Why Africa is so Poor (Hint: It isn’t Colonialism)

Why Africa is so Poor (Hint: It isn’t Colonialism)

The Why Minutes

1 год назад

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@RedSiegfried - 24.01.2024 00:23

We all get the leaders we deserve. Everywhere.

@deniseoxland151 - 23.01.2024 22:38

The coast line of the UK is almost double that of Africa.

@jamesruscheinski8602 - 23.01.2024 17:57

pursue substantive human rights choice for divine central authority unity; stop political government domination of world

@Harem__King - 23.01.2024 05:26

It’s all internal never external

@user-oc9fz9ox5w - 22.01.2024 15:10

There is no simple explanation, but unfortunately it is a reality that will never change

@johnstofko948 - 22.01.2024 08:42

Africa population 1950 - 220 million
Africa population 2023 - 1460 million

@TheNationalist2024 - 21.01.2024 17:37

Here is it:
Lack of nationalism! Botswana is ca. 80% Tswana. They are the majority. Even though they barely are considered a "ethniccity", -they are close enough (somehow b/n a tribe-ethniccity).

You mentioned "lack of property rights". You are right. Lack of property rights certainly.
In order to have property rights, you must have a constitution that people trust. Trust cannot be built in a diverse society. In multiculturalism, which most african countries are, trust is almost possible. That is why "corruption" is very obvious.
Look at Nigeria. Very hopeless.

The reason behind Ghana being a little more stable than Nigeria, though being multicultural, is because Ghana is almost 50% Akan.
They themselves are not a ethnicity, but one big tribe, however/still; the country is at better condition.

@gagandeep484 - 21.01.2024 14:14

Lack of human rights..and absence of appropriate religion suiting to the continent...Africa may get help by unification under communist regime...

@joelANJ - 21.01.2024 05:41

Why do you people ALWAYS OVERLOOK, what has been done to our people. Nobody on this earth not even Singapour has known 300-400 years of pure slavery, of pure cultural erasement.

Do NOT EVER COMPARE US TO JAPAN OR SINGAPOUR OR WHATEVER COUNTRY THAT WAS POOR AND BECOME RICH because The US injected extreme amounts of money in those countries years after years to extend their influence over communism while in Africa , the US military and THEIR ALLIES sole purpose was to Secure the ressources by destabilizing our countries. , DONT EVER OVERLOOK COUNTRIES LIKE LYBIA THAT ONLY WANTED THE WEST TO LEAVE AND LOOK WHAT HAPPENED TO THESE COUNTRIES. CUT THE BS, you just want to feel better about yourselves. We have people in those comments telling stories about their parents being stationed in Africa, why are they still there in the first place. The US test their new weaponry on those people.

@shadowmann9 - 21.01.2024 02:16

Africa is not poor. It's wealth is beyond comprehension. Without Africa, there is no wealth. The "poor" comes from a system which exploits the real wealth and turns it into tokens in a game that is rigged against players. If the resources stopped flowing from the "poor"areas like Africa and South America, western civilization would collapse. They are grifting on the actual rich people of the earth.

@chasgo3 - 20.01.2024 18:25

That was some cherry picked white nonsense completely ignoring all of the good leaders like Patrice Lumumba assassinated by the CIA to protect the USA’s interests at the height of the Cold War.

@angeltruth4311 - 20.01.2024 01:00

Some Western Europeans may have negative stereotypes about non-Western Europeans based on prejudice and lack of knowledge. It can be about seeing them as dangerous, primitive or less developed. This may be because they have limited exposure to other cultures and are shaped by media and political debates that often highlight differences and conflicts between different parts of the world. On the other hand, there are also many Western Europeans who have a more open and positive attitude towards non-Western Europeans. They can see them as enriching for culture and society, as a source of diversity and new ideas. This may be due to personal experiences of meeting and interacting with people from different parts of the world, education in global solidarity or awareness of the historical and colonial causes behind global inequalities. It is important to remember that these are generalizations and individual opinions can vary widely. Building a fair and inclusive image of non-Western Europeans requires increased knowledge, education and intercultural exchange.

