Exploring Cinema's Most Controversial Horror Movie

Exploring Cinema's Most Controversial Horror Movie

Ryan Hollinger

6 лет назад

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knightfall209 - 25.09.2023 09:46

The girl on the pike please tell me that’s fake that looked insanely real!

HanGhost - 25.09.2023 05:07

I see the 2 groups as savages
Defending yourself is one thing but going nom nom mode on another person is pretty savagery

Ben Urban
Ben Urban - 23.09.2023 02:21

The Green Inferno is better.

Ben Urban
Ben Urban - 23.09.2023 02:21

I can't stand dubbing.

Ben Urban
Ben Urban - 23.09.2023 02:16

Honestly, all I remember from this film was a person full-body impaled on a stake, and that's only because of stills online. I saw this in my teens, and it didn't leave any lasting impression.

Ben Urban
Ben Urban - 23.09.2023 02:14

As disgruntled as the cast was, they did show up in court to prove that the film wasn't snuff.

Ryuu Saki
Ryuu Saki - 15.09.2023 21:54

Cannibal holocaust,serbian film and Matrys are crimes to humanity

Bored Guy
Bored Guy - 11.09.2023 09:48

I think this is an interesting piece of film history, and I think the way they approached the subject matter they dealt with is unique. But I definitely got a sense that the director was a massive asshole

Parallax View
Parallax View - 10.09.2023 12:38

You might say, Deodato exploited exploitation cinema.

Johnny Dillinger Nite
Johnny Dillinger Nite - 10.09.2023 10:44

I'd love to see this

FurikoMaru - 04.09.2023 02:44

Christ this movie was fucking lame. Even setting aside the exploitative methods and the animal cruelty, it's just not very good. The line readings all feel forced as fuck, the main character is buffeted around like a piece of fluff on a summer breeze (yeah, sure buddy, intervene in the corrective rape after it happens, real helpful), and the only people who are remotely interesting have no intelligible lines and aren't even credited.

Also, regarding the muskrat, that's an idiot's idea of how to kill your dinner - if you give the animal time to understand it's going to die its adrenaline will poison the meat. So the director is multiple kinds of stupid.

Drew Sewell
Drew Sewell - 18.08.2023 11:56

I think you missed a huge detail here – the Yanomamo people "depicted" in Cannibal Holocaust are real. They are mistreated and displaced to this day and Deodato casting them as crazed cannibals is just salt in the wound.

Drew Sewell
Drew Sewell - 18.08.2023 11:41

It's interesting where we draw the line on animal cruelty. Apocalypse Now showed the real slaughter of a water buffalo for actual ritual (and food I assume) purposes.
I'd like to believe that the only distinction is intent (the water buffalo's death was incidental to the movie), but I think we're largely factoring in artistic value – when John Waters accidentally kills a chicken, it's just seen as filth.
I don't know if we should rope something so vague and subjective as art into our consideration of animal life. Seems like a conflict of values.

Brian Thomason
Brian Thomason - 12.08.2023 03:03

If you don't like it then shut your f**** mouth

Mentok The Mind Taker
Mentok The Mind Taker - 09.08.2023 16:15

Well....living in New York is obviously superior to being a cannibal

Kevin Campbell
Kevin Campbell - 28.06.2023 03:09

I once read someone say about "Cannibal Holocaust": "You'll watch this movie for the first time, and you'll want to watch it again...but you never will." I bought the DVD, watched the movie for the first time, wanted to see it again for its' sheer audacity and uncompromising nature, can't even stick it back in the DVD player. It's the Grand-daddy of all f'd up films. At least I still have The Shining to worship.

funkyribs - 16.06.2023 10:26

Am I the only one who noticed that his wallpaper got more and more zoomed in thru out the video?

Pope Brandon Brownson
Pope Brandon Brownson - 16.06.2023 07:51

The director: I will make a film that critiques the sensationalization of violence in documentaries and in the news media

Also the director: Yo lets kill some animals for realsies then put a bunch of people in legitimate danger by shoving them in a hut we'll set on fire

Fuck Cannibal Holocaust and fuck Deodato

Elliot Dec
Elliot Dec - 12.06.2023 23:38

For the love of god, please learn how to pronaunce "however". Its HOWever, not "hoyever".

Fiyah Riddim$
Fiyah Riddim$ - 12.06.2023 15:46

Animals are here to be killed.

Fiyah Riddim$
Fiyah Riddim$ - 12.06.2023 15:45

One of the best movies on earth, great film!

felix ocampos
felix ocampos - 30.05.2023 00:20

why talk about defend?
its just a movie that tries to get shock from the viewer

Danni Ramey
Danni Ramey - 29.05.2023 20:16

I really do think that to a point, that this movie makes a great point in how we think we are the more civilizated and greater of human life. Even though, deep inside we aren't all that different then what we think as brutal savages. Also, I really like the so called savages takes their sweet and justice like revenge on the film crew.

thebritishwombat - 21.05.2023 00:48

Just googled what snuff films are…… i need a minute

chow der12
chow der12 - 17.05.2023 07:29

Still my favorite movie.

