The Philosophical Roots of Wokeism with Bishop Robert Barron | Acton University 2023 Day 3

The Philosophical Roots of Wokeism with Bishop Robert Barron | Acton University 2023 Day 3

Acton Institute

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@jjlantry6808 - 13.10.2023 10:08

His identifying wokeism as the current manifestation of Marxist dialectic and critical theory is sloppy argument. Also, if it were not for critical view of social inequity, racial prejudice ingrained in society would be perpetuated. To then conclude that the cure for social injustice is "love" is like living with one's head in abstract theory without any meaningful action. This view is out of touch with today's reality, which is why it appeals to the type of people who wishes that society had never progressed beyond the 1950s

@JosephDaher-hr2of - 31.08.2023 01:05

Bishop Barron just made the case against Tucker Carlson’s “Great Replacement Theory” involuntarily. LOL.

@EduardoBrandt473 - 31.08.2023 00:50

I though I was listening to Ron DeSantis or Donald Trump but with way more more IQ than these two guys.

@GabyWilsonSierralta - 31.08.2023 00:37

After listening this conference of bishop Barron, I came to the conclusion that: a) Bishop Barron mixed theology and philosophy to reach his conclusions which is “unphilosophical” and “antitheoligical”. b) Bishop Barron brought religion to politics something that Jesus never did, but ironically Marxist priests did, specially in Latin America. c) Bishop Barron’s tomist point of view of Christianity is out of touch with modern times, obsolete and already debunked”.

@Susan-vk6rj - 12.08.2023 16:27

We love you.

@Susan-vk6rj - 12.08.2023 16:26

Thank you for your good work.
God bless from France.

@dustinarnold9639 - 08.08.2023 02:29

Skip to minute 22

@parkerhartzog1777 - 07.08.2023 01:40

Beautiful. Wow. So good.

@garylovan630 - 02.08.2023 13:47

Great talk. Hits the philosophical nail on the head. Now I have a problem with the framework, its application only to the left. Most of what the bishop said applies at least as much to Trumpism. I would like to see such an intelligent man give a talk about the philosophical roots of that movement. I see no way it can be reconciled with Catholic social teaching.

@peacesound1101 - 01.08.2023 20:21

The elusiveness of Truth or God is the real meaning of the relativism, not to reduce Truth to opinions.

@peacesound1101 - 01.08.2023 20:18

Wokism is necessary to counter the far-right. Its a balancing act, deliberate so as to pull things back to a middle way.

@tommore3263 - 01.08.2023 09:29

Brilliant. Clear.

@annemcquade7185 - 31.07.2023 22:06

"A system of thought!"
Thank you Bishop Barron.
Have a wonderful life!
Justice and Love- wow!
Amen Glory to God in the Highest level of Love. ❤😘😁😘

@AVMamfortas - 30.07.2023 08:01

Astonishing. He managed to give a simple overview without once mentioning the Satanic drive: the spite and destructiveness of the 20C French philosophical schools, the envy and anger emotional foci and its carry-over chaotic, divisive, anti-human and anti-humane effect on western society. God is neither angry nor envious, nor spiteful.

@frankie8648 - 30.07.2023 07:20

I wish that Bishop Barron would someday share his thoughts and profound insights with we, the less educated and monolingual🤷🏻‍♂️❤️🙏🏼

@danieldougherty5399 - 27.07.2023 20:37

I was left with the question of, ‘why?’ What was the purpose of that speech? Other than to have an opportunity to express his “hate” (his word). Calling out “one political party”? I like a lot of Bishop Barron’s work, but found this to be pretty unnecessary.

@LeeZaslofsky - 25.07.2023 05:30

More right wing bilge. "Philosophy of Woke"? He's going to anal - ize it? LMAO!

@stephenst-pierre9533 - 25.07.2023 04:50

We can not just tee off on Wokeism….the conservatives in America have ceded the high ground of social, political, economic thought to this group…as such in ceding this ground and having taken by such a lets say colorful group…conservatives have allowed manliness and masculinity to be ever more defined as non-intellectual…long past are the days of men like Mark Twain and Teddy Roosevelt being known as men of letters….now all the letters of the alphabet belong to who?….Secondly…the Bishop criticizing these French and German thinkers of the left…I don’t think for one minute they would be in the America left as now known…last the church in the 70s criticized liberation theology….before ‘embracing’ it with a Jesuit Pope…people are longing to more accurately define their history…help them do it….yes…they are not doing it correctly…but there is more to life in America than send me a trickle of your great wealth…and that is how the F did you get all that in the first place…this is the frustration that is coming out here…on a more practical note…I learned so much that I was never taught simply by reading up on the Tulsa Black business take down…sad fact of our history