@michaelkeogh6646 - 19.01.2024 06:45

Old white men?!

@lanalorenzen - 17.01.2024 21:06

This narrator reminds me of a CIA Asset. These people can now hide in plain sight behind titles of channels (The Why Minute). Where's the narrator's name and history? And Thomas Sowell? The man's an idiot. What a blatant propaganda film for capitalism--you mean the kind of capitalism where the tiniest percentage of the population is worth billions and trillions, while the vast majority sink into poverty because this minute percentage controls every aspect of our lives? That is far more grotesque and evil than "Marxism." And apparently, you don't seem to know that during the lifetime of Marx many of the economists and philosophers both in Europe and in the colonial era of the United States abhorred democracy and the "rabble." They believed that only the propertied, the wealthy, and the educated should rule over everyone else. It was Marx who wrote that this was not ethical or moral--that it was wrong for a small minority to exploit the majority for profit. If these countries are anything like the countries of Central and South America, they are essentially vassal states of the U. S. Much of Africa is nothing more than a testing ground for U. S. biolabs, dubious medical experiments, newly developed weapons, and a place to plunder wealth. Among the many books one can read on corporate exploitation of Africa, read Cobalt Red, about mining in the Congo, by Siddharth Kara.

@subhendudutta5720 - 17.01.2024 07:01

Ya....and India was looted by Satan not the White Man

@svrt5832 - 16.01.2024 12:24

No. This is not true. This is a theory catered to white people in order to rid them of all blame. Singapore got rich because nobody bothered to look at them. They had time to plan. It was such a small nation that a strong leadership could control it. Wasn’t easy, but wasn’t impossible either. Africa on the other hand, is enormous. Moreover, this is the worst thing that happened to Africa, the colonial rule divided Africa into parts which suited these colonial rulers for exploitation. This meant that people belonging to different cultures were forced into the same place and all had their ancestral lands in that very place, some were even enemy tribes and cultures. So, war broke out. Frequently. Africa’s poverty, lack of leadership, their colonial rulers leaving them with a barely usable constitution, and horrible inconsiderate geography made it the resource rich hell it is now. Ports are okay, even India doesn’t have a lot of natural ports. India is still prospering. Also, the border issue is in the Indian subcontinent too. Majority Pakistanis are Indian, look at the condition of Pakistan. All Bangladeshis are Indian. Yet they are separate. India and Pakistan have become nuclear armed nations fighting for Kashmir because of irresponsible boundary creation from the British. Pakistan has something because America helped it a lot, otherwise Pakistan, a nation which solely focused on getting Kashmir back, would be worse or equally horrible as Africa

@ronaldgilmore999 - 16.01.2024 02:58

You should do a video explaining how the (Reserve Currency Privilege) that America and Europe have made them rich while keeping other countries poor. Thanks to the Reserve Currency Privilege America and Europe have, they can print money or borrow money from local banks and use it to finance their own development. African countries don't have Reserve Currency Privilege, they cannot print money or borrow money from local banks to finance their development. If they don't earn enough USD or EUR from exporting, their countries are not able to develop. No country should need the currency of another country to develop; this is colonization and slavery in another form.

@imperatorscotorum6334 - 14.01.2024 21:57

It’s IQ.

@petersherwood8565 - 14.01.2024 14:52

If Africa was colonised why isn't Africa home to hundreds of thousands of people of European decent

@crazypantz3492 - 13.01.2024 06:24

Anyone being honest, daring to be honest, the answer is obvious. Why else would this condition persist with this group absent the continent?

@kurtolsen6175 - 12.01.2024 22:33

Incredible. Comparing a merchantile city state to a whole continent. Stay in the gym and leave intellectual matters to more capable hands please.

