FRM: Order Types (market, limit, stop, stop-limit)

FRM: Order Types (market, limit, stop, stop-limit)

Bionic Turtle

14 лет назад

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Gokulesh Thakkar
Gokulesh Thakkar - 28.12.2021 00:27

Thank you SIR

Black N White
Black N White - 27.12.2021 03:22

Watched a lot of videos, Best explanation till date. Staright to the point and clear

sarinamd63 - 06.12.2021 21:12


GuyFromSouth - 08.11.2021 04:25

I cant understand why would you have the sells set for 25 when you're buying for 30? Doesnt that mean you will lose 5 dollars? Why isnt the sells for 35?

Savikx Kao
Savikx Kao - 11.09.2021 16:33

Does anyone know if the market order has higher priority than triggered stop order(become market order, but previously placed) or not?

JiT NyC - 09.09.2021 01:28

what does the "stop" part mean... Lets say I bought 1 share of ABC for $100 and I wanna do a Sell-Limit order. If my stop price is $190 and my limit is $200, what actually happens when it "STOPS" what does it stop doing?

SL!M - 14.07.2021 13:53

Great explanation HOWEVER: It is assuming one wants to buy above the current price, and sell under the current price. What about the opposite scenario?

weazol - 23.06.2021 23:04

is it possible to set something that sells above the price. say i want to lock in profits at 20 price right now is 15 is this possible?

David Fischer
David Fischer - 16.05.2021 06:26

Beautifully explained. The best I've seen. Thank you.

Microsoft1 - 07.05.2021 20:09

whats the difference between limit sell and stop-limit sell? im confused.

Jacob To
Jacob To - 29.04.2021 18:45

Simple and easy to understand, thanks.

Jo Jo
Jo Jo - 07.04.2021 01:20

Your Chart Beats all the other explanations. Direct and Clear! and is there a way to get that full chart in one frame?

Sandarpan Mukherjee
Sandarpan Mukherjee - 25.03.2021 17:32

This is the best video on this topic

Hari Ram
Hari Ram - 17.03.2021 10:06

Excellent video - very well explained, thank you

CE K - 02.03.2021 09:43

Well explained. You did a great job!

ensan 1978
ensan 1978 - 20.02.2021 00:15

One of the best video explaining this subject

Louis - 18.02.2021 11:43

Perfect explanation. This should be included to all new brokerage accounts

Ian Courter
Ian Courter - 15.02.2021 05:35

Yep. Definitely the clearest explanation I've seen thus far on this. The ambiguity that other videos left on the distinction between a stop and a limit is rather maddening in retrospect. You've got a new subscriber. Thanks for the time that you put into this!

DcDan_SFM - 06.02.2021 01:29

Best explanation I’ve seen yet

Deep Mind Thoughts
Deep Mind Thoughts - 30.01.2021 03:32

Best explenation

Yvon Bignet
Yvon Bignet - 29.01.2021 00:53

Eloquent and well explained, I just watched another video from what sounded like an eastern European, I could only understand half his poor explanation and profound accent!!

노원장 - 16.01.2021 02:18

Such a great job!

Harry M Punjab
Harry M Punjab - 03.01.2021 04:36

ossum vedio ,made my confusions clear today

Meril Mathew
Meril Mathew - 16.12.2020 10:24

I have a question. suppose the normal price of a stock was 10 and it is on a high ride of 30 and climbing up wards ue to positive news and future gains. I hit a Market order to sell 1000 shares , Will i I get a price close to 30 OR Above if the stock is still climbing above 35 or so ? It says you will get the lowest of the market order for that shares. What if some people had put in an order to buy at USD 4 or USD 7 and those orders being the lowest, will i get those 4 or USD 7 prices for the shares I sell on Market order or or prices where the share is currently trading around 30 and above ... Thank you for the support in advance.

Richard J
Richard J - 06.12.2020 22:08

Certainly a well organized presentation - especially with the visual graphic. Additionally, organizing the presentation into distinct Buy and Sell sides makes everything clear whereas other videos do not do this and thus confusing as to application.

Man Of The Forest
Man Of The Forest - 04.12.2020 02:40

I'm still confused... How does stop limit work if you want to sell at a price higher than current price? If I buy at 30, current price is 35 I can make a limit sell at 40 and hope it gets there....but can I set an order to sell at 32 if it doesn't quite reach 40 and starts to drop?

