How to record 2 USB mics at once (Voicemeeter, Audition, Zoom, etc.))

How to record 2 USB mics at once (Voicemeeter, Audition, Zoom, etc.))

Niko Bolante

4 года назад

30,925 Просмотров

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@duekneel - 27.01.2021 20:46

grabe. optimized na optimized yung metadata. quality content sir!

@nassim9690 - 02.02.2021 05:15

Can you test the mv7 on android phone? you need to use motiv app

@GSTYLETVOFFICIAL - 11.02.2021 15:41

can this be also connected to audition 1.5?

@anacharsiss6003 - 21.10.2021 03:17

Great Video man!

@fishpaleryder393 - 11.01.2022 13:49

Thanks for the video. I have a hard question for you: How can I connect my phone to Voicemeeter so I can make calls (hear and talk) using my computer headphones and mic?

@loftyadiyt - 22.01.2022 17:12

tnq so much

@loftyadiyt - 22.01.2022 17:12

love from India

@jenniferbenda1026 - 23.01.2022 06:49

i got stuck when i have to switch it to mono three. i only have options for mono 1 and 2. any advice??

@geja1996 - 21.02.2022 08:31

Brave content, thank you so much!

@DoctorStranger99 - 06.04.2022 12:18

Thank you!

@OneKingdommedia - 30.05.2022 18:10

This was brilliant. Many thanks! Really helped me to record my first episode. Bless you !

@thedr.erick.colemanshow - 18.07.2022 07:56

Thank you. Yours was the first content that made sense 👏

@Iamvoice - 29.07.2022 01:06

The mics can’t be the same model?

@damiansanchez6428 - 13.09.2022 06:01

Thank you! Thank you very much! I tried many tutorials and I couldn't separate 2 microphones, one of them usb and the other through a v8 plate, I recorded with both, but now you can record separately! Again thanks!

@NEMMRXD - 20.09.2022 22:07

Thank you!

@RossiaIsNoMore - 07.10.2022 23:49

Is it possible to make 2 mono mics to sound (to be) like a single stereo mic?

@JustinMacsMoon - 10.10.2022 19:30

Thank you! This is really helpful!

@adeanjy4155 - 12.12.2022 19:28

Hello, do you do a one-time configuration and leave it alone for good, or do you have to click to load the software up every time you need to make a zoom call.

@george5120 - 24.12.2022 06:39

Get rid of the damn background music so we can hear you. We are here to learn. We are not here to dance. This guy takes 15 minutes to explain what could have been explained in two minutes. He just likes to hear himself talk.

@DavidMartinez-wr6ou - 15.01.2023 23:12

Thanks, how can i récord in stereo ?

@NadeanJ - 23.01.2023 19:35

I have two identical microphones (vegue VM50) and I can only select one of them as hardware input in Voicemeeter. Both devices are recognized and available for selection. When I select one of the microphones for hardware input 1, the other microphone on hardware input 2 is removed. Is it possible that the setting doesn't work with two identical microphones that have the exact same name?

@jamiepogue6024 - 22.05.2023 18:51

So here's the problem we're having. When setting our Output to Voicemeeter Input Vaio, it sends all of the system sounds through the microphone output. This includes both system sounds and also our guest audio on Zencastr. This puts both our audio and our guest audio on the same MP3 when trying to record our podcast, but also makes an annoying echo for our guest. But if I try to make our Speakers the Output, I can no longer hear our guest audio through our mic headset. Is there any way to set this up properly so that we can still hear our guest through our mic headsets, but that their audio isn't coming through our output?

@lyn9333 - 31.07.2023 09:15

You’re a lifesaver! Thanks a lot, your teaching is very clear👍🏻❤❤

@Tech-28 - 05.08.2023 05:44

You should have just said copy what I do lol 😂

@LeoServin26 - 18.09.2023 01:36

Me has salvado, a pesar que tu video es inglés, tuve que entender a señas jaja gracias!!!!
Posdata, me sirvió para conectar 3 micros 😄

@monkeymindoriginals - 14.10.2023 15:48

You are Amazing <3

@wasdbc - 16.03.2024 17:34

hey, I wonder how to change the Hz on ONE of the microphone inputs, at least I think that's the issue as one of the mics I use on voice meeter makes my voice deeper while the other one works fine.

@hosseinjafarzade8102 - 04.04.2024 13:59


@JosephMiller-pw9xm - 28.05.2024 04:52

OMG, THANK YOU SO MUCH!! I know this vid is older, but I just found it now when I had to use two mics w/ my iPhone to PC to Audacity. This was the ONLY video out of the many that I viewed, that actually WORKED, and your explanations of each part of the software was SO helpful to understand what was going on. I changed up my configuration, but something wasn't working, so I just went through each step of your explanation, and was able to get it all working again. So grateful!

@chemgary9103 - 01.07.2024 13:00

Thank you Bro!!!

@MichaelBallif - 23.07.2024 00:40

Any idea if this same process will work for using an XLR mic (via audio interface) and a USB mic at the same time in Audition?

@Aesthetichub-y7m - 15.10.2024 12:58

how to do two track recording in audacity

@AidanBugarski - 23.10.2024 00:16

Would I be able to stream live with two interfaces?

@emrahgultekin5115 - 08.11.2024 14:45

Hello my friend. I can select Voicemeeter Input(VB-Audio Voicemeeter VIO) for OUTPUT device on sound settings.
Bu I can not find Voicemeeter AUX Output(VB-Audio Voicemeeter VIO) on my INPUT device on sound settings.
I have Voicemeeter Out (A1,A2,A3,A4,A5) or Voicemeeter Out (B1,B2,B3,B4,B5) and Cable OutPut.
Which one output device should I select for use 2 microphones at the same time?
Help please...