@bobmagna - 25.07.2023 03:44

Frankly, anti woke is White justification for White supremacy and privilege. Whites love Dinish d'Souza and Barron, but this is an all White love. It's slick and Orwellian and oh so wonderful to White people. Like, stop Black history classes because they don't add "value ". I'm sure that southern White board doesn't have the same values as the truth about Black history. But history should be about what actually happened. Now, anti woke champ Ron DeSantis signs a bill that gives the state an official educational position that slavery was good for the slaves. It must be so nice to be White, intellectually dishonest but say it to the right crowd, it'll work. 2.7k thumbs up for this video. Word on Fire indeed.

@hiddenfromhistory100 - 25.07.2023 00:27

Bishops (and catholics) belong in the scrapheap of history

@edh.9584 - 24.07.2023 20:55

It really is devilish.

@edh.9584 - 24.07.2023 20:51

All God's attributes are one - he is all-powerful but all-good, and his power is the same as his goodness. (He is all truth, all beauty, all goodness, all justice, eternal life, etc., and all are one in God.)

@edh.9584 - 24.07.2023 20:49

Yes, power. That's part of deconstruction theory - ultimately the aim of everyone is power.

@edh.9584 - 24.07.2023 20:48

The difficulty in arguing against Marxism is that it's a complete system, it's entirely wrong. If it were partly right and partly wrong, one could argue against it more easily, but since it's an entire world view, it is either accepted or completely denied.

@edh.9584 - 24.07.2023 20:46

See the book 'The devil and Karl Marx' by Paul Kengor.

@edh.9584 - 24.07.2023 20:40

There is no truth, no absolute truth. It seems a move toward subjectivity that goes totally too far.

@ld4044 - 24.07.2023 04:56

I could do without the sweeping disparagement of “one political party.” The first question asked after the talk and the answer is revealing, and puts the earlier comments in perspective. On this score, I would not mind hearing a thoughtful critique of the “other” — heck, all — political parties based on the standard of love. We all might benefit if this were truly the standard. Good help us all.

@markpogo3182 - 23.07.2023 20:27

People are simple, you're not. When I see the simple left politicians many appear evil while the right appear good. It's as though the left is insincere with their religion. While the right profess their religion not directly but with more compassion

@user-ti1ck3gd2g - 23.07.2023 19:02

wokeism means hate black activism means antiwhite

@josephbabcock8470 - 23.07.2023 17:47

There will never be a US-American pope as that would be seen as putting too much power in one country. Bishop Barron's teaching abilities would be very useful as Pope someday.

@fiachramaccana280 - 23.07.2023 16:37

There is no such thing as wokeism. It is mostly a fantasy of the alt right. At best it is a collection of disparate and unconnected strands which have little in common.

It is sad to see senior hierarchy of the American Catholic Church allow themselves to be hijacked by the alt right. The anti wokiest movement is built on hate and is deeply tied to white supremacy.

40 years the American Catholic Church was in danger of being hijacked by the liberation theology left. It has now turned to the other extreme. Helped by EWTN which has been severely criticized by the Vatican as exceeding its power.

Why cant it just be mainstream like European Catholic Churches? It is high time for an intervention from Rome to disconnect the American church from its alt right Protestant tendencies.

A Catholic bishop has no business addressing a cathedral of alt right capitalism. That is simply not consistent with mainstream Catholic teaching.

Salim Mattar for example is a hard core Bolsanarist which is fascistic movement closely tied to extreme evangelical Protestantism in Brazil

Wake up Bishop Barron!!!! I normally love your stuff. But you make me sad when you go down this road.

@lynpugs - 23.07.2023 07:21

He should talk about how he was part of the cover up of the rape of young boys

@tucknerd - 23.07.2023 05:12

A while back bishop Barron talked with James Lindsay about wokism and I am sure he got a lot of this information from him. Is that conversation available anywhere?

@robinblick9375 - 22.07.2023 20:04

Wokery...a view of life not founded on science, logic, reason and evdence...just like religion. That's why some have called it a new religion. Perhaps this clerical buffoon fears the competition.

@somersetcondosecurity - 22.07.2023 19:11

Wokeism- the synthesis of all bad philosophy.