Jeff Greiner
Jeff Greiner - 03.05.2023 15:05

i have just three words, if you'll forgive me: fuck...this...movie!

emilygracey - 06.04.2023 20:23

I cannot recommend the Cursed Films documentary on Shudder enough. Turns out the trial for murder is absolute garbage. Never happened. The cast has a lot of negative things to say about the film, in particular the animal killings. It's a short watch coming in around 50 minutes. It's still slimy and exploitative as Hell, but seeing a lot of the "legend" of it get disproved is interesting, to say the least.

What the Film
What the Film - 16.03.2023 21:38

I saw this on a first date lol

jared matthews
jared matthews - 06.03.2023 21:22

I watched this film and as an avid hunter I knew immediately those were real animal deaths. It did admittedly give the second half violence more realism in my mind so job well done, you psychopath.

Jason Dagless
Jason Dagless - 24.02.2023 03:31

I watched this finally a couple of years ago as well as a couple of the other main cannibal movies from the time. Two things....the soundtrack for this movie is amazing. The other is that the 'cannibals' are the 'good guys' in all the movies. They are just doing their thing when westerners come along thinking they know better.

Khairi Irfan
Khairi Irfan - 16.02.2023 17:03

The fucking movie Zulu treated the natives better than this shit

Raoul Montefiore
Raoul Montefiore - 16.02.2023 02:41

It is possible for a film to be horribly exploitative, shamelessly brutal and rightly disreputable immoral in other words and still have elements of artistic brilliance, even historical significance. Cannibal Holocaust is the Triumph Of The Will or Birth Of A Nation of sleazy genre movies

Alfredo Salvador Musmeci Fernández
Alfredo Salvador Musmeci Fernández - 15.02.2023 03:06

This is a bad movie which until lately was one of my favorites, then finally unnumbed because of the despicable animal cruelty and bts horror stories, I started to see his flaws. It's hard to admitting, but still entertaining, minus the obvious.

Toga Universe
Toga Universe - 13.02.2023 23:16

You look like thom yorke

Major Metcalf
Major Metcalf - 07.02.2023 20:29

I watched this movie up to the killing the little monkey rat, I couldn’t stand the screaming and blood from the creature.

Jason Hanrahan - The Bonsai Garden
Jason Hanrahan - The Bonsai Garden - 23.01.2023 10:39

The animal cruelty aside this is a very smart film and of a different calibre from the other cannibal films of the same era.

Sky - 21.01.2023 01:47

The fact this video didn’t get 5 million views years ago is scary. ❤

RoLanslide - 11.01.2023 06:45

I know we shouldn't speak ill of the dead... but fuck Deodato, man. I can say that with my whole chest, that guy sucked.

Markus Niepmann
Markus Niepmann - 09.01.2023 18:08

Great Movie , also Banned in Germany . 🤘👍🔨

crawdad19141 - 24.12.2022 19:22


Artistic Stay
Artistic Stay - 23.12.2022 06:06

I got this recommended to me almost exactly after watching this movie which was absolutely vile, disgusting and horrible.

Klyde Johnson
Klyde Johnson - 18.12.2022 15:42

This not the first found footage the first was Came Before: The Connection in 1961

Klyde Johnson
Klyde Johnson - 18.12.2022 15:38

I like the movie it aint as bad as saló lol i feel like people hate on this to much

Lilac Blossom
Lilac Blossom - 13.12.2022 12:39

The first 20 seconds was already the cringiest shit I've ever heard

jelly beans
jelly beans - 06.12.2022 19:22

i love that the message of the movie is of critique of western hypocrisy (colonialism among other things) and this comment section is all triggered westerners whining about animals being killed while likely ordering burgers on grubhub every day in their comfortable homes. The turtle was food for the natives, there just happened to be a camera rolling while it got killed this time. Their lifestyle is 100 times more eco-friendly then ours.

Rhetiq 99
Rhetiq 99 - 27.11.2022 21:37

I watched this movie on an illegal streaming site and there was no video quality option for it anywhere so I had to sit through it in its mighty pixelated glory. At first I felt kinda bummed about it but after finishing it I felt like I just dodged a bullet, I wouldn't have had the stomach to finish it with a quality over 480p

steven dunkley
steven dunkley - 19.11.2022 19:06

I have most of the banned cannibal films. 'apocalypse' has to be one of the better ones. I got a copy of 'ferox' but it is so heavily censored it can hardly be called a horror film anymore.
I like what Eli (Roth) was doing with 'green inferno' which was a tribute to these films, but part of me felt he was still trying to hard to impress Quinton.

Kamal Kumar
Kamal Kumar - 18.11.2022 23:17

please upload the Hindi dubbed
