Solution for Webpack 5 Dev Server Not Live Reloading

Solution for Webpack 5 Dev Server Not Live Reloading

Swashbuckling with Code

3 года назад

15,985 Просмотров

Ссылки и html тэги не поддерживаются


Leonid Kuznetsov
Leonid Kuznetsov - 16.04.2023 03:36

My config is same but live reloading doesn't work... (((

Jitto Joyes
Jitto Joyes - 28.03.2023 11:06

I have this issue module not found with css-loader and saas-loader error on ChunkLoaderror, but when I reload the browser. It works!

Bruno Filgueiras
Bruno Filgueiras - 10.02.2023 00:44

by just adding the target:web tag it worked for me thanks buddy.

Руслан Гусейнов
Руслан Гусейнов - 25.11.2022 14:22

Jared Leto ?😁

Komorebi Entertainment
Komorebi Entertainment - 05.08.2022 05:47

My html does not load when i make an update in the code. So to fix that, I set 'hot' to false, and 'liveReload' to true in my webpack.config. Then it is working. 2022 but Webpack 5 still has that bug.

Sadam Hussain
Sadam Hussain - 11.07.2022 16:08

Thank you for sharing this video I am faction some issues in webpack 4

errorerrorerror--- Error: Aborted because ./node_modules/css-loader/index.js?!./node_modules/postcss-loader/src/index.js?!./src/routes/notFound/NotFound.css is not accepted
Update propagation: ./node_modules/css-loader/index.js?!./node_modules/postcss-loader/src/index.js?!./src/routes/notFound/NotFound.css -> ./src/routes/notFound/NotFound.css -> ./src/routes/notFound/NotFound.js -> ./src/routes/notFound/index.js

it's me
it's me - 19.03.2022 20:07

Any solution for not reloading html file ? :/

Helmut Hummel
Helmut Hummel - 25.02.2022 20:58

Thank you so much for this video! I was one and a half hour in staring at my screen and wondering why my setup suddenly stopped working. Of course I added a browserlist config right before 😔

Antoine Galy
Antoine Galy - 05.01.2022 02:04

thank you, that worked, i searched on the forums for this solution but I never saw this issuebeing metioned

sujein thp
sujein thp - 09.12.2021 11:18

target: "web " still not working for changing only index.html file, it reflects only after updating index,js file

mohamed youssef
mohamed youssef - 17.11.2021 14:55

Awesome Video ++++++++++++++

Prathamesh Tamte
Prathamesh Tamte - 06.11.2021 22:13

It saved a lot time thanks!!

najmantube - 05.10.2021 14:53

Bug is still there (on 5th October 2021 with latest Webpack) - but your fix works perfectly!

Robert Wildling
Robert Wildling - 08.09.2021 13:02

Thanks for all your webpack videos! – Have you ever had a working ejs setup, where hot reloading works, when you change templates that are actually nested? I never ever could make that work... In case you do, is there any chance to motivate you to do a video on that topic?

The Industrial Revolution
The Industrial Revolution - 13.06.2021 02:50

I spent HOURS on this. Thank you for your solution. I'm going to go cry now

Saurabh Gupta
Saurabh Gupta - 12.06.2021 09:03

I was not able to solve this issue, but now it works, Thanks!!!

sanntu - 22.05.2021 08:42

At what point in history did Jesus become a developer?

ItalianVoid - 10.05.2021 07:04

Yup, over 5 months later and its still a problem, I think its just apart of normal builds at this point haha. Thank you for this video!

Rog - 16.04.2021 11:44

Found this too late. Ended up finishing a Hackathon without live reloading enabled. I just prebuilt everything and served on node

Likoo - 08.04.2021 21:37

how would you set it up with typescript? I tried using your typescript branch but still cannot get the reload to wokr
