Hieu Minh Nguyen - Hosting

Hieu Minh Nguyen - Hosting

Button Poetry

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@Christine-tp5pv - 24.05.2019 13:42


@tommieturgeon3783 - 08.08.2018 20:02

This is from his book, “Not Here”

@mileena3332 - 25.07.2018 05:21

Button poetry has really shown me not to hide my creative side and ive always written poetry and I have started to write more, im only 13 but I think this poem really shows what I went through as a kid and what I think now about my weight this poem ive made is called Perspective. I never really knew what it meant when they would tell me that I was fat, see when you’re a young kid you don't care about that; but they don't realize it either; that it could hurt you once you figured out what it truly meant, since you were just a kid you were considered braindead. Until you opened your eyes and saw what they saw. I did. And I didn't see the beautiful girl everyone saw; I saw everything that people criticized me about, I got labels pinned to me, not sticky notes that I could easily rub off; I got pins which hurt to take off, so I just left them on and faced it every day looking into the mirror telling myself, " why don't you have a thigh gap? Why don't you have skinny arms and perfect collarbones? You look ugly in this shirt; just look at your face. Why aren't you skinny enough? Why don't you look like those other girls? Skip every meal today, just forget you're hungry everyday... I think maybe I can replace meals with other things to do; I thought standing in front of the mirror, naked, staring at those numbers like I had nothing else better to do; telling myself you've had enough today any way. I thought that doing that hurt but going into the public world made it worse, since I was terrified to see people's actions when they would glance at me... See when I was younger I was pinned with multiple labels, but one is still there and has kept me thinking six years later. Yes, I still have that label, but it's gone, crumpled because learned to love myself and I would have been dying than recovering. If I didn't I would cry every night and sometimes days and go about my day trying, crying in the inside knowing that I wasn't alright because before I start my day I made sure to put on my mask, the face in which people saw happiness instead of sadness. But behind that mask was like broken glass; I seek revenge on this body of mine but question myself...why?

@robbiewmartin - 25.07.2018 04:50

i cant stop talking about desire
i used to think of it as a pane of glass i would press my face against and then one day it came
one day i fell through the glass, or the boy, or the men and their many faces until i was just a thin coat of leather on everyones teeth

@niky9965 - 25.07.2018 02:46

I didn't get it.

@awallei_o3727 - 25.07.2018 02:35


@jakemagnificentkiwi - 25.07.2018 01:24

YES this poem is amazing

@skyecalame-pennington5932 - 25.07.2018 00:22

Stunning. So personal, raw, and intimate... Beautiful...

@rylaskye7868 - 25.07.2018 00:04

First commenter

@rylaskye7868 - 25.07.2018 00:04

Powerful words 💕💕💕💕😩😩😩
