Let's talk Samsung's robot butlers: Bot Handy and Bot Care (CES 2021)

Let's talk Samsung's robot butlers: Bot Handy and Bot Care (CES 2021)

CNET Highlights

3 года назад

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@ryanchoueiri4931 - 13.12.2023 01:01

I assume it can’t go up and down the stairs?

@neno56527 - 22.08.2023 23:24

Can the bot handy milk a cow?

@thecrossing08 - 17.03.2023 23:51

Could it take a baby from the floor and put it in a washing machine?

@johnbalogh7132 - 27.10.2022 22:12

Will Bot Handy ever come to market in the USA? Samsung seems to think the US consumer market is not ready, which leads me to believe the company is out of touch with what the consumer actually wants a robot that can do something, and isn't just a tablet and Alexa on wheels, which can navigate around, and also, it's time we expect more from robots than dance moves.

@shereestallworthy4638 - 25.05.2022 12:14

Is this actually coming to market... I hope so. I have a feeling that if people are willing to spend thousands on a simple t.v. People would be more than willing to fork out thousands for this. I for one will be first in line lol

@inetivable8188 - 26.04.2022 08:22

Bot Handy .... favorite

@TimberMntWolf - 04.07.2021 03:18

Looks awesome, till all the Handy Bots unite and take over and start terminating people. It can happen, I saw the movie.

@jackiemota910 - 29.06.2021 17:45

I love it 👍now I need one that can get the groceries out of the car 🤔

@BOWENSblog - 16.03.2021 17:06

Very interesting. I wouldn't get one but the future looks promising in the next 30 years. Looks like a science fiction movie. Looks good for the environment

@_topikk_ - 30.01.2021 17:05

The Care Bot is just Bixby on wheels, right? With a smartphone in my pocket, smart speakers around the house, a tablet next to me, and a laptop open in front of me, and a computer on my wrist, what is the value proposition of huge and expensive robot to deliver push notifications and do video conferencing?

@angryskullkid95 - 16.01.2021 00:36

So how close am i to r2d2

@louididdy - 14.01.2021 07:31

You look good here my guy! Yes!!!!

@greglialios5673 - 14.01.2021 04:57

The incredible cloudy cephalometrically stop because goal additionly mess up anenst a fantastic call. handsomely, painstaking group

@rubijaniyah4715 - 14.01.2021 02:08

Really nice 👌 😍💋 💝💖❤️

@DeviantDeveloper - 14.01.2021 01:24

Absolute and total BS. And you fell for it.
A 'robot' that tells you what meetings you have, when to stand up, and how to put the wrong dish in the dishwasher.

@DeviantDeveloper - 14.01.2021 01:23

Samsung's new robot called "Hotdog, Not Hotdog"

@DeviantDeveloper - 14.01.2021 01:22

Machine Learning, not AI.