@taffy2126 - 12.01.2024 01:20

Rampant corruption 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁷󠁬󠁳󠁿

@rlittlefield2691 - 11.01.2024 09:28

There was a demographic issue. Muslims claim Mansa Musa from the 13th Century was the wealthiest man to have ever lived, he did so by trading slaves and by using slaves to work in mines mining Gold and Silver. It was a hundred years before Columbus.
The fact is the economy was built on slavery for hundreds of years in Africa. So they have not recovered from stopping slavery. In fact they are doing it again. Most people do not know Colonialism was to stop Slavery. It did stop slavery.
Colonialism happened because the North African Pirates, were stopping trade. They had taken and sold 1.5 million slaves taken from European cargo vessels from 1750-1800. This does not count all the other slaves taken in the area. Just the ones working trading ships. One year the pirates took 400 ships, the war on slavery was on. That was about 1805, it is when we formed the United States Marines. In 1807 Europe and the Untied States signed agreements that banned the importation of slaves.
Colonialism was the movement to stop all slaves in Africa, Asia, India and the Middle East.
If you are against Colonialism then you must be for slavery. It was Colonialism that stopped Slavery.

@johngrant248 - 10.01.2024 20:45


@samuellourenco1050 - 09.01.2024 17:54

Corruptoon and despotism can make countries poor.

@danielweatherman2252 - 09.01.2024 04:53

Singapore has no birthrate and is mostly dependent on banking. Synthetic city state lile Venice.

@TawnyGryn - 08.01.2024 18:59

Classic European deflection 🙂

@XOPOIIIO - 08.01.2024 15:37

You should consider that Africans of European descent are doing well in the same environment. While people of African descent tend to be doing bad on all continents. Please, continue to fool yourself.

@AdamSmith-cf1tl - 08.01.2024 07:25

What is the average IQ in Singapore?
What is the average IQ in Botswana?

Cheers! ☮

@abuchiobuegbe2535 - 08.01.2024 00:48

Ur brain is useless

@ShowTheOreo - 07.01.2024 23:09

They are a selfish simple minded people. That is why

@formica. - 07.01.2024 17:09

Yup, every comment I read says 'Corruption'. A few rich families, and peons.

@jkcjkcjkcjkcjkcjkcjk - 07.01.2024 12:34

You left out all the CIA supported coups since "colonialism ended" and the usurious & predatory World Bank loan system which is designed for debtor nations to fail. Oh also how much of foreign investment actually builds infrastructure that goes beyond just "get stripmined resources to the ports"? Then maybe try to explain why many African nations are turning to Chinese BRI investment instead of from the West. Explain that, spook.

@cleitondecarvalho431 - 07.01.2024 04:17

It's not colonialism ? people invent any shameless narrative today to have views.

@creamsiclem4433 - 06.01.2024 18:14

I saw a TED talk from a former member of the Canadian version of the Peace Corps. They installed a fresh water system in a small village in Africa. When they showed the locals how it worked, they already knew because it was exactly the same as the one the Peace Corps had installed years ago. It had failed due to the lack of technology to maintain it. Throwing money and effort at a problem does nothing if there is no thought to making it sustainable.

@suneethamay3615 - 06.01.2024 12:06

They didn't have enough
water They have a lot
resoucers but they didn't
Produce any ready made.
goods just sold their resoucers in bulk rates
and hardly enough
for bread and butter
or rice and salt
for their nation
Greedy nation
robing their resoucers
when they are not ready to
sell them any longer
westners had no hesitation
even kill them We saw recently what did French
to Africa
If we can provide water
they will prosper
No doubt of my mind
they are hard working
They should produce
high quality goods
without exporting
their raw material
to others
Same time they need unity
as Africans without
They could achieve
any thing they want
Don't fellow foot step of
Obama or Oprah
as Africans

@graemeyetts3465 - 05.01.2024 17:44

Poor political management is a big factor along with vestiges of tribalism.

I was disappointed for the local people when I visited my first African country,Kenya,to see it still seemed quite backward.
I wrongly imagined that beautiful country would have been further down the line.

I have visited Ghana,Tunisia,Uganda, Zimbabwe, and especially Botswana which impressed me for what has been achieved in a short time span.

The Batswana are a great and warm group and they have my full respect.

