Cult Experts Reveal How To Re-brainwash A Member of an Evil Cult

Cult Experts Reveal How To Re-brainwash A Member of an Evil Cult

The Infographics Show

4 года назад

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@memeking3589 - 11.06.2021 18:50

this is the 666th comment...

@maximilianhypnose1682 - 12.06.2021 15:36

Of cours kidnapping someone and telling him that their way of life is wrong sounds so logical!
I would bring all kidnappers into prison...

@lifeofty3766 - 17.06.2021 20:03

Very good video! I was an active member of a cult (Mormon) for a long time (12 years) and when I left it was the worst thing ever cuz I developed ptsd, depression, and anxiety. The members kept trying to get me to come back however they could, but I just wanted to be done. Thanks to a very wonderful friend that stuck next to my side, she opened my mind and things have opened up to a new life ^-^

@kaceyelizabeth8955 - 06.07.2021 18:41


@martinblomstrand2369 - 16.07.2021 18:31

Iam sorry. You can too change others and yourself, totally! I have been a Jehovahs wittness for 13 years. Hypnosis and nlp was my rescue together with The CREATOR of the universe. I am now freee!😁☀️💟😎🌶🦁💜

@asasial1977 - 23.07.2021 15:08

What do you do when you realize you were born into a cult of a sorts. Then not even realize it or the abuse until well into adulthood

@amoththatisflyingatyou - 31.07.2021 06:48

Don’t answer random people at the door no matter what , some of them drag you into cults but speaking to you or trying to be friends with you

@opethfantoo3140 - 17.08.2021 21:56

Awesome, rescue someone from a cult and re-brainwash them into another cult that's ruled by 1% of it's population and are basically sick psychopaths themselves.

@marcelszymanski7633 - 14.09.2021 20:13

I know a lot of people brainwashed into the same cultist nonsense: "fetuses are not alive", "poor people should take money by force from rich", "government should be in charge of everything", "we could force people into unwanted medical procedures without moral doubts"... they call themselves "The Leftists" or "Commies" and even sometimes "socialists", i tried talking with them but when i try to engage into meritoric talk they seem uninterested and sometimes react with anger.

I worry about them, how could i help them.

@SSGMK17 - 11.10.2021 12:18

Someone forward this to Tom Cruise.

@Redsiix - 16.12.2021 11:49

Trump cults are pretty outragous. I don't think deprogramming methods will work.

@mylife-23 - 24.12.2021 06:28

Any fellow Ex-Jws here?

@annabell3385 - 19.01.2022 18:37

It seems like modern life and pop culture is brainwashing people into self harm, paranoia, and fear. How can that be shaken off?

@Ghoulwood - 31.01.2022 15:04

its just realization the best way to never be brainwashed is to never create an imagined image of a person or a thing when you create expectations you also create an imagination of the person or thing you look up to this is what brainwashing is we do it to ourselves all the time if you just remember this a person will convince themselves of anything do not let anything outside of you dictate how you feel inside you will likely never be brainwashed if you do this because when you see everything at eye level it doesnt create an imagined image of a person or thing allowing you to see this person or thing for who or what it is always willing endless health to you & yours!

@matthewmarshall1508 - 22.02.2022 01:11

Cant be trusted

@tonyamartin1425 - 27.02.2022 23:04

useless no real info

@xKONYAKJAK - 01.03.2022 00:31

happened to me bruh

@MAGAWITCH1990 - 02.03.2022 00:15

I don't agree with your assessment on the old way of deprogramming a cult Survivor, sometimes when a family member is so far into it you have to take back what is yours by force

@dyjgduonfdy - 21.03.2022 05:06

"your mask protects me, my mask protects you" "you have to get vaccinated because masks don't work, you have to keep wearing your mask because the vaccine doesn't work" -said many cult members

@lyricberlin - 13.04.2022 05:48

trumpers are a cult

@WindPortal - 09.05.2022 20:24

There were a lot of charismatic leaders who founded certain religions. That's all I will say.

@Imayebrook - 07.06.2022 17:35


@noel7777noel - 09.06.2022 01:47

It ends with a kiteboarder.

@metrocardful - 29.07.2022 23:24

A person with a developed Self will not fall victim to a cult.

