W good job
Ответитьw mic
ОтветитьYes sir new heirloom 😈
Ответитьwhy your voice so change u got flue or something i think its magic of new mic
ОтветитьCaustic's heirloom is most intriguing, has lots of interactions and looks sick af. So best one imo.
ОтветитьI have 8 heirlooms
ОтветитьThe teammate rezzing is so wholesome
ОтветитьShredding lobbies
ОтветитьWhy don’t you like rampart’s heirloom?
Ответитьguys faz pro
500 kill
What mic did you buy? I recently bought an Audio Technica AT-4050 (It's I think $650 but I got it for $350.)
ОтветитьI’m back 😎
ОтветитьBro when he turned his mic all the way up i lost it💀
ОтветитьMe watching after playing since day 1 and spending near £200 to only still have octanes heirloom 👁👄👁
Ответитьmic was indeed a good purchase. sounds super crisp 🔥
ОтветитьBro like I don’t understand why you keep saying you unlock heirlooms even tho? U had videos of pathfinder heirloom gameplay’s before unless u make new accounts
ОтветитьGG bro maybe by watching this I can manifest me an heirloom 😌
ОтветитьJust do heirloom glitch
ОтветитьI Think Pathfinder heirloom looks really cool even though they take a lot of space on the screen, and about Rampart heirloom it's not that bad.
ОтветитьMust be nice
ОтветитьFaz getting heirloom shards🔥🔥
People using free heirloom glitch 🗿
Can you you do some more pathfinder videos you are good at him
ОтветитьFaz what’s your top 3 heirlooms
Ответитьyou cant play apex on ps4 with the sounds like bro you open apex on ps4 3 rounds ok you can hear the steps but then the ps4 goes crazy like bro you can call it a vacuum 💀
ОтветитьSooo I need my pathi heirloom to get the 20 kills, check ✅
ОтветитьWTF insane you have insane gameplay with the heirloom gg 😊
ОтветитьThat valk was farming
ОтветитьUnfortunately with time you will realise the heirloom for paths isn't great for movement! Makes wall jump and slide cancel or slide jump feels weird, gg for dropping 20 bomb on new map
ОтветитьImma try for the free path heirloom I’ve gotten really close
Last time I got octanes but they removed it
Faz,Extesty, and faide for rank
ОтветитьHavoc clutch was so epic
Ответитьnice movement Faz 😎
ОтветитьJohn 3:16 for God so loved the world that he gave his one and only begotten son that whoever so believes in him shall not perish but have everlasting life 🙌🏾❤️✝️
ОтветитьFaz is one of the chilliest people alive
Ответитьthis guy doesn't know nardwuar sadly
ОтветитьI hit prestige and I still have no heirloom and bro gets one and is like “uhh ok” BRO I WOULDA BEEN SCREAMING MY ASS OFF!
ОтветитьI got my first heirloom at lvl 114 and my second at lvl 140
Ответитьdude drops the most insane cracked gameplay ive ever seen and talks like 😐🫤🙂
ОтветитьIma be honest this man is the heirloom shards god. Hall the shards come to him thats why some people don't have heirlooms yet
Ответитьhe doesnt look surprised i literally cried when i got my heirloom
ОтветитьI have opened almost 400 packs and not got a single heirloom
Ответитьmy 2nd main is pathy, 1st main wraith :D
ОтветитьA few hours ago i bought that 100 pack offer from the shop. And after 50 of those packs (around 240 total since my last heirloom) i got shards. And 22 Packs later (i'm not kidding, i can send you the clip) i got another heirloom. I was so stunned, I didn't know what game i was playing and which day/year we were in lmao
ОтветитьHis reaction “oh ok that was shocking”