I have no truck with the call for western reparations to paid ,although I will always support the continent getting a fairer deal globally.

I try to be humble as a visitor and it also reminds me of what I have in my own small life,so it can be good for ones soul.
I always help needy people and ask for nothing in return.

Corruption is indeed a problem,but the west would do well to avoid lecturing Africa here.

@user-il1nx9bl9z - 05.01.2024 10:26

Some people
Just dont wanna work
Some are career criminals

@johnearle1 - 04.01.2024 22:53

Look at Zimbabwe. When it was Rhodesia, it actually exported food. Now, after 40 plus years of Mugabe and land reform, it’s a beggar nation with worthless currency.

@karlbenz5636 - 04.01.2024 21:52

as an african, i can tell you this, a 1000 years from now africa & africans will still be poor. still smiling but still poor.

@matenagy9244 - 04.01.2024 13:07

Correct hint in the title: It isn't JUST Colonialism. The things said in the video are true, however, we mustn't downplay the legacy colonialism has left behind. Here are some examples of that:
1. The European powers made arbitrary borders, ignoring ethnics, local tribes, and governance, which contributed to many conflicts and ethnic genocides we have today.
2. resource exploitation: Europeans were concerned about extracting raw materials to their countries rather than building an infrastructure that would better serve the locals.
3. several African countries are still vulnerable to the global economy due to them having economic dependency on their ruler
4. the institutions created by the colonizers were often corrupt and weak and favored elitism and corruption over democracy, and these legacies still persist.
5. #4 affects education as well, the locals have inadequately distributed access to schools
6. colonizers in some cases deliberately created divisions and tensions between different ethnics to divide and control them better (for example: Rwanda's Tutu and Hutsi populations)
7. forcing Western-style systems onto very different countries has never worked and has created conflicts and instability. the Middle East struggles with the same issue. the same goes for culture: while Africa has inherited quite some cultural changes owing to European powers, it sometimes can pose challenges to social cohesion and the question of identity.
8. several colonizers have left enormous debt on their countries.

The main issue today however is definitely corruption and weak insitutions.

@Hys-01 - 04.01.2024 04:40

everyone is missing the point. The conditions that colonialism left Africa in GAVE RISE TO CORRUPTION. A huge problem with westerners is trying to deflect blame and pin the fault on others, always!! Never responsible enough to undo their wrongs.

@nunyabusiness5977 - 04.01.2024 04:32

Africa is poor because there is endless war/genocide raging across the continent that funnels money into the pockets of dictators/oligarchs/politicians/strongmen.

@bulletanarchy6447 - 03.01.2024 07:20

Sounds to me like you just want people to believe the right wing scapegoat instead of the left.

@Supernaut2000 - 03.01.2024 06:01

Greed and corruption in Africa will continue to strangle it. And soon, when it collapses, resource and land hungry countries WILL take over vast areas of the continent.

@realtalk7547 - 03.01.2024 04:55

At just the wrong time a strong western presence was enlightened out of Africa. They should have partnered to overcome the geographical difficulties. Instead Britain got all guilt ridden and left the developmental scene. But hey you got autonomy.

@zarb88 - 03.01.2024 01:09

socialists killed upward of 200 million people last century, and its killing africa to.

@drivestowork - 02.01.2024 15:09

You're comparing Singapore to Africa...
Nobody's going to say it...
and neither am I!!!

@thomasmann4536 - 02.01.2024 00:10

Also, consider Ethiopia, which was never colonized, was actually helped by the Portuguese against its neighbours in the 15th and 16th century, and except for a brief period during WW2 was never subjugated by european powers, but is STILL poor, and even poorer than some other countries that were colonies ...

tho I think it would be a bit crass to say that colonialism had no influence. we could say that corruption, infighting and rivalries are the main problem, but most people can surely agree that the often arbitrarily drawn borders by the colonizers exacerbated this problem.

@ianwilson8759 - 01.01.2024 17:01

You failed to mention the most important factor: corruption at all levels of society.
