Stop Activating Battleplans you Muppets - Speed 5 Tutorials

Stop Activating Battleplans you Muppets - Speed 5 Tutorials

Count Cristo

4 года назад

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@qazdr6 - 24.01.2020 17:08

So quick review based on the tests here:
Battle plan > approx. casualty ratio 3:1, Micro > 12:1
Took about 1.6x longer to play Micro vs Battle plan
Victory was achieved in about half the in game time with Micro
results may vary
That being said there are benefits to battle plans other than the obvious saving of time and attention, like taking Difficult fixed points or overwhelming an opponent in an MP game.
interestingly I just tested to see how quickly AI Germany beat AI Poland and they took only about 1.3x longer than cristo's micro, test much faster than cristo's battle plan test.

@farcloud3701 - 26.11.2023 01:36

Really good advice, I was getting pretty frustrated with the game experience using this "AI" to make decisions. The dismal "autoplan AI" makes horrible, illogical decisions, AND disconnects you from the game. Having much more fun (and results) actually making these decisions myself.

@leon033gaming3 - 11.11.2023 13:09

The Poles said the city must survive

@Brayden_D.C_Dean - 16.06.2023 00:54

What mod is that

@adamelestratega - 08.06.2023 08:13

A more effective and related approach is to use both as the game makers intended that way you can relax a bit more while fixing mistakes of the IA and gutting the soft attack bonuses too

@sweetsweetapple6557 - 21.04.2023 07:51

I play hoi4 by putting agressive battleplans everytime, cuz since you learn from mistakes I make as many mistakes as I can in order to learn a lot. 👍

@redidlobile7126 - 28.12.2022 20:41

worst game hoi series

@Proudexmuslim702 - 21.12.2022 02:39

Micromanaging is really good. Medium tanks with mechanized are best. Another tips is bomb enemy railways and supply hubs in their capital to ruin their entire supply and bomb mils and civs

@Nate14567 - 05.12.2022 15:57

thanks bro, i got 19K casualties as germany only while poland had 245K casualties

@swagodaman6320 - 26.10.2022 17:13

As a HOI3 fan this has always annoyed me

@nener6967 - 26.09.2022 19:49

Im so dumb if I just had use the plane before I would of gone much better

@pyayaXC - 29.01.2020 11:43

"Speed 5" Tutorial #1, don't play at speed 5

I certainly didn't expect that.

@leaveme3559 - 26.01.2020 09:19

R u ever gonna play meiou and taxes again?

@crazysarge9765 - 26.01.2020 05:46

Bruh im trying to roleplay, I don't think the Germans microed their troops into Poland.

@Slvrbuu - 25.01.2020 01:01

Could you provide an example of this in MP? Because I have a feeling it's not as effective with all the pausing.

@britishgamer666 - 25.01.2020 00:51

IMO, you should activate battleplans when an enemies frontline has just completely collapsed. Makes it easier

@kaiserkonnigratzer1528 - 24.01.2020 23:28

Source on the song in the video?

@VladimirBerezkin - 24.01.2020 21:42

is this music a part of some mode? where can I get it? :)

@jarickvance4376 - 24.01.2020 21:13

In a single player game against silly Ai it generally doesn't matter whether you use battle plans or not as you can beat fully buffed expert Ai mod Soviets as Germany battle planning - However the main reason why one would battle plan is general grind which if you manage to get certain traits gained from battle planning, your chance of winning the other wars becomes much better as you can then get logistic wizard and other broken traits. So I believe your not entirely right here as battle planning is actually beneficial and despite slightly more causalities against Poland, you will be significantly stronger against Soviets and possibly level up your generals due to the constant attack.

@xModerax - 24.01.2020 20:46

My head always hurts when I see the ai going over a river into a fort 😀

@pertys_socks - 24.01.2020 20:44

The AI is so dumb, I just play with AI improvement mod. When I try to micro and surround them, the AI wont just sit there and do fuck all

@covini4142 - 24.01.2020 20:35

"Im better than you" 1v1 me nerd /s

@orestisbe6978 - 24.01.2020 20:30

Here is a chalendge: play a campaign where you can only micromanage when battle plans are on.

@Aralotus1 - 24.01.2020 20:16

I think u can even do better cristo. U missed some chances

@danielwallace1759 - 24.01.2020 19:43

Also don't forget that if you control-right click on the icon that displays either in green or red how the battle is going with a unit selected you perform a support attack, meaning that once the battle is over the unit won't move into the province you were attacking.

@Acularius - 24.01.2020 19:16

Basically, while it has increased functionality compared to Hearts of Iron 3, leaving battles to the AI would lend itself to a slugfest that would inevitably grind your manpower and material into the dust compared to controlling it yourself.
So that hasn't changed much. :p

@RodneyMcKayyy - 24.01.2020 16:57

Now I feel stupid that I did not figured this out on my own

@konplayz - 24.01.2020 16:56

God i will never understand how someone can use those disgusting nato icons

@ukaszbartoszek4008 - 24.01.2020 16:33

This is a very good idea actually. What's more, I use to create a single-tile battleplan sometimes and delete it just before starting the attack with my units that were assigned to it. This way I get the planning bonus, and after advancing I've no fear that they will randomly change their position and ruin the whole plan. This is for extreme micro but extreme micro means extreme fun :)

@gandalfos - 24.01.2020 16:16

wtf no

@HuszOG - 24.01.2020 15:59

Fuck off.
