziggy for thinking of other people's perspectives 🙂

@Xelraq - 04.01.2024 18:48

very good video and most helpfull, if you like to make these they are a joy to watch. also commenting for algorithm =D

@FartSmucker - 04.01.2024 04:38

ziggy providing a Delve guide? what year is it?!

@peterschaldemose7861 - 04.01.2024 01:08

Great guide thx!

@kristof007 - 03.01.2024 21:40

Since you mention it, a quick guide on bulk selling (like 17/1div) notation would be super helpful. I found that out from another content creator and it has helped sell things quicker and easier.

@nyrva2876 - 03.01.2024 17:56

As I scroll this comment section I realize this is not a video for us plebeans. You're all so far ahead in knowledge in this game that I don't even understand half of what you guys are talking about.
To be more precise, you all seem to have played this game for thousands of hours and still come here for seemingly beginner advices which says much about this overly convoluted game.
Why did they design the game to be so hard?
I'll never see most of the content this game has to offer because of that. Really bad design.

@nyrva2876 - 03.01.2024 17:44

Really helpful advices but as a complete noob in this game having played 300 to 500 hours of it, I can't possibly know the value of items like the armor or ring you showed. I still don't know which prefix/affix adds value to an item.
I don't bother selling items for 1c to 5c because no wants those items I, myself find interesting. So I stopped doing that and sell everything to vendors to clear my stashes.
Also with each season I get less farther than the previous one, up to a point where I dropped the game on T3 maps.... I was putting all my points in delving because I like this content and find it more rewarding than everything else. Yet, I didn't get a single divine drop in 3 seasons... given I play less and less, last season was a only a week.

@jodhan90 - 03.01.2024 10:57

On the importance of bulk selling.
There are fossils that sell for 1 chaos for one, that sell for 4 or even 7 chaos each if you sell 10 or more.

@dfighter2 - 03.01.2024 08:21

Love to see another Ziggy guide.

@FukurouYGR - 03.01.2024 06:00

Thank you! I feel like this is really important to give newer players more confidence, until they realize that they're gonna make their first 10 divs by just playing, and so on. When I started playing in 3.2 there weren't really any easy nor popular ways of making currency except straight up mapping, and there weren't nowhere near as many content creators as there are today, so there was no "budget, league starter, beginner friendly" build for me to follow, so after I finished the campaign and realized I'd need at least 10 exalteds to put my build together I just quit the game because I had made only 5c so far lol.
And then on the following league (Incursion) I made your Arc Traps and had a blast! Really appreciated Ziggy

@rikimaru696969 - 03.01.2024 05:25

1div mf build? :D

@craigbailey4051 - 03.01.2024 05:06

Doing the lords work mate👍

@ericpisch2732 - 03.01.2024 04:38

Please do a guide on trading, I have avoided doing it because I have very limited play time (only just hit 90 in the season), any way to trade without spending a lot of time doing transactions?

@Dremin2009 - 03.01.2024 03:52

Delve is pretty comfy unless you want to go super deep. It's good XP as well early on. I had to force myself to try other stuff since I'd just delve every league.

@Hellwolf36 - 03.01.2024 03:18

I always found Delve to be relaxing and good to work my strategic mind. The only real threats being packs of Shriekers and the occasional bad Cavestalker or Turong/Gorgol or the Rogue Exile nodes if you got no PDR (Jonah has Resolute and Orra's Vulnerability is dangerous).

This just reinforces the way I make reliable and stable currency as I go. I have paid off all kinds of things using this content alongside Heist and my primary.

@Slightlyonline - 03.01.2024 03:18


I thought darkness resistance and light radius were scams and shouldn't be leveled? Just cap out flares and maybe dynamite and then buy resonators with the azerite.

@gigikun1 - 03.01.2024 02:50

rf delve life~

@alxk3995 - 03.01.2024 02:43

I think this is a great introduction for new players to the mechanic. No need to burden them with 20 small efficiency optimizing tidbits and niche specified builds to deep delve and whatnot. This really helps to know the Basics, and if you enjoy the mechanic, you go from there 👍

@emixxxen - 03.01.2024 02:34

Playing for the first time and I found an easier way to earn a shit load of divines.

Just find a 'Champion's Lupine Charm of the Raider' with '14 suppress spell damage' and 'gain adrenaline for 4 seconds when you reach low life' and zing hundreds of divines!

@ItzSath - 03.01.2024 02:20

Knowing how to spend that first divine is much harder than finding, imo.

@mre3xaz - 03.01.2024 02:05

how would this compare to just low level mapping?

@pedromanoeltj - 03.01.2024 01:51

Delve is my main farm method since the delve league, just fell in love with the mechanic and the niche builds that you can develop to optimize your farm

@brettwilliams124 - 03.01.2024 01:44

You’re liking the league, eh? Haven’t seen you do PoE content in quite a while.

@WolfsKonig - 03.01.2024 01:35

Nice job, keep it up!

@Ryu-no9qe - 03.01.2024 01:21

Ziggy, using the old school music is an absolute banger choice for a true OG showing us how guides are done yet again. What nostalgia. Love ya, happy new year mate

@dyn0mitemat - 03.01.2024 01:13

It sounds like you trained an ai on your voice and had it read the script for you 😅. Great content none the less!

@Pipnotiq - 03.01.2024 01:07

Love to see Ziggy popping out the content once again. Would be down for seeing a 'first divine orb' series for new players for all league mechanics!

@ZiggyDGaming - 03.01.2024 01:01

Somewhat whispery chill commentary in this vid as baby sleeping Hope you enjoy!
Want to see this same guide with other forms of content?

@jasonhit3 - 03.01.2024 01:01

oh thank you <3