@Solitario9475 - 19.08.2022 15:37

Where do I go to sign up for a cult cause I really like the look of wearing robes and praising a guy with both a goats head and legs

@Solitario9475 - 19.08.2022 15:40

Two wrongs don’t make a right but if there were no wrong there would be no right so sometimes you gotta do wrong to create right

@Xyleryx - 14.10.2022 19:26

Reminds me of serving in the military

@caesarius2004 - 14.10.2022 23:50

I want to leave my religious cult, I am a "non-believer in the closet" and although I know it's just brainwashing what hapoens there, it still hits me quite hard. Started looking for videos like these. They're great.

@panoskakkavas4022 - 02.11.2022 10:58

Living in Greece where religion is ALWAYS treated as paramount for citizens means that cults are especially pesky , annoying and persistent in their ways to turn people into their clutches . Jahova's Witnesses are the most prominent of them - these people can literally knock on your door during Sunday meal to try and recruit you to their " cause " The phenomenon is thankfully in decline for the past years .

@martinbraden7110 - 13.11.2022 04:12

Not, re-brainwash, that is the same as trading one addiction for another - so, the 'new' addiction reinforces the old. De-hypnotize a person and he or she will be un-confused. Mental illness is identified as some sort of confusion. Cognitive stability is based in becoming less confused.

@bajadhuunyare3785 - 09.02.2023 09:05

This topic is interesting could you do more of this topic it covers alot of erea

@toddedmunds9672 - 23.02.2023 11:03

Giant balloon of Trump in a diaper would do it.

@Touhou20246 - 19.05.2023 06:28

Great so basically just force blindly parents of cult members to give up on their kids if the therapy to deprogram them from being a part of a cult great just great.😑🙄😞😒😔

@clqudy4750 - 23.05.2023 17:34

It's both fascinating and horrifying to know how many people out there who are susceptible to being indoctrinated into cults, especially of the religious types. I believe this stems from an unstable upbringing that doesn't allow critical thinking skills to develop. Unfortunately, since one cannot impose their will by force upon others, even if it's a dear family member, one can all but forget about reversing someone's involvement into these groups. This is especially frustrating knowing these groups are motivated by profit and control, and that they're exploiting otherwise good people. The only thing one can really do is to recognize the person's involvement, state your position clearly that you don't want anything to do with their cult or religious organization, and leave them alone. It's sad, but why let your life be consumed by trying to undo the indoctrinating damage that's been done? Just let them go and move on.

@Touhou20246 - 05.06.2023 06:11

The key word being voluntarily aka basically just give up on said friend or family member and just let them be a blindly obedient cult member and just disown them untill they actually decide to not be a part of any cult at all.

@murnoth - 02.07.2023 08:40

PTSD trigger warning: Something I discovered from my experience is that a cult is just a microcosm of bigger organizations. At some point in the past, Your country grew it's formation by gaining control and compliance of multitudes of people and you are a generation born within it and have adopted it's ideology by default of your environment aka Hegemony. I admit to myself that I "float"

@Barsee23 - 07.07.2023 01:11

isn't the correct term unbrainwashing

@ResidentOne - 14.08.2023 03:02

Any Ex-CoC (Church of Christ) here?

@quanghuynguyenang8455 - 20.09.2023 18:17

My way seem abit more funtional... "Losing All Hope is true Freedom because cult leaders are the best seller of 'hope and dream' as a price of your life and your mind."

@shashankkulkarni993 - 30.10.2023 22:06

You tube brainwashing cluts many TRY 😅😅😅

@kallelellacevej2234 - 19.01.2024 14:52

Kidnapping sounds like it works while counseling/therapy sounds wishy-washy and ineffectual.

@PaulStevens-z8b - 18.02.2024 14:08

Just what we need for MAGA.

@sluggodna - 18.03.2024 23:01

Someone wouldn't happen to of found the lost name of creation yet, would you?
Occult doesn't use names from the Bible. If you have a name from the Bible? Sit down.
Illuminati is pure German.
If you are not pure German? Sit down.
Wiccan has never left England.
They have a burn on their chest.
If you do not have a burn? Sit down.
Cults have never touched a bible.
If you've touched a bible? Sit down.
If you have celebrated Christmas, Saint Patrick's Day, Easter? Sit down.
Now, For those standing up? Go find the name...

@gior3328 - 15.04.2024 23:10


@yohanneslong1970 - 03.07.2024 20:31

Bro just explain how Islam works

@brittneybrown4849 - 13.08.2024 00:43

MAGA is now a cult 💯

@TheSentientCloud - 22.08.2024 06:58

Doesn't really help when the cult was caused by an infohazard.

@chichan9013 - 14.12.2019 17:15

Just use the Neuralizer from Men in Black, the problem is its in Area 51. We need to do a second raid.