Parag Sathe
Parag Sathe - 30.11.2020 05:50

Very clear and perfect way you explained this. Graphical [presentation makes things much easier. Thanks

Brandon Roldan
Brandon Roldan - 28.11.2020 07:02

why would you place a buy limit order at a higher price than the current price? that's like going to a store and saying the price of this shirt cost 10 dollars but i'll but it from you at 12

Crypto Ser
Crypto Ser - 26.11.2020 22:31

fuk this shit

Eduardo Reategui
Eduardo Reategui - 03.11.2020 06:25

Best video I've seen to explain this- thank you

Ryan Catania
Ryan Catania - 18.10.2020 03:35

This was the clearest example i’ve seen of market orders thank you very much. The only thing left that i’m having trouble understanding is trailing stops

Ancient Futures
Ancient Futures - 11.10.2020 15:31

Stop-limit order. Triggered @25. Does price have to go to 23? Then placed limit order? then Can sell higher? I don’t understand how it can sell higher if you put in 23 price? Oh wait I think I get it now... wouldn’t a limit order placed above if buying be similar to market order. And a limit order to sell below price also act as if a market order? Where am I wrong here?

Dwight Mendenhall
Dwight Mendenhall - 26.09.2020 20:23

Hey David thanks for the illustration. This has been the best video yet. Maybe it's starting to click because I've watch so many other videos on the same concept but none of them have shown visually all the type and there uses. The only thing your missing is a trailing stop but it was better not to have added it because this videos fantastically described the basics. Thanks

Ed Du
Ed Du - 23.09.2020 19:07

Very clear! Thanks!

Allan Nyongesa
Allan Nyongesa - 14.09.2020 09:06

This was great, been searching for "choosing the stop loss point in trading world" for a while now, and I think this has helped. You ever tried - Seyilliamorn Unflappable Smasher - (do a search on google ) ? It is a smashing exclusive product for discovering how to trade stocks lik a boss without the normal expense. Ive heard some pretty good things about it and my mate got excellent success with it.

Aleisha Daisy
Aleisha Daisy - 10.09.2020 06:22

Which is the best to use

Alan Nuñez
Alan Nuñez - 03.09.2020 21:17

Best explanation out there! Thanks a lot

Onrai travels
Onrai travels - 02.09.2020 15:38

if the Market order is for $30 I place limit orders below the $30 market order. That assumes that the market will fluctuate throughout the day and I may be able to buy for less the the $30 market. In other words I may place a limit at $29.75 and it will fill if the market dips to that level. I fail to see the purpose of place a limit, stop-limit at a price greater than the market price. Why not just buy at the $30? You pay more if you place a limit at $35.

Nobody Nobody
Nobody Nobody - 31.08.2020 03:47

Very clear

Wan Echo
Wan Echo - 18.08.2020 02:38

Very clear! Thank you! The clearest explanation so far!

HeyNarsB! - 13.08.2020 20:55

ugg after countless search this is the so far the best explanation! thank u

Matthew Matthewson
Matthew Matthewson - 08.08.2020 23:07

Best explanation I've seen on this. 10 year old video, too.

David Marotta
David Marotta - 12.07.2020 08:23

Great tutorial, best I've seen....

freaky108 - 04.07.2020 20:38

OK I think I finally got it. My issue was between limit and stop-limit. Limit's limitation is that the market might not reach or (and more importantly to understand the difference:) can move on super quickly and might not get fulfilled IF the price moved in the wrong direction from THE DESIRED PRICE (simplifying this analogy so it doesn't matter buy or sell side). You had no contingency price in case it moved in the wrong direction. Stop-limit allows you have that contingency price; to build in $35-$37 as a 'buffer', but $35 as the first trigger. The STOP is the signal that your desired price is reached: like a limit order. But you also put in a JUST IN CASE price (almost like a second limit) that is intentionally WORSE than the stop. This is a better guarantee to get it fulfilled than JUST a limit order because if the market moves super quickly in the wrong direction you had a backup worse price.

Veritas et Aequitas
Veritas et Aequitas - 26.06.2020 20:10

Seems like it would make more sense if you showed the sell orders above the $30 and buy below as that's where people would want to trade.

Jj Sands
Jj Sands - 24.05.2020 02:37

What is the best order type if you want to hide the quantity of stock you want filled?

syga25 - 12.05.2020 15:59

wonderfull, even after 10 years this educational video is absolutely usefull, thank you
