Valheim Gameplay Advanced Base Building Guide

Valheim Gameplay Advanced Base Building Guide


3 года назад

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TotalXclipse - 08.03.2021 20:05

Let me know what your favourite tip is here and if you have more great tips, why not share them below! - Also I'm aware it's a hoe... don't know how I slipped that one up... ALSO SINCE THE LAST UPDATE YOU CANNOT RAISE THE GROUND IN ONE CLICK.

Michael S
Michael S - 26.08.2023 20:08

you can hold shift to build without snapping helps sometimes!

Mista - 03.08.2023 19:17

I hate that I got sucked into this game. If you don’t have a dedicated server and you’re playing with friends it’s time you find a dedicated server

Gunnar Johnsén
Gunnar Johnsén - 28.07.2023 20:33


Alexander Skold
Alexander Skold - 14.07.2023 18:12

great video

John Smith
John Smith - 25.04.2023 14:13

I repeatedly tried using the hoe to level this ONE spot and it wouldn't level. Over and over...WTF? Finally got frustrated and smacked it with the pick axe and viola! That did the trick.

Drunken Very Angry Overwatch
Drunken Very Angry Overwatch - 09.04.2023 05:24


Anakin Skywalker
Anakin Skywalker - 09.04.2023 00:44

I’m trying to make an apiary and I don’t know how to make a good build

super wildside
super wildside - 06.04.2023 17:29


Zuudoh - 04.04.2023 07:50

That tip with saving stone is going to help me going foward 😂

Iraqi Food Cart
Iraqi Food Cart - 24.03.2023 12:36

I view this game as, "If Dark Souls was a Survival-Type game instead of an Action-Adventure RPG"

Dapp WP
Dapp WP - 24.03.2023 11:37

Why does he talk like this😒

OG JESS D - 14.03.2023 13:00

Just got this on Xbox last night… a buddy of mine plays this on PC and I’m so hyped that he got gifted it to me… haven’t been this excited about a survival game in a while!!

Normal Human
Normal Human - 03.03.2023 16:04

These are tips for new people not advanced.

Tanel Viil
Tanel Viil - 18.01.2023 12:04

I found a huge problem with Valheim. First of all , once you understand the game, then the game loop is really off putting.

The gameplay loop is really simple:
farm resources, build base, farm more resources, than once strong with current gear from the bio, start looking for boss ( this alone can take huge time if you are not lucky, sail to different islands with boat BUILD A BASE AGAIN once you tuch land.
AND PORTALS dont help much at all, because you cant transport ORE, so you have to build on every ORE farming location a smelter, forge etc.... then once the location is empty from ore, make the items you can ( with upgrades ) then destroy the stations and move on.....
( how f tedious and annoying is that mechanic my god )

basically on every new farming location , in MID and LATE game, you need almost to build a full base with defences etc... and you need to do it BEFORE you even know if this new land is a good farming location or not, because you can't see the whole island .
( how f tedious and annoying is that mechanic my god )


I just stopped and started to use FLY command and SPAWN items. Its the same thing only faster.
Yes i can go out and farm for 200 wood or 200 Iron or 200 Silver or just i spawn it in, and save huge time in real life. Dahhh

Same with trying to find a boss location. Why move around with a boat and on foot if i can use FLY and do it much faster.


How to fix.
Later in game once you kill let's say 2 bosses you should be able to build a device that lets you send out crows or something that can look for boss area or specific runes for you for boss location.
( saving you the time that you don't have to go look yourself and sail around aimlessly like a moron )
That way you still have to go to the rune that the crow finds, but you don't go around randomly like it is now.

About ORE and new BASES that you need in every farming location.

How about You Can transport Ore with Portals , but in order to do that the new ORE you get has to be in your base in a chest for 3 or 5 days and then you can transport it.

Building a new base in every location or even a protal, the problem is that once you move in more dangerous , areas as soon you start to chop wood or use a pickaxe, the monsters from that bio start to come at you, making it hard for you to farm.

Its all fine and good in early game, but late game this can instantly kill you with wolfs,, stone golems etc.... how about when you work at day time then monsters dont come attacking you as soon you make noice if you are not in their vision or agro radius.

I noticed that as soon i start to build, chopping wood , using pickaxe then the monsters just come running from random annoying . They just SPAWN IN. How is that fair??? But i should not spawn in items???

Thats why i started to spawn in items... its faster .. and if the monsters keep spawning in, then why should i not spoawn in items???

The game should have an item or something that you can put on ground that gives you 3 or 5 days peace from mosnters at day time... this would be used in new locations where you build a base.

OR once i kill monsters from lets say 100 meter or 50 meter radius , then they stop spawning in randomly at day time. At least 24 H needs to pass before new monsters show up in that 100 or 50 meter radius, and they dont show up all at once, they show up sloely.
THIS WOULD BE ALSO A FIX. So the player can build a new base in relative peace.


Those are the fixes.

After second boss you can build device that send out crows ( or what ever ) to find the next boss location for you, or the runes at least...... and then a method for ORE transportation and base building in more dangerous areas.

As the game is now, i just keep using commands to save time in real life.

ohh one more thing..... FOOD EFFECT TIME is too short. considering the ingredients you have to get for some foods and they only last for 20 min or 25 min...... nah thats too short ..... i also spawn in food.... f that i have to do all the work for 3 ingredients for a food and then it only lasts 25 min.... f that .... i just spawn it..

Make combined food last 1 H or 2 H then i am willing to not use commands for it. Then it actually has value and matters.

OliveKS - 12.01.2023 10:23

I needed this ! I'm 200 days in and am currently preoccupied with building a big fancy base.
I am a minecrafter at heart and love building- but I'm not familiar with the in's and outs of Valheim building just yet :P so it'll be a while until I reach the level that I'm at with mc lol

DrRodion - 01.01.2023 20:42

I hate this bs trend with “bonus tips” starts the video with a bad taste in your mouth

Gabriel Handwerker
Gabriel Handwerker - 28.12.2022 10:22

When does Valheim get diffrent angle building parts, so we can build "round" without sticking roof parts together

Frodo Gaming
Frodo Gaming - 25.12.2022 18:59

On tip 1, you can just use a beam instead of a wall to get the snap point

A Crab
A Crab - 18.12.2022 17:07

Despite having 400 hour on the game (Almost got to Yagluth I progressed slowly shut up) My bases were incredibly basic, or not well thought out, so I am thankful for this video.
