EU4 A to Z - DO NOT ATTEMPT This Challenge As Georgia

EU4 A to Z - DO NOT ATTEMPT This Challenge As Georgia

The Red Hawk

1 год назад

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@bronzedisease - 05.07.2023 02:49

I hope Georgia get some love next patch. It has a lot of potential just never get much attention

@ruffusgoodman4137 - 10.04.2023 18:55

Georgian Georgia.

The most georgian of all Georgias, despite South Georgia coming as a hard second georgian

@ruffusgoodman4137 - 10.04.2023 18:31

Wouldn't make more sense to change the capital to somewhere easier to develop?

Also, couldn't you fleet basin Portugal or Castille in order to anchor your explorer and send him in a shorter path, avoiding losing the ships?

It does cost money, but I think it's worth it to help your exploration to happen a little sooner

@cathedral_psyker4785 - 19.03.2023 23:24

I’m 6 months late but nocb on Jolof would not work. Georgia is in Europe. You need to nocb and make a vassal that is at least adjacent to a province you want to take on your continent. So something like vassalizing Sale and then getting Granada (assuming Castile did not yet). Or starting from Western Europe, vassalizing shirvan and taking Dagestan. These are edge cases though and euiv will give you inexplicable headaches, it’s best that both are on your same continent.

Also then you would likely use the vassal’s cb and then occupy the land yourself.

You’d be surprised with colonial range, I tried the idea of colonizing from Norway as Muscovy, believing that’s the best chance to reach America for them.

Instead, I was able to reach arguin/w. Africa from Achaea. In this same vein, the knights are S tier for colonization. They can speed run exploration, get malta from Aragon, colonize the canaries before Iberians, and reach the Americas.

@ramp597 - 18.03.2023 12:30

the residents of a small town in eastern ireland when they get randomly attacked by troops from the middle east(its for colonial range to colonize the new world)

@ANKAMedien - 27.02.2023 19:48

> sees thumbnail
"My man must like pain"

@iseeyou5061 - 18.02.2023 22:43

Cannot expand outside of Caucasia he said then proceed to vassalize Theodoro lmao

@masterexploder9668 - 09.01.2023 21:05

In 1.34 as Georgia you actually start as allied to Trebizond and Samthske which makes the start even more cursed, because it limits your expansion and slaps a truce timer. And if you break alliance with Samthske, there is a good chance it will be guaranteed by AKK or something like that, so good luck. In my case it didn't work that bad, as when fighting Samthske QKK attacked, so I vassalized and pulled in Muscovy and the boys. Sieging castles was annoying, but they got wrecked. To compensate, Shirvan in the meantime allied Ottomans, so I won't be getting them anytime soon. Overall Georgia can be played, but you have to be super opportunistic and always on lookout for crazy tricks to play around big dogs who will warn, ally and guarantee all over the place.

@rezievotrex2040 - 06.12.2022 04:47

MAD IMPRESSIVE , glad u had time with georgia

@catmoon95 - 24.11.2022 04:42

Why is nobody talking about those ottoman alliances

@ChunkyWalnutX - 16.10.2022 14:52

Man this campaign looks like an disaster waiting to happen, massive ottomans and strong timurids on your borders. Only a matter of time before they declare.

@danshakuimo - 19.09.2022 04:18

Imagine not spawning Renaissance on Kakheti but on the mountains instead cries

I played Georgia in 1.34 and one time I was allied with Muscovy but that didn't stop the Ottomans and all my allies left me to die. Had to restart and I focused on allying the Ottomans' allies to hopefully discourage them from attacking me and it might've worked in my current run. Fought them off twice (without dying) and am now expanding into Persia and Central Asia.

@k.a.2253 - 31.08.2022 20:08

Bring the good ol boogle boys we'll sing another song

@fanpiop1 - 26.08.2022 00:58

Play the games through man

@walnzell9328 - 25.08.2022 20:34

This achievement exists in HoI IV as well.

@Skatermonkey5 - 24.08.2022 20:57

Hey Red Hawk, a challenge I would like to see you do is form the Armenian Empire but starting with Karabakh.

Love your content hope you consider my request.