@williamhogue6429 - 22.07.2023 18:10

Bishop Barron is a Shill for Mammon NOT Good News for the Poor

@acfatemi - 22.07.2023 10:27

Learning mathematics especially mathematical analyses is a powerful antidote to modern french philosofy! The brief course I had to take studying economics kept me sane in dealing with my ”humanist”, artistic mother & sister….

@sylviapuccetti9602 - 21.07.2023 19:59

Your excellency Bishop Barren, Thank you for your enlightening my spirit and mind

@gedat5538 - 21.07.2023 15:08

WOKISM is being AWAKE to everybody else’s prejudices except ones’s own!

@nelsonferreira-aulasdearte - 20.07.2023 20:50

He described the history of philosophy but it's a far cry to claim that Catholic values are superior. They aren't and I even think they're extremely toxic. We all know what organised religion slips into.

@thomasmcculey7942 - 20.07.2023 19:59

Interesting how the seeds of bad philosophy once sown are analogous to a societal A-Bomb. Ie Hitler saw himself as the incarnation of the Nietzschean "Uberman".If Hitler wasn't so blinded by his ego he would of known the folly of trying to invade Russia.

@breathe751 - 20.07.2023 18:45

This is great that discussions can also move to this level, especially looking at philosophical roots of movements in any age. I was a student in the 90's when the post structuralists thinking started to challenge status quo in hermeneutics and Biblical Theology.

However my only critique is that Bishop Barron makes the error of compeltely denying the historical contexts of critical thinkers emphasising power vs victim dynamics in the past as well - why is this important? Well because Europe experienced tremendous revolutions since the fall of the Roman Empire, The Protestant Reformation and several wars and the development of modern warfare technologies which culminated in idealisms of the early 20th centuries and in the end during the world war II. I havent even touched the atrocities committed during the colonial and post colonial ages and now again in Eastern Europe.

Religion was widely used as a very strong advocate of nationalist movements and the Biblical text was applied uncritically to justify nation propaganda.

It is within this dark sides of the power house polarities that , civil rights movements gave birth to post structuralist ideas - that the reader determines the truth of the text - basically be free to apply your own meaning to interpretation (Derrida). Hyper individualism and freedom to break free from status quo ideas and ideologies. But it makes the flawed error that suspicion and collectivist thinking starts to become a totalitarian ideology itself. Any movement needs an inner critic that can help the group to reflect critically about its own paradigm and blind spots.

I agree that power vs victim can lead to massive stigmatisation that has been witnessed under the woke movement, yet critical thinking needs to empower society to ask: what will happen if we continue to hate each other? what will be different? what will change for the good?

@ethanb2554 - 20.07.2023 17:43

I'm thoroughly convinced that the Catholics are the only ones that will be around 1000 years from now after watching this.

@charlieleonard7610 - 20.07.2023 04:14

Thinking determines what you do, or it justifies it

@suesmith2183 - 20.07.2023 01:49

Bishop Barron is one of America's leading intellectuals. PERIOD.

@lukasmakarios4998 - 20.07.2023 00:42

You can skip the first 21 minutes if you came here for Bishop Barron's speech.

@steveagnew3385 - 19.07.2023 20:18

I am a secular Catholic because I believe that Catholic teachings are a good model for living good and moral life but I am not one for rituals like going to churches. The new woke secular Religions are more due to the prevalence of the nihilism and moral relativity of Science than they are due to philosophers like Descartes and Kant. Kant is my go to philosopher, not Aquinas, because Kant's transcendental idealism is a much better model for a good and moral life as well as the universe than Aquinas's greatest good.

In fact, Kant's analytic reason depends on the measurements of Science while his pure reason is the source of Religion as well as math and philosophy and both forms of reason are transcendental. Kant wrote his CofPR to clearly separate Religion from Science, a major part of the Enlightenment, and the new secular woke Religions are simply new forms of Scientism, the secular Religion of Science just like the Enlightenment.

After all, there are many different ways to live good and moral lives besides Catholic social values and teachings as both the Schism and the Reformation well demonstrated. Moreover, Islam, Buddha, Tao, Confucius, and Vedas likewise show how to live good and moral lives and all show tolerance for certain sins of other Religions. The new secular woke Religion's greatest flaw is its arrogant and sanctimonious intolerance of certain sins of other Religions and reliance on the nihilism and relative morality of Science for living a good and moral life. The measurements of Science simply cannot tell us how to live good and moral lives and for that we must depend on our moral intuitions of the Grand Narratives and an acceptance of the transcendentals: beauty, truth, feeling, identity, and consciousness...