@jinghangtan7863 - 24.08.2022 05:36

As Austria, form Germany sounds fun

@mrhuman5872 - 23.08.2022 22:00


@herew3g0again - 23.08.2022 16:07

We all know that Goslar is in good position to reform into Saxony and later into Prussia. But as it's already been done even in your own guide you should form Swabia instead

@Matty__niice - 22.08.2022 23:26

I’m allied to the Mams and ottomans in a Transoxiana run I’m doing rn

@iarwain89 - 22.08.2022 19:30

gg, i thought Ottomans would have crushed you

@nathandenney1776 - 22.08.2022 18:28

Love you but this click bait is unforgivable 😭

@stabyguy5897 - 22.08.2022 18:12

I really like the challange of just owning your domestic region. You dont really blob out, but you are kinda wide. You can get like 4 vasals in all directions and it makes the map look so nice. And then colonise and its my wet dream. I loved uniting Ireland in only their island and going full colonial!

@mulahem1597 - 22.08.2022 17:28

Ah yes... I wish 1121 to be the start date

@Ofiotaurus - 22.08.2022 17:03

I'm in the middle of my France run and am trying to dismantle the HRE. I've been stuck in the war against austria for 20 years and can't do anything since bohemia is just sitting there.

@ima181993 - 22.08.2022 14:12

One of my first achievements on EU4, I no cb'd Georga and vassalized them as castile, then went colonist. Much easier than this nonsense.

@sixknights2312 - 22.08.2022 12:20

I live near Goslar and I struggle with their beuarocratic administration a bit at the moment so as Goslar, make your admin tech be 3 techs worse than your diplo and mil tech

@HazmanFTW - 22.08.2022 11:58

Good thing you couldn't take the province in Ireland as that would have been a fail as you would have owned a province outside of Caucasia

@rsabinioan - 22.08.2022 11:31

I remember Georgia being blue and blobby in the caucasus back in the days of EU4 vanilla in 2014

@ColorRed84 - 22.08.2022 11:25

Goslar? 😯
What about Głogów?

@drknockers88 - 22.08.2022 10:38

The Ottomans at the end of your game looks super strong. Lmao Egypt, Libya, the Levant, Iraq, Syria, all the Balkans and Hungary plus Romania and Moldova.

@IronWolf123 - 22.08.2022 06:34

Since Golslar is one of the most popular OPM's in Germany, form Prussia since there is a Junker Stratocracy government type; Prussian Republic reform. Plus, the colour is sick!

@IronWolf123 - 22.08.2022 06:28

Ottomans: This georgia has a weird feeling about it. I'm gonna focus on them and not on my own ambitions.

I literally hate the AI because stopping the player is a higher priority than its own goals

@matheusGMN - 22.08.2022 05:56

you should've returned cores to Aq Qoyunlu so that Qara stopped bordering the ottomans, I think that would've stopped the problem with the warnings

@clashblaster - 22.08.2022 05:44

The two colors was because of the one province in the middle being in fog of war.

@MrGeerye - 22.08.2022 05:13

Loved this A to Z.

@kyleholmgren5939 - 22.08.2022 03:42

Great job man. Very entertaining.

@globalcomputer3267 - 22.08.2022 02:57

If u spectate it and didnt play i think ottomans would be massive as hell.

@Izadirad1995 - 22.08.2022 02:39

Awesome dude!

@albionjogos - 22.08.2022 02:22

As Goslar, become the nation with the highest development in the whole world!

@gordontaylor6014 - 22.08.2022 02:15

I really enjoyed this episode hawk keep to up ❤

@ryleyreishus1089 - 22.08.2022 01:47

Thanks for the hipster but suprisingly functional Georgia guide

@arminhergl5388 - 22.08.2022 01:46

Nice nice Mr Red Hawk, as always!
I just wonder, why did you skip Dai Viet in season D? Fear of pain? 😉

@samwill7259 - 22.08.2022 00:42

Georgia, where everybody is named George. Or something.

@bogdanvanghelie3479 - 22.08.2022 00:35

I also got a game now as castile, where Tunis allied both the Ottomans and the Mamluks, so big bruh!

@mati-yr1ym - 22.08.2022 00:32

Actually as Georgia, or any other nations that is small and you now you will have an early war, you should only take the +1 mana from the estates and then after the war you will have close to 20% crownland because of low estates influence.

@krankarvolund7771 - 22.08.2022 00:26

You should've called your colony "Georgian Georgia" XD